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132 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

La Guerre de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
La Guerre de l'Alpha
Je t'ai marquée. Tu m'appartiens.NashJ'ai survécu à des attentats-suicides en zones de guerre. Aux labos des prisons de métamorphes. Aux pires tortures imaginables. J'ai tout supporté. Rien ne m'a brisé... jusqu'à ce qu'ils enferment une belle lionne dans ma cage. Nous avons partagé une nuit ensemble avant que nos geôliers nous séparent de force.Je suis maintenant libre, et mon lion est devenu fou. Il va me détruire si je ne retrouve pas ma co...

CHF 20.90

Seine gefangene Sterbliche

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Seine gefangene Sterbliche
Die süße kleine Sterbliche ist jetzt meine Gefangene ...Seit Jahrhunderten habe ich unter einem Fluch gelitten und unermüdlich nach der Frau gesucht, die ihn brechen kann. Jetzt habe ich sie in einer dunklen Gasse gefunden, als sie nachts nach Hause ging.Sie versucht zu kämpfen, aber es gibt kein Entkommen. Sie ist meine Gefangene. Ich werde sie behalten, bis sie herausfindet, wie sie mich befreien kann. Sie ist angriffslustig, aber ich habe j...

CHF 20.90

Le Fléau de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Le Fléau de l'Alpha
Elle a gâché ma vie et m'a fait bannir de la meute.La seule vengeance que je désire, c'est elle.TreyJe n'aurais jamais pensé être avec une fille comme Sheridan. Une princesse de la meute, belle, intelligente, membre de l'élite. Elle m'a choisi. Elle m'a donné son coeur, son innocence.La faire souffrir est mon plus grand regret. Mais elle nous a trahis.À présent, elle est de retour , on l'a envoyée pour espionner notre meute.Elle veut se venger...

CHF 21.90

La Mission de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
La Mission de l'Alpha
LE MONSTRE LA VEUT. RIEN NE L'ARRÊTERA. Je suis devenu un monstre.J'entends le sang battre dans les veines des gens. Je sens l'odeur de leurs émotions.Je veux me nourrir. Chasser. M'accoupler...Je ne suis plus humain... ma vie est finie.J'ai quitté tous ceux que j'aime. Je me suis désolidarisé de la CIA.Mon agente de liaison est mon unique espoir.Annabel Gray est assez coriace pour tenir tête à mon monstre. Si je perds le contrôle, elle n'hési...

CHF 19.50

Segreto Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Segreto Alfa
LEI APPARTIENE AL MIO NEMICO. NON MI FERMERÒ FINCHÉ NON SARÀ MIA.Sono il predatore estremo. Vivo secondo un codice. Cacciare o essere cacciati. Uccidere o essere uccisi.Poi incontro lei. Nell'istante in cui colgo il suo odore, capisco che è fatta per me. È nata per portare il mio marchio, e io sono nato per proteggerla.Prima che la prendessi, apparteneva al mio nemico. Ora lui la rivuole indietro. Scatenerà una guerra per riaverla, ma nessuno ...

CHF 20.90

Tormento Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Tormento Alfa
Mi ha rovinato la vita: mi ha fatto cacciare dal branco. L'unica vendetta che bramo è lei.TreyNon avrei mai pensato di poter avere una ragazza come Sheridan. Una principessa in tutto e per tutto: bella, intelligente, una d'élite. È stata lei a scegliermi. Mi ha dato il suo cuore, la sua innocenza.Averla ferita è il mio più grosso rammarico. Ma poi lei ha tradito tutti noi.Ora è tornata: mandata a spiare il nostro branco.Vuole vendetta.Ma il mi...

CHF 20.90

Guerra Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Guerra Alfa
Ti ho marchiata. Mi appartieni.NashSono sopravvissuto a missioni suicide in zone di guerra. A laboratori-prigione per mutanti. Alle peggiori torture immaginabili.Ho accettato tutto. Niente mi ha messo al tappeto, fino a che non hanno fatto entrare nella mia gabbia una meravigliosa leonessa. Abbiamo passato insieme una notte, prima che i nostri aguzzini ci separassero.Ma ora sono libero e il mio leone sta diventando matto. Mi distruggerà da den...

CHF 19.50

Alpha's Revenge

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Revenge
This is insane. This human-beautiful though she may be-can't be my mate.I learned the hard way what it's like to lose people you love.As an alpha, I vowed never to let that happen again.That means keeping my focus. Never letting my guard down.And, most of all, staying away from civilians - i.e. humans.But the feisty chocolatier has me breaking my own rules.The beautiful female tests my patience... and all my control.I should stay away. I can't...

CHF 19.50

Le Désir de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Le Désir de l'Alpha
Elle est la seule que ce séducteur ne peut pas avoir. Une humaine.Je meurs d'envie de revendiquer la rousse qui met le feu dans le club tous les samedis soir.J'ai envie de l'entraîner dans la réserve pour la faire crier, mais ce ne serait pas une bonne idée.Elle est trop pure. Trop innocente. Trop passionnée.Trop humaine.Quand elle apprend mon secret, mon alpha me donne l'ordre de faire effacer sa mémoire.Mais je refuse.Pourtant, je ne peux pa...

