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17 Ergebnisse.

Strength in Stillness

Roth, Bob
Strength in Stillness
Instant New York Times Bestseller A simple, straightforward exploration of Transcendental Meditation and its benefits from world authority Bob Roth.Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele Bündchen. What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past fifty years helping many thousands of people access...

CHF 31.90

Nico - Die Sängerin der Nacht

Roth, Mari / Pages, Svenja
Nico - Die Sängerin der Nacht
Nico - Andy Warhols Muse, charismatische Sängerin, Ikone der Sechziger. Die junge Christa Päffgen ist anders - groß, still und schön wird sie das erste Supermodel Deutschlands. Doch das genügt ihr bald nicht mehr, sie geht nach Paris und nennt sich »Nico«. Als blonde Femme fatale spielt sie in Fellinis »La Dolce Vita« und verliebt sich in Alain Delon, die Affäre scheitert jedoch. Dann erkennt Andy Warhol in ihr seine Muse, und sie wird als düs...

CHF 21.50

Nico - Die Sängerin der Nacht

Roth, Mari
Nico - Die Sängerin der Nacht
Nico - Andy Warhols Muse, charismatische Sängerin, Ikone der Sechziger.Die junge Christa Päffgen ist anders - groß, still und schön wird sie das erste Supermodel Deutschlands. Doch das genügt ihr bald nicht mehr, sie geht nach Paris und nennt sich »Nico«. Als blonde Femme fatale spielt sie in Fellinis »La Dolce Vita« und verliebt sich in Alain Delon, die Affäre scheitert jedoch. Dann erkennt Andy Warhol in ihr seine Muse, und sie wird als düst...

CHF 18.50

La Fuerza de la Quietud / Strength in Stillness

Roth, Bob
La Fuerza de la Quietud / Strength in Stillness
Aprende qué es y cómo funciona la meditación trascendental, la mejor forma de combatir el estrés y conseguir un estado de relajación y descanso al que estamos predispuestos de forma natural. ¿Qué tienen en común Oprah Winfrey, Ellen DeGeneres, Gwyneth Paltrow, Tom Hanks o Gisele Bündchen? La respuesta es: un profesor de meditación trascendental llamado Bob Roth, que ha ayudado a miles de personas a desarrollar su creatividad y poder innatos a ...

CHF 28.50

Meditazione trascendentale. Come vincere lo stress e migl...

Roth, Bob / Sferzi, S.
Meditazione trascendentale. Come vincere lo stress e migliorare salute e felicità
Questo libro è una guida pratica per imparare a vincere lo stress e a calmare il corpo e la mente in modo semplice ed efficace, sviluppando la resilienza contro gli ostacoli della vita e raggiungendo il successo in tutti gli ambiti, dal lavoro agli affetti alla realizzazione personale. Con la Meditazione Trascendentale bastano 20 minuti al giorno per due volte al giorno (mattina e sera) per riuscire a gestire l'elevato livello di stress quotid...

CHF 23.90

Still werden - Kraft tanken

Roth, Bob / Magin, Ulrich
Still werden - Kraft tanken
Transzendentale Meditation: Das ist tiefste Ruhe für Körper und Geist. TM baut Stress und Angst ab, die Gedanken werden kreativer, das Handeln wird kraftvoller. Die gesamte Persönlichkeit entfaltet sich. Bob Roth, einer der erfahrensten und gefragtesten Meditationslehrer hat in den letzten 45 Jahren Tausenden von Menschen geholfen, ihre angeborene Kreativität und Kraft durch diese einfache Meditationstechnik zu finden und zu leben. Eindrücklic...

CHF 25.50

Susi und Strolch II - Kleine Strolche - Großes Abenteuer!

Roth, Bob / Rogers, Tom / Kobler, Flip / Marcus, Cindy / Motz, Bill / Edmunson, Susan / Troob, Danny / Roussel, Jeannine / Wolf, Scott / Milano, Alyssa / Palminteri, Chazz / Bennett, Jeff / Benson, Jodi / Fagerbakke, Bill / Rooney, Mickey / Pinchot, Bronson / Moriarty, Cathy
Susi und Strolch II - Kleine Strolche - Großes Abenteuer!
Susi und Strolch haben niedlichen Hundenachwuchs: drei süße Hundemädchen und einen vorwitzigen Sohn, Strolchi. Dieser hält mit seiner Unternehmungslust die ganze Familie in Atem. Eines Tages reißt er von zu Hause aus, um das große Abenteuer zu suchen. Schnell schließt er sich verwegenen Straßenhunden an und lernt dort das bezaubernde Hundemädchen Engel kennen. Gemeinsam genießen sie ausgelassen die Freiheit der Straße. Doch Strolchi muss schon...

CHF 16.50

Strength in Stillness

Roth, Bob
Strength in Stillness
Instant New York Times Bestseller A simple, straightforward exploration of Transcendental Meditation and its benefits from world authority Bob Roth.Oprah Winfrey and Jerry Seinfeld. Ray Dalio and Ellen DeGeneres. Gwyneth Paltrow and Howard Stern. Tom Hanks and Gisele Bündchen. What do they have in common? The answer is a Transcendental Meditation teacher named Bob Roth, who has spent the past forty-five years helping many thousands of people a...

CHF 31.50

Omg, the Things I Learned in College

Roth, Bob
Omg, the Things I Learned in College
Welcome to college life. Scott and Jackie use their campus radio show to talk about every aspect of life during the college years. Doug, Scott's longtime friend, narrates this story-one that every current, future, and past student will appreciate. Although humorous stories and events punctuate each chapter, that does not mean that more serious and even ugly topics and events are not covered. College life is clearly a mixture of experiences tha...

CHF 34.90

Omg, the Things I Learned in College

Roth, Bob
Omg, the Things I Learned in College
Welcome to college life. Scott and Jackie use their campus radio show to talk about every aspect of life during the college years. Doug, Scott's longtime friend, narrates this story-one that every current, future, and past student will appreciate. Although humorous stories and events punctuate each chapter, that does not mean that more serious and even ugly topics and events are not covered. College life is clearly a mixture of experiences tha...

CHF 49.90

The College Student's Companion

Roth, Bob
The College Student's Companion
The College Student's Companion is the student guidebook that accompanies The Job Identification Machine(TM), a system that colleges use to identify hundreds of employment opportunities for students and alumni.Parents and students know that concerned colleges offer their students two things: 1. An Excellent Education - The Learning Environment - The Learning Experience - Caring and Enthusiastic Faculty and Staff 2. Exceptional Help In Landing ...

CHF 25.50

A Successful Senior Year Job Search Begins in the Freshma...

Roth, Bob
A Successful Senior Year Job Search Begins in the Freshman Year
All college students would like to graduate with good jobs in their fields of interest, jobs that pay well and effectively launch their careers with desirable employers. This book shows students how to achieve their employment goals. The What - What exactly can be done to ensure employment success?The How - How are the steps, actions and results achieved?The Why - Why are these steps, actions and results necessary? For most good jobs, grades a...

CHF 28.90


Roth, Bob
People are more successful in life when they get off to a great start. You will have an early advantage over the competition when you follow the principles within this practical book and apply them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and a positive attitude. Many highly intelligent young adults fall short of their potential because they don't address "The 4 Realities": 1. You Can Be More Successful In College2. It Takes An Effective Job Search To...

CHF 52.50


Roth, Bob
People are more successful in life when they get off to a great start. You will have an early advantage over the competition when you follow the principles within this practical book and apply them with enthusiasm, self-confidence and a positive attitude. Many highly intelligent young adults fall short of their potential because they don't address "The 4 Realities": 1. You Can Be More Successful In College2. It Takes An Effective Job Search To...

CHF 38.50

The College Student's Guide to Landing a Great Job

Roth, Bob
The College Student's Guide to Landing a Great Job
There is a Way to significantly increase your chances for landing a great job with a well known and respected employer. If that is your goal, this book can help you achieve that goal. The most successful students realize that they must compete for the best jobs. They also realize that there are steps that they must follow along the way, to put themselves in the best position for success. To be more successful, you should: - Figure out where yo...

CHF 31.50

College Success

Roth, Bob
College Success
All parents want their children to be successful in college. For most, success means that their children graduate from college with a good job or are accepted to Graduate School. This book is for parents who want to help their children achieve the success they desire in college and beyond. Clearly, there are paths that lead to those two goals, paths that are often unknown or unclear to parents and students alike. For that reason, the author de...

CHF 33.90

College Success

Roth, Bob
College Success
All parents want their children to be successful in college. For most, success means that their children graduate from college with a good job or are accepted to Graduate School. This book is for parents who want to help their children achieve the success they desire in college and beyond. Clearly, there are paths that lead to those two goals, paths that are often unknown or unclear to parents and students alike. For that reason, the author de...

CHF 43.90