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Zur Kasse

17 Ergebnisse.

Saved by Grace through Faith or Saved by Decree?

Robinson, Geoffrey D.
Saved by Grace through Faith or Saved by Decree?
This work addresses a topic of interest to many people who are seeking to better understand the Christian doctrine of salvation (soteriology). It is written to provide a systematic biblical and theological critique of a particularly popular perspective of this doctrine that has seen something of a resurgence in recent years, namely Calvinism. The book is structured around the so-called five points of Calvinism, commonly referred to by the acro...

CHF 59.90

Saved by Grace through Faith or Saved by Decree?

Robinson, Geoffrey D.
Saved by Grace through Faith or Saved by Decree?
This work addresses a topic of interest to many people who are seeking to better understand the Christian doctrine of salvation (soteriology). It is written to provide a systematic biblical and theological critique of a particularly popular perspective of this doctrine that has seen something of a resurgence in recent years, namely Calvinism. The book is structured around the so-called five points of Calvinism, commonly referred to by the acro...

CHF 78.00

The Dark Side of Paradise

Robinson, Geoffrey
The Dark Side of Paradise
The Dark Side of Paradise" is an attempt to put the politics back into Bali's 20th-century history. Exploring both Indonesian and Dutch sources, Geoffrey Robinson analyzes the class tensions between aristocrats and commoners during the late colonial period. This work demolishes the fiction of the "peaceful Balinese" that pervades academic and popular literature, and places modern political history directly into the middle of Balinese scholarship.

CHF 59.50

Macht, Sexualität und die katholische Kirche

Robinson, Geoffrey
Macht, Sexualität und die katholische Kirche
Ein Buch - in der gegenwärtigen Krise von trauriger Aktualität!" Hans KüngSex und Macht, das sind die miteinander zusammenhängenden zentralen Themen des Buches des australischen Bischofs Geoffrey Robinson. Er distanziert sich von der überkommenen Sexuallehre der katholischen Kirche sowie von deren inneren Machtstrukturen. Nach dem Rücktritt als Leiter der australischen bischöflichen Kommission zur Aufklärung sexuellen Missbrauchs durch Klerike...

CHF 26.50

Old Lions

Robinson, Geoffrey
Old Lions
Even old guys are dangerous if you push the right button. When the daughter of Jim Phillips, a long-retired Special Operator, is threatened by professional criminals, and the law itself restricts the response of law enforcement agents, Jim and his band of retired military buddies know that one more Op is called for. Using the invisibility of age, and the ability to plan for any contingency, a team of old friends gather to plan the elimination ...

CHF 43.90

Old Lions

Robinson, Geoffrey
Old Lions
Even old guys are dangerous if you push the right button. When the daughter of Jim Phillips, a long-retired Special Operator, is threatened by professional criminals, and the law itself restricts the response of law enforcement agents, Jim and his band of retired military buddies know that one more Op is called for. Using the invisibility of age, and the ability to plan for any contingency, a team of old friends gather to plan the elimination ...

CHF 28.90

The Whisperer

Robinson, Geoffrey
The Whisperer
Do something. Even if its wrong. As an Investigative Reporter she was no stranger to upsetting society's bad actors. If you made your living sticking it to other people, you should be upset, when you get caught. Proving a link between South American police officials and the counterfeiting cartel had seemed right up her ally, but nothing had prepared her for being kidnapped and virtually abandoned to nature in the Amazon jungle. Being rescued h...

CHF 45.50

Poder y sexualidad en la Iglesia : reivindicar el espírit...

Robinson, Geoffrey / Amado Mier, Milagros
Poder y sexualidad en la Iglesia : reivindicar el espíritu de Jesús
Basándose en su propia experiencia a la hora de reaccionar frente a los abusos sexuales por parte de algunos clérigos, el obispo Geoffrey Robinson presenta una crítica metódica del uso y abuso del poder en la Iglesia, desde las proclamaciones infalibles por parte del papado hasta la pretensión de numerosos sacerdotes de gozar del respaldo de la autoridad divina en su labor de predicación e indoctrinación.Apelando a la Biblia y, sobre todo, a l...

CHF 32.50

Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church: Reclaim...

Robinson, Geoffrey / Cozzens, Donald B.
Confronting Power and Sex in the Catholic Church: Reclaiming the Spirit of Jesus
Drawing on his own experience in responding to abuse, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson in this explosive work methodically offers a critique of the church's use and misuse of power, from the pope proclaiming infallibly down to the preacher claiming a divine authority for every word spoken from the pulpit. Going back to the Bible and, above all, to the teaching of Jesus, he presents an approach to sexual morality that is profound, compassionate, and pe...

CHF 34.90

Time for Life

Robinson, John / Godbey, Geoffrey
Time for Life
A controversial study about the ways Americans perceive and use leisure time -- updated to include 1995-1997 data.Is it possible that Americans have more free time than they did thirty years ago? While few may believe it, research based on careful records of how we actually spend our time shows that we average more than an hour more free time per day than in the 1960s. Time-use experts John P. Robinson and Geoffrey Godbey received national att...

CHF 51.50