CHF 20.90

L'Obsession de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
L'Obsession de l'Alpha
Un loup, un hibou métamorphe et une scientifique entrent dans un bar...SamJe suis né dans un laboratoire, des humains m'ont élevé, puis torturé dans une cage. Le destin m'a permis de m'échapper, et je sais pourquoi.Pour rétablir la justice. Punir les méfaits des moissonneurs.Rien ne compte à part faire tomber l'homme qui a fait de moi ce que je suis : un monstre assoiffé de vengeance, à n'importe quel prix.Puis je rencontre Layne. Elle me pren...

CHF 20.90

Alpha's Sun

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Sun
HOW TO DATE A HUMAN:1. Just say no.Sunny Hines is the most infuriating female I've ever met.Long hair, big sunny smile, cute little freckles, yoga-tight body.Delicious scent.2. Resist the urge to claim. Walk away.My wolf wants to mark her, but there's no way in hell I'm falling for a human.This pretty little hippie human is driving me crazy.Two years ago, I had her beneath me, howling my name, until she left.Now she's back, but she's not going...

CHF 19.50

Alpha's Temptation

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Temptation
MINE TO PROTECT. MINE TO PUNISH. MINE.I'm a lone wolf, and I like it that way. Banished from my birth pack after a bloodbath, I never wanted a mate.Then I meet Kylie. My temptation. We're trapped in an elevator together, and her panic almost makes her pass out in my arms. She's strong, but broken. And she's hiding something.My wolf wants to claim her. But she's human, and her delicate flesh won't survive a wolf's mark.I'm too dangerous. I shou...

CHF 20.90

Ossessione Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Ossessione Alfa
Un lupo mannaro, un gufo mutante e una scienziata entrano in un bar...SamSono nato in un laboratorio, dato in affidamento a degli umani e poi torturato in una gabbia. Il destino mi ha permesso di scappare, e non so perché.Per tenere in equilibrio la bilancia della giustizia. Risolvere le malefatte dei mietitori.Niente conta di più che eliminare l'uomo che mi ha reso ciò che sono: un mostro guidato dallo spirito di vendetta, a tutti costi.Poi i...

CHF 19.50

Alpha's Challenge

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Challenge
How to Date a Werewolf:#1 Never call him 'Good Doggie.'I've got a problem. A big, hairy problem. An enforcer from the Werewolves Motorcycle Club broke into my house. He thinks I know the Werewolves' secret, and the pack sent him to guard me.#2 During a full moon, be ready to get freakyBy the time he decides I'm no threat, it's too late. His wolf has claimed me for his mate.Too bad we can't stand each other...# 3 Bad girls get eaten in the bedr...

CHF 21.90

Alpha's Secret

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Secret
SHE BELONGS TO MY ENEMY. I WON'T STOP UNTIL SHE'S MINE.Grizz:I'm the ultimate predator. I live by a code. Hunt or be hunted. Kill or be killed.Then I meet her. The second I catch her scent, I know she was meant for me. She was born to wear my mark and I was born to protect her.She belonged to my enemy until I took her. He wants her back. He'll wage war to get her, but no one's taking her from me.She's mine, and I'm not letting her go.*This ste...

CHF 21.90

Alpha's Prize

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Prize
MY CAPTIVE. MY MATE. MY PRIZE.I didn't order the capture of the beautiful American she-wolf. I didn't buy her from the traffickers. I didn't even plan to claim her. But no male shifter could have withstood the test of a full moon and a locked room with Sedona, naked and shackled to the bed.I lost control, not only claiming her, but also marking her, and leaving her pregnant with my wolfpup. I won't keep her prisoner, as much as I'd like to. I ...

CHF 21.90

Alphas Schwur

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alphas Schwur
Der süße Mensch ist schwanger mit meinem Welpen.Wir verbrachten eine Nacht miteinander und dann kappte sie jegliche Verbindung zu mir. Anscheinend bin ich nicht Teil ihres "Lebensplans".Was auch immer, Baby. Pläne ändern sich.Sie denkt, ich bin ein Player. Dass ich nicht bleiben werde. Sie denkt, dass ich nicht dafür gemacht bin, Vater zu sein.Dass ich nicht einfach alles stehen und liegen lassen und mein Leben unserem Baby widmen werde. Unser...

CHF 21.90

Alpha's Prey

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Prey
BENDING HER TO THE BEAR'S WILLThe human thinks I'm stalking her. Maybe I am.But I'm not the only one.There's something evil in these woods and it preys on single women.I'm not about to let the sexy scientist fall into its lair.Even if that means holding her prisoner in my cabin.Keeping her where I can see her at all times.Bending her to my bear's will.Just until the storm passes. Until her research is finished.Then I'll let her go.I swear.Publ...

CHF 20.90

Alpha's Desire

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Desire
She's the one girl this player can't have. A human.I'm dying to claim the redhead who lights up the club every Saturday night.I want to pull her into the storeroom and make her scream, but it wouldn't be right.She's too pure. Too fresh. Too passionate.Too human.When she learns my secret, my alpha orders me to wipe her memories.But I won't do it.Still, I'm not mate material-I can't mark her and bring her into the pack.What in the hell am I goin...

CHF 20.90

Alpha's Bane

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Bane
She ruined my life, got me thrown out of the pack.The only revenge I crave is her.TreyI never thought I'd have a girl like Sheridan. A pack princess-beautiful, smart, one of the elite. She picked me. She gave me her heart, her innocence.Hurting her was my biggest regret. But then she betrayed us all.Now she's back-sent to spy on our pack.She wants revenge.But my wolf...he just wants her.SheridanHe crushed my heart and broke my trust. I ruined ...

CHF 21.90