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3437 Ergebnisse - Zeige 3401 von 3420.

Inversiones con futuro

Santiago, Edwin
Inversiones con futuro
The Celestial economy is the most profitable in short and long term, therefore, I encourage you to transform yourself into a Kingdom Investor. You should know that there's a bank in Heaven where you can accumulate treasure and obtain the best profit margin you have ever seen, because Kingdom accounts are wrapped in faith. Know the characteristics of a Heaven investor and become one yourself!

CHF 10.90

My Angel Gabriel

Santiago, Aida
My Angel Gabriel
This chronicle takes place during a time span of 3 years in the life of an autistic child, Gabriel, from the time of his diagnosis to his slow and gradual recuperation. It juxtaposes the experiences, some traumatic, others comforting, of the process through which Gabriel and his mother, Cindy, as well as those closest to him, experienced. It provides a clear idea to the reader about this syndrome and the aspects that need to be attended to whi...

CHF 20.50

La strada delle ombre

Santiago, Mikel / Spinato, P.
La strada delle ombre
Le fronde degli alberi sono così folte da coprire i lampioni, rendendo la strada ancora più buia. Chuck non vede l'ora di essere a casa. All'improvviso qualcosa sbuca dal folto del bosco e lui frena troppo tardi. Quando scende dall'auto, scorge il corpo di un uomo riverso sull'asfalto. Risale in macchina per chiamare i soccorsi, poi si gira di nuovo verso l'oscurità: l'uomo è svanito nel nulla. Bert e Chuck hanno fatto molta strada da quando s...

CHF 28.90

Mi Tinta y Tu Papel Poemas y Pensamientos

Santiago, Girardi
Mi Tinta y Tu Papel Poemas y Pensamientos
Aún crees en el Amor? si tu respuesta es si, este es un libro para ti. En el encontraras un derroche de sentimiento, el amor en su total exprecion, podras sentir en tu piel cada caricia, cada beso, escucharas cada te quiero, por que lo escribi para Tí.

CHF 13.50

Schluss mit Secondhand-Sex

Santiago, Marlise
Schluss mit Secondhand-Sex
Sexuelle Probleme gibt es nicht." Mit dieser provozierenden Aussage plädiert Marlise Santiago dafür, den sexuellen Blickwinkel zu verändern. Denn auch "die Sexualität" gibt es nicht, sondern es gibt nur Ihre ganz persönliche Sexualität, die Sie idealerweise an Ihre Lebensrealitäten anpassen. Vor Ihnen liegt kein Ratgeber im Sinne von "Man nehme und tue", sondern die Einladung, sich dem Thema Sexualität mit dem Herzen, mit sehenden Augen und ...

CHF 24.90

The Poet Who Asked the Birds How To Fly

Santiago, Ernesto Pangilinan
The Poet Who Asked the Birds How To Fly
Excerpts from Reviews "Making a corrective suggestion to Ernesto's work is a rarity since he knows exactly what he wants to express and conveys to his readers. I can truly state with confidence while reading poems by this expressive, eloquent and enlightening poet, the reader will always advance in stature with love in their hearts, joy in their souls, with a gift freely given by a man of poetic knowledge who pens universal truth."- Rhoda Galg...

CHF 29.90

World Voice

Santiago, Joseph
World Voice
There are times when we all feel that no one is listening to us, and no one understands us. I look back on moments of my life where my path was elusive and I longed for expression. In creating World Voice: Invisible Lines I have shaped a platform where people across the globe can come together and share their voice. In sharing the sorrowful joy and the joyful sorrow of our lives as engaged people we begin to see ourselves in the lives of one a...

CHF 35.90

When I Was Puerto Rican: A Memoir

Santiago, Esmeralda
When I Was Puerto Rican: A Memoir
Magic, sexual tension, high comedy, and intense drama move through an enchanted yet harsh autobiography, in the story of a young girl who leaves rural Puerto Rico for New York's tenements and a chance for success.

CHF 35.90