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49 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.


Schirrmacher, Thomas / Schirrmacher, David
Corruption is neither a private problem nor a peccadillo. Corruption can be deadly, for instance if poor quality parts are installed in planes, if development funds for the hungry are diverted for private use, or if the drinking water supply is overpriced due to corruption and as a result the poor can not afford it. Corruption affects everyone, or at least a great many, even if they do not usually immediately notice or know it. Everyone is aff...

CHF 21.90

Hope for Europe

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Hope for Europe
Europe has changed, not only because of the refugee flows of 2015, but first and foremost because of a fundamental political change of climate. The hopes that many had associated with a united and free Europe have given way to fears and insecurity, which in many cases have opened the door to populism and nationalism right up into the heart of government. Instead of hope, pessimism prevails inmany cases today, and fear shapes the social climate...

CHF 11.90

Missio Dei

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Missio Dei
The important term Missio Dei (Mission of God) needs a biblical foundation. The sending of God by God is a foundational motive in the New Testament. Even at the very beginning of salvation history, shortly after creation, God became the first missionary. In Jesus, God is the missionary par excellence, and in the Holy Spirit, God is the most successful missionary. Mission is part of the nature of God, and therefore mission can only be described...

CHF 21.50

The Koran and the Bible

Schirrmacher, Thomas
The Koran and the Bible
Two world religions - two books which span the globe: the Bible and the Koran. Both have been and still are disseminated in the millions every year. And the contents of these two books continue to write world history. Still, in their origin, style, and message the two books could hardly be more different. This study of the two books does not have its center in the dogmatic differences of the two religions. Rather, it has to do with different u...

CHF 21.90

Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Biblical Foundations for 21st Century World Mission
1. God is the first missionary. God was the first missionary. He spoke of judgment, but also of grace. Immediately after the Fall of man, when humanity's history already appeared doomed, God did not leave things as they were. Rather, in his grace he himself came into the Garden of Eden to search for Adam and Eve and to ask, "Where are you?" (Genesis 3:9). Like every good missionary, God was not deterred by the fact that humanity did not want ...

CHF 17.90

Advocate of Love

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Advocate of Love
Evangelicals comprise a movement that spans practically all denominations and even confessions worldwide. Now Evangelicals are found on both sides of the old ditch between established, mainline churches and free churches, between Reformed theology and more recent developments, and between traditional structures and all sorts of revivalist movements. That is reason enough to take the Reformer who already embodied, represented, and unified all o...

CHF 21.90

The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All

Schirrmacher, Thomas
The Persecution of Christians Concerns Us All
In this situation I can highly recommend Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher's new book. It gives a clear and logical insight in many of the questions even people who consider themselves nonreligious people now ask. It can best be read with an open Bible and some open daily newspaper. It will give a surprisingly new insight into what it means to live in 'a time like this'." (From the preface by the Very Rev. Johan Candelin, Director of the Religious Liber...

CHF 32.50

The Humanisation of Slavery in the Old Testament

Schirrmacher, Thomas
The Humanisation of Slavery in the Old Testament
- The Humanisation of Slavery in Old Testament Law by David L. Baker - Slavery, Human Dignity and Human Rights by John Warwick Montgomery - Slavery in the Old Testament, in the New Testament, and Today by Thomas Schirrmacher Three scholars discuss slavery in the Old Testament and a Christian view of slavery. They argue, that slavery in the OT had not much in common with Roman- Greek, Muslim or modern European slavery, as the slaves where p...

CHF 19.50

William Carey

Schirrmacher, Thomas
William Carey
This volume reprints essays by seven authors from three continents, including two authors from India, who tell the story of British missionary to India William Carey (1761- 1834), whose famous 'Enquiry', An Enquiry into the Obligations of Christians to use Means for the Conversion of the Heathens (1792), changed history and made him not only the 'Father of Protestant missions', but also a forerunner of William Wilberforce, fighting against soc...

CHF 28.50

Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Culture of Shame / Culture of Guilt
Until now theology has hardly paid sufficient attention to the difference between cultures that are primarily guilt-oriented and those that are primarily shame-oriented. Thomas Schirrmacher's work is noteworthy for the way he informs the reader not only as it relates to missionary theology and activity. It goes on to inform the reader on this important topic as it relates to educational theory, ethics, and counseling from the points of view of...

CHF 21.90

Koran und Bibel

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Koran und Bibel
Zwei Weltreligionen - zwei Bücher: Bibel und Koran. Beide werden zigmillionenfach verbreitet. Ihre Inhalte prägen die Weltgeschichte. Doch in Entstehung, Stil und Botschaft können zwei Bücher kaum unterschiedlicher sein. Thomas Schirrmacher erklärt als Fachmann und Praktiker anschaulich, was die beiden eint und vor allem trennt. Ein unentbehrliches Buch, wenn Sie sich gründlich informieren wollen, um fundiert mitreden zu können.

CHF 18.50

Die Zukunft des Kapitalismus

Schirrmacher, Frank / