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166 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

The Director

Rose, Renee
The Director
NO ONE TAKES WHAT'S MINE. The lovely attorney kept a secret from me. A baby she's been carrying since Valentine's night. The night we were thrown together by the roulette wheel. She never contacted me. Meant to keep me in the dark. She's about to find out what happens when you cross a bratva boss. Punishment is in order. Sequestering until the birth. And I'll use that time to win her surrender. Because I don't just plan to keep the baby-I plan...

CHF 22.50

La luna dell'Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
La luna dell'Alfa
Il mio alfa mi ha ordinato di stare alla larga dagli umani. Il mio lupo è fortemente instabile. Quasi rabbioso. Non ci si può fidare di me, quando sto accanto a civili. Di certo non con l'adorabile insegnante di scuola materna, con quell'odore che mi fa diventare matto. Ma ha bisogno di un finto amico per un matrimonio nel finesettimana. Un tipo grande e grosso che intimidisca il suo ex. Come posso rifiutare? E poi non sarà come disobbedire di...

CHF 20.50

Alpha's Blood

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alpha's Blood
I BOUGHT HER. I OWN HER. BUT SHE'LL NEVER BE MINE... A Vampire King... The moment she stepped on stage, I had to have her in my bed. My submissive, kneeling at my feet. But this captive virgin is more than what she seems... A spy in my kingdom. A weapon honed by my enemy. She hates me, but hate is a passion perilously close to love... A captured queen... All my life I've trained for one purpose. One ultimate goal: kill the Vampire King. I ...

CHF 19.90

Don't Tease Me

Rose, Renee
Don't Tease Me
I own you now. Desperate and alone, I strike a bargain with a mafia boss. I make myself available to him, he pays my bills. I'm his beck-and-call-girl. He's my sugar daddy. Bobby Manghini owns me-that's our arrangement. Giving myself to him is easy. He may be older, but he's sinfully sexy. Skillful in bed. It's a win-win for both of us, so long as I remember one thing: Don't fall in love. Bobby calls the shots, but he doesn't play for keep...

CHF 20.90

Don't Make Me

Rose, Renee
Don't Make Me
HE'S FORBIDDEN TO TOUCH ME. I'm the Don's daughter. A mafia princess. He's my father's right-hand man. When Carlo catches me taking my clothes off in a strip club, he wants to haul me into my father's office. I suggest an alternative-one more pleasurable for both of us. He can handle my punishment. Dominate me the way he's always wanted. Take care of my needs and, most importantly, keep my secret. But we're playing with fire. Every day, I...

CHF 20.90

Alphas Feuer

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alphas Feuer
Ich habe 1000 Jahre auf meine Gefährtin gewartet. Wenn sie mich ablehnt, werde ich die Welt niederbrennen. Sie weckte den Drachen auf. Jede Maid träumt davon, von einem gut aussehenden Prinzen vor einem tödlichen Drachen gerettet zu werden. Aber ich bin Prinz und Drache. Uralte Balzrituale verlangen, dass ich meine Braut entführe. Sie in meinem hohen Turm einsperre. Ihr meine Schätze, meine gewaltigen Ländereien und Armeen zeige. Ich habe all ...

CHF 22.50

The Player

Rose, Renee
The Player
MY BRATVA BROTHER WILL KILL HIM IF HE TOUCHES ME. Flynn Taylor, rock 'n roll heartthrob, plays fast and loose. He's with different girls every night. Yes, girls plural. On the brink of becoming not just a Chicago sensation, but an American icon, he's everything I should avoid. Then again, maybe it doesn't matter. I'm so damaged, I'm not even capable of a relationship. He might be the perfect antidote. The temptation I need to lure me back to ...

CHF 20.50

Le Secret de l'Alpha

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Le Secret de l'Alpha
ELLE APPARTIENT À MON ENNEMI. JE N'ARRÊTERAI PAS AVANT QU'ELLE SOIT MIENNE. Je suis le prédateur par excellence. Je vis selon un code. Chasser ou être chassé. Tuer ou être tué. Puis je la rencontre. À l'instant où je sens son parfum, je sais qu'elle est faite pour moi. Elle est née pour porter ma marque, et moi pour la protéger. Elle appartenait à mon ennemi jusqu'à ce que je la prenne avec moi. Il veut la récupérer. Il est prêt à partir en gu...

CHF 22.50

Die Jungfrau und der Vampir

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Die Jungfrau und der Vampir
Die Jungfrau trifft auf den Vampir. Sie betritt den Club Toxic, eine Unschuldige, die nur darauf wartet, genommen zu werden. Eine Jungfrau, die sich willentlich der Nacht opfert. Ich bin das Monster in den Schatten mit einem Hunger auf Blut und unbändigem Verlangen. Ich werde sie die Lasterhaftigkeit lehren. Ich werde lernen, ihr Ritter in glänzender Rüstung zu sein. Sie glaubt, dies sei ein Märchen. Das Gute bezwingt das Böse, die Morgendämme...

CHF 15.50

Write to Riches Journal

Rose, Renee
Write to Riches Journal
The Write to Riches Journal is a companion workbook to be used in conjunction with Write to Riches: 7 Practical Steps to Manifest Abundance from Your Books. The workbook includes summaries of the steps, meditations, home play exercises, and freewriting prompts to journal your way to abundance.

