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32 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 32.

Seelische Spaltung und innere Heilung (Leben Lernen, Bd. ...

Ruppert, Franz
Seelische Spaltung und innere Heilung (Leben Lernen, Bd. 203)
Das Selbst traumatisierter Patienten ist häufig tief gespalten, was zu immer neuem Leid führt. Wie es gelingt, die Abspaltungen ins Bewusstsein des Patienten zu heben, ihre Funktionen zu klären und therapeutische Strategien zu entwickeln, zeigt der Autor an zahlreichen eindrucksvollen Beispielen. Jeder Mensch kann Spaltungsprozesse an sich selbst beobachten. Wenn eine Situation für uns emotional schwierig wird, reduzieren wir unsere Gefühle, ...

CHF 41.90

Symbiose en autonomie

Ruppert, F. / Ruppert, Franz / Wentink, Margriet
Symbiose en autonomie
Mensen kennen zowel het verlangen naar nabijheid als het verlangen naar afgrenzing. Deze vitale symbiotische behoeften worden in de vroegste kindertijd door ouders vaak niet bevredigd. De hechting aan de moeder kan dan tot een symbiosetrauma bij het kind leiden. De verstrikkingen die daaruit op zielsniveau ontstaan, ziet Franz Ruppert als bron van de meeste relatieproblemen, als begin van verslavingsgedrag, angsten, depressies en zelfs van sch...

CHF 39.90

Trauma, Angst und Liebe

Ruppert, Franz
Trauma, Angst und Liebe
Die Folgen von Traumata sind vielfältig. Oft entstehen psychische Aufspaltungen, aus denen der Betroffene nicht mehr aus eigener Kraft herausfindet. Dann wird Psychotherapie notwendig, die in Richtung Traumaheilung wirkt. Franz Ruppert hat mittels der Aufstellungsmethode ein Verfahren entwickelt, das traumabedingte Spaltungen sichtbar macht und die psychische Reintegration fördert. Zahlreiche Fallbeispiele illustrieren seine Arbeit.Trauma vers...

CHF 39.50

Splits in the Soul

Ruppert, Franz / Broughton, Vivian
Splits in the Soul
This is the second book by Professor Franz Ruppert in English translation and continues his exploration of the impact of trauma across generations. Here he deepens his understanding of the process and function of psychological splitting as a natural response to traumatic events, exploring in detail the results such survival strategies have on the traumatised person and those with whom they are in close contact. His contention is that it is onl...

CHF 46.50

Bevrijding van trauma, angst en onmacht

Ruppert, Franz / Wentink, Margriet / Wassink, Wim
Bevrijding van trauma, angst en onmacht
Ingrijpende gebeurtenissen gaan vaak gepaard met gevoelens van angst, machteloosheid en onbegrip. Wanneer deze gevoelens blijven bestaan, ook als de gebeurtenis al lang voorbij is, spreken we van traumatisering. Trauma heeft gevolgen voor het psychische, emotionele en lichamelijke functioneren van mensen. Schijnbaar onoplosbare problemen in partnerrelaties, ouder-kindrelaties, in het werk en in de gehele samenleving kunnen dan ook in verband w...

CHF 38.50

Symbiosis and Autonomy

Ruppert, Franz / Broughton, Vivian
Symbiosis and Autonomy
This is the third book by Professor Franz Ruppert to be translated into English. In it he explores the relationship between our symbiotic interconnectedness and our ability to be autonomous in our lives. The relationship between these two aspects of being is absolutely influenced by early attachment trauma, what Ruppert has termed 'symbiotic trauma': the trauma of an infant attempting to connect with a mother who is herself already traumatised...

CHF 46.90

Trauma Fear and Love

Ruppert, Franz / Broughton, Vivian
Trauma Fear and Love
This is the fourth book by Professor Franz Ruppert translated into English from the German original. In it Ruppert continues his exploration of the impact of trauma on human beings that has been the topic of his previous books. This book looks at the structure and functioning of the psyche, and how traumas influence psychological functioning. He takes a holistic stance, understanding the psyche as part of the psychosomatic system and shows how...

CHF 47.50

Travma, Baglanma ve Aile Konstelasyonlari

Ruppert, Franz
Travma, Baglanma ve Aile Konstelasyonlari
Bir sekilde bircogumuz kendi yasadigimiz ya da aile sisteminde yasanan travmaya ya da travmalara dolanik yasiyoruz. Önceki nesiller travmalarini baglanma süreciyle bize aktariyorlar, biz de ayni sekilde sonraki nesillere... Travma yasamis anne ve babanin, yasadigi travmayi cocuklarina aktarmama ihtimali neredeyse yok gibi. Konstelasyon calismalari, yasanan travmalarin anlasilabilmesi, gün isigina cikmasi ve iyilestirilmesi icin son derece etki...

CHF 18.50

Early Trauma

Ruppert, Franz
Early Trauma
This book is a collection of essays on the topic of pre-, peri- and post-natal issues that are traumatising for the infant. Professor Franz Ruppert is the editor of the book and contributes three essays. The other 16 essays are written by practitioners who work with his theories and method, bringing their own particular interest and expertise to understanding this subject of early trauma. Covering a range of issues from the influence of the ...

CHF 47.50

Trauma, Bonding & Family Constellations

Ruppert, Franz
Trauma, Bonding & Family Constellations
Franz Ruppert's book explores the different types of trauma experience, along with the bonding theories of John Bowlby and attachment work of Mary Ainsworth and others, forming a multigenerational picture of the dynamics of trauma. Experiences of trauma can be so painful as to cause a split in the personality. It is impossible for a mother or father to avoid passing something of their own traumatic experiences on to their children through the ...

CHF 46.50