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Bertrand Russell's Best

Russell, Bertrand
Bertrand Russell's Best
Bertrand Russell is regarded as one of the 20th century's greatest minds. Well-known for his profound knowledge and controversial approach to myriad of different issues and subjects, his prolific works also exhibit great intellectual wit and humour. This book presents a testament to the remarkable life work and wit of Bertrand Russell.

CHF 23.90

Philosophie des Abendlandes

Russell, Bertrand / Fischer-Wernecke, Elisabeth / Gillischewski, Ruth
Philosophie des Abendlandes
Dieser Klassiker der Philosophiegeschichte ist bis heute nicht übertroffen worden. Niemals trocken, sondern immer im Zusammenhang mit den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Hintergründen erzählt Bertrand Russell die Geschichte der abendländischen Philosophie: von den Vorsokratikern und der mittelalterlichen Scholastik, der Philosophie der Neuzeit und von den großen Denkern des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts.

CHF 25.90

Probleme der Philosophie

Russell, Bertrand / Bubser, Eberhard / Bubser, Eberhard
Probleme der Philosophie
In diesem Buch, einer der frühen Schriften des englischen Philosophen, wird der Versuch unternommen, die unmittelbare Erfahrung mit dem Weltbild der Physik zu vereinen. Für Russell sind Substanz, Materie und die Gegenstände keine Realitäten, sondern logische Konstruktionen. Dieser Gesichtspunkt bestimmt seine Erkenntnistheorie wie seine Kritik an den traditionellen philosophischen Fragestellungen. Wichtig geworden sind die in den Probleme der ...

CHF 19.90


Russell, Bertrand
The key to human nature that Marx found in wealth and Freud in sex, Bertrand Russell finds in power. Power, he argues, is man's ultimate goal, and is, in its many guises, the single most important element in the development of any society. Writting in the late 1930s when Europe was being torn apart by extremist ideologies and the world was on the brink of war, Russell set out to found a 'new science' to make sense of the traumatic events of th...

CHF 25.90

Sceptical Essays

Russell, Bertrand
Sceptical Essays
These propositions may seem mild, yet, if accepted, they would absolutely revolutionize human life.' With these words Bertrand Russell introduces what is indeed a revolutionary book. Taking as his starting-point the irrationality of the world, he offers by contrast something 'wildly paradoxical and subversive' - a belief that reason should determine human actions. Today, besieged as we are by the numbing onslaught of twenty-first-century capit...

CHF 25.90

In Praise of Idleness

Russell, Bertrand
In Praise of Idleness
Intolerance and bigotry lie at the heart of all human suffering. So claims Bertrand Russell at the outset of "In Praise of Idleness, " a collection of essays in which he espouses the virtues of cool reflection and free enquiry, a voice of calm in a world of maddening unreason. With characteristic clarity and humour, Russell surveys the social and political consequences of his beliefs. From a devastating critique of the ancestry of fascism to a...

CHF 33.90

Principia Mathematica

Russell, Bertrand / Whitehead, Alfred North / Mokre, Hans / Metzger, Hans-Joachim / Gödel, Kurt
Principia Mathematica
Anknüpfend an die Cantorsche Mengenlehre und aufbauend auf Freges überlegungen zur Beweistheorie sowie Peanos Symbolismus, gelang es in den Principia Mathematica erstmals, weite Bereiche der Mathematik aus einigen wenigen logischen Grundbegriffen und Axiomen herzuleiten. Zur Auflösung der Widersprüche und Paradoxien in Logik und Mengenlehre, deren Entdeckung eine Grundlagenkrise der Mathematik zur Folge hatte, entwickelten Whitehead und Russel...

CHF 18.50

Eroberung des Glücks

Russell, Bertrand / Kahn, Magda
Eroberung des Glücks
Das Buch hat nicht nur »Glück« zu seinem Thema, sondern ist selber ein Glücksfall. Russell war einer der Begründer des »logischen Positivismus«, einer deren die maßgeblich daran beteiligt waren, Philosophie zum ersten Mal auf den neuesten Stand von Wissenschaft und Logik zu bringen. Aber er hat sich nicht gescheut, über die allzu eng gezogenen Grenzen von Wissenschaftlichkeit hinweg an eine alte Tradition der Philosophie anzuknüpfen: daß sie d...

CHF 14.50

The Problems of Philosophy

Russell, Bertrand (, formerly of Trinity College, Cambridge)
The Problems of Philosophy
This classic work, first published in 1912, has never been supplanted as an approachable introduction to the theory of philosophical enquiry. It gives Russell's views on such subjects as the distinction between appearance and reality, the existence and nature of matter, idealism, knowledge by acquaintance and by description, induction, truth and falsehood, the distinction between knowledge, error and probable opinion, and the limits and value ...

CHF 18.50

The Problems of Philosophy

Russell, Bertrand
The Problems of Philosophy
One of his great works, and a must-read for any student of philosophy, The Problems of Philosophy was written in 1912 as an introduction to Russell's thought. As an empiricist, Russell starts at the beginning with this question: Is there any knowledge in the world that is so certain that no reasonable man could doubt it? This, according to Russell, is where the work of philosophy begins. He covers topics such as reality, the nature of matter,...

CHF 43.90

Autorità e individuo

Russell, Bertrand / Pellizzi, C.
Autorità e individuo
Mi sono preoccupato di raggiungere una comprensione dei bisogni umani più ampia di quella che viene assunta dalla maggior parte dei politici e degli economisti, poiché soltanto mediante una simile comprensione potremo trovare la strada che ci conduca a realizzare le speranze che, sebbene finora siano state frustrate in così larga misura dalla nostra follia, le nostre capacità ci hanno tuttavia posti in grado di tradurre nella realtà della stor...

CHF 16.90

Un'etica per la politica

Russell, Bertrand / Mori, M. / Rini, R.
Un'etica per la politica
Nella storia umana noi siamo arrivati ad un punto in cui, per la prima volta, la pura e semplice sopravvivenza della razza umana dipende dalla misura in cui gli uomini sapranno imparare ad ispirarsi ad una prospettiva morale. Se continueremo a lasciare libertà d'azione alle passioni distruttive, i nostri poteri sempre crescenti non potranno che portare tutti noi alla catastrofe." (Bertrand Russell)

CHF 18.50


Russell, Bertrand / Jordán Sempere, Santiago
Esta obra reúne diez ensayos escritos entre 1901 y 1914 en los que el tema común es el interés por establecer con rigor las fronteras entre las diferentes formas de conocimiento, los problemas particulares de la filosofía y la naturaleza última de la materia. Aquí se pone de manifiesto la capacidad de Russell para hacer interesantes temas que generalmente quedan reducidos al ámbito de los especialistas, y que en buena medida procede de su iron...

CHF 28.90

The History of Western Philosophy

Russell, Bertrand
The History of Western Philosophy
Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy serves as the perfect introduction to its subject, it remains unchallenged as the greatest account of the history of Western thought.

CHF 149.00

Why I Am Not a Christian

Russell, Bertrand
Why I Am Not a Christian
Why I am not a Christian is considered one of the most blasphemous philosophical documents ever written, and at a time when we have faith schools and wars over religious beliefs, its message today couldn't be more relevant.

CHF 30.50