CHF 19.50

Write to Riches

Rose, Renee
Write to Riches
Are you tired of the grind? Sick of the agony, constant striving, and disappointment of your author career? Are you ready to transform it into something that matches your dreams? Do you want to:Attract raving fans Have your books go viral Hit bestseller lists Feel inspired, and love both your books and your process Create wealth beyond what you've imagined from your books? Write to Riches will teach you the power of abundance mindset, manife...

CHF 24.90

La vierge et le vampire

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
La vierge et le vampire
Elle pénètre dans le club Toxic, une innocente prête à être prise. Une vierge se sacrifiant volontairement à la nuit. Elle s'imagine en plein conte de fées. Le bien triomphant du mal, l'aube conquérant la nuit. Son amour est pur, le mien est cruel. Je vais lui apprendre la malice. Je suis le monstre tapi dans l'ombre, affamé de sang et animé d'un désir indompté. Je lui donnerai la noirceur dont elle brûle. Et elle me donnera la lumière.

CHF 15.50

Il sole dell'Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Il sole dell'Alfa
COME FREQUENTARE UNA DONNA UMANA: 1. Basta dire di no. Sunny Hines è la donna più esasperante che abbia mai conosciuto. Capelli lunghi, sorriso radioso e solare, graziose lentiggini, corpo sodo e in forma, tipico di chi fa yoga. Un odore delizioso. 2. Resisti all'impulso di farla tua. Vattene. Il mio lupo vuole marchiarla, ma non mi innamorerò mai di un'umana, non se ne parla. Questa graziosa umana hippie mi sta facendo diventare matto. Du...

CHF 17.90

La preda dell'Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
La preda dell'Alfa
PIEGARLA ALLA VOLONTÀ DELL'ORSO L'umana pensa che la stia perseguitando. Forse lo sto anche facendo. Ma non sono il solo. C'è qualcosa di malvagio in questi boschi, e dà la caccia alle donne sole. Non permetterò che la scienziata sexy finisca nel suo covo. Anche se significa tenerla prigioniera nella mia baita. Trattenendola dove posso vederla di continuo. Piegandola al volere del mio orso. Solo finché la tempesta non sarà passata. Fino a che ...

CHF 20.90

Alphas Rettung

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
Alphas Rettung
Der kurvige Mensch hat meine Verwandlung beobachtet - jetzt kann sie nie wieder gehen. Ich nahm das attraktive Weibchen mit seinen knallpinken Zöpfen gefangen. Sie war unerlaubt auf unserem Berg unterwegs. Sie sah meinen Bären. Da unser Land bereits bedroht wird, muss ich sie bei mir festhalten, bis ich in Erfahrung bringen kann, woran sie sich erinnert. Außerdem schwebt sie in Gefahr. Ihr Bruder will ihren Tod und sie braucht meinen Schutz....

CHF 22.50

El reto del Alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
El reto del Alfa
Cómo salir con un hombre lobo: #1 Nunca lo llames buen perrito. Tengo un problema. Un grande, peludo y excitante... problema. Un ejecutor de los hombres lobo irrumpió en mi casa y se niega a irse. Él piensa que conozco un secreto suyo y está aquí para mantenerme callada. #2 Durante una luna llena, prepárate para volverte loca. Para cuando decide que no soy una amenaza, ya es demasiado tarde. Su lobo me ha reclamado como su compañera. Lásti...

CHF 22.50

El peligro del alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
El peligro del alfa
ROMPISTE LAS REGLAS, PEQUEÑA HUMANA. AHORA ME PERTENECES. Soy un lobo alfa, uno de los más jóvenes de Estados Unidos. Puedo elegir a cualquier loba de la manada como pareja. Entonces, ¿por qué estoy cortejando a mi vecina, la sexy abogada? En el momento en que percibo el dulce aroma de Amber, mi lobo quiere reclamarla. Merodearla es una mala idea, pero no sigo las reglas. Amber actúa de forma muy formal y apropiada, pero también tiene un s...

CHF 20.90

El premio del alfa

Rose, Renee / Savino, Lee
El premio del alfa
MI CAUTIVA. MI COMPAÑERA. MI PREMIO No ordené la captura de la hermosa loba americana. No se la compré a los traficantes. Ni siquiera pensaba reclamarla. Pero ningún cambiante masculino podría haber resistido la prueba de la luna llena y una habitación cerrada con Sedona, desnuda y encadenado a la cama. Perdí el control, no solo reclamándola, sino también marcándola y dejándola embarazada de mi cachorro. No la mantendré prisionera, aunque es l...

CHF 21.90

The Bookie

Rose, Renee
The Bookie
I BARGAINED WITH THE BRATVA-- MY BROTHER'S LIFE FOR MY OWN. They offered me a deal: thirty nights for my brother's life. Thirty nights...with him. Nikolai Novikov. The charming but dangerous loanshark. He's deceptively smooth. Sinfully handsome. Addictive, even. But it's only an illusion. I vow to give him nothing more than I promised, Yet he sees right through me. When it comes to my heart, all bets are off... And winner takes all.

CHF 18.90

The Cleaner

Rose, Renee
The Cleaner
I CAPTURED THE CRIME LORD'S DAUGHTER She will pay the price for her father's sin. I'll use my beautiful prisoner to get him. To make him suffer. Make him believe I'm hurting her the way he harmed my sister. And when I'm done tormenting him, I will offer a trade: her life for his. I owe him a slow, painful death. Revenge is my due. But Kateryna is strong in ways I didn't expect. Broken before I ever got to her, she's a willing participant for m...

CHF 18.90