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Zur Kasse

11 Ergebnisse.

The Loom of Life

Schilthuizen, Menno
The Loom of Life
How can thousands of tree species coexist in a patch of tropical rainforest where there seem to be just a handful of niches? Why does biodiversity boom at the equator and plummet at the poles? Questions like these are central to modern ecology, where the gap between the familiar "niche" and the staggering (but sharply decreasing) global biodiversity seems to become ever wider. This book helps students and the general reader to bridge that gap,...

CHF 188.00

Darwin Comes to Town

Schilthuizen, Menno
Darwin Comes to Town
From evolutionary biologist Menno Schilthuizen, a book that will make you see yourself and the world around you in an entirely new way *Carrion crows in the Japanese city of Sendai have learned to use passing traffic to crack nuts.*Lizards in Puerto Rico are evolving feet that better grip surfaces like concrete.*Europe's urban blackbirds sing at a higher pitch than their rural cousins, to be heard over the din of traffic.How is this happening?...

CHF 35.50

Darwin in der Stadt Die rasante Evolution der Tiere im Gr...

Schilthuizen, Menno / Neff, Kurt / Stoll, Cornelia
Darwin in der Stadt Die rasante Evolution der Tiere im Großstadtdschungel
Evolution in Echtzeit: ein neuer Blick auf das geheime Leben der Städte Amseln sind größer, dicker und lauter als ihre Artgenossen draußen im Wald und haben jede Scheu vor Menschen, Hunden und Katzen verloren. Regenwürmer kommen bestens zurecht in verdreckter Innenstadterde. Motten fliegen nicht mehr ins Licht. Gras gedeiht prächtig auf zinkdurchsetztem Boden. Und Kojoten warten an Ampeln. Tiere legen ererbte Verhaltensweisen ab. Man kann Evol...

CHF 31.50

Darwin Comes to Town

Schilthuizen, Menno
Darwin Comes to Town
We are marching towards a future in which three-quarters of humans live in cities, more than half of the landmass of the planet is urbanized, and the rest is covered by farms, pasture, and plantations. Increasingly, as we become ever more city-centric, species and ecosystems crafted by millions of years of evolution teeter on the brink of extinction - or have already disappeared.A growing band of 'urban ecologists' is beginning to realize that...

CHF 23.90

Darwin Comes to Town

Schilthuizen, Menno
Darwin Comes to Town
See your city through fresh eyesWe are marching towards a future in which three-quarters of humans live in cities, and a large portion of the planet's landmass is urbanized. With much of the rest covered by human-shaped farms, pasture, and plantations, where can nature still go? To the cities -- is Menno Schilthuizen's answer in this remarkable book. And with more and more wildlife carving out new niches among humans, evolution takes a surpris...

CHF 26.90

Darwins Peep Show

Schilthuizen, Menno / Neff, Kurt
Darwins Peep Show
Sexualorgane unter der Lupe Der größte Unterschied zwischen Menschen und Tieren liegt unterhalb der Gürtellinie. Dieses Buch lädt ein zu einer Besichtigung der phänomenalen Vielfalt tierischer Reproduktionsmethoden. Das Sexualleben von Käfern, Vögeln, Muscheln und Schnecken kann erstaunliche Einblicke in die fantastische Fülle des Lebens auf unserem Planeten eröffnen. »Unsere eigene Reproduktionsmethode ist nur eine von zahllosen anderen i...

CHF 21.90

Nature's Nether Regions

Schilthuizen, Menno
Nature's Nether Regions
A tour of evolution's most inventive—and essential—creations: animal genitaliaForget opposable thumbs and canine teeth: the largest anatomical differences between humans and chimps are found below the belt. In Nature's Nether Regions, ecologist and evolutionary biologist Menno Schilthuizen invites readers to discover the wondrous diversity of animalian reproductive organs. Schilthuizen packs this delightful read with astonishing scientific ins...

CHF 22.50

Waarom zijn er zoveel soorten?

Schilthuizen, Menno / Voorzanger, Bart
Waarom zijn er zoveel soorten?
In Waarom zijn er zoveel soorten? verbaast bioloog Menno Schilthuizen zich over de enorme soortenrijkdom van al wat leeft, te beginnen bij zijn eigen achtertuin. Als hij de biodiversiteit in zijn tuin precies zou kennen, hoeveel zou die dan verschillen van die in de tuin van de buurvrouw? En als hij alle soorten zou tellen, springend over het ene tuinhek na het andere, hoe snel zou de soortenlijst dan groeien? Waarom is die diversiteit zo groo...

CHF 17.90

Organi sessuali, evoluzione e biodiversità

Schilthuizen, Menno / Panini, A.
Organi sessuali, evoluzione e biodiversità
La vita sessuale di insetti, uccelli e animali di ogni tipo può essere davvero strana. Ma ancora più bizzarri e contorti possono essere gli organi genitali. Ed è logico che sia cosi: se la selezione naturale cesella nel tempo le forme della vita per adattarle all'ambiente e la selezione sessuale crea ornamenti spettacolari nei maschi, continuamente in competizione tra loro per l'accesso alle femmine, perché mai l'organo che si trova proprio su...

CHF 24.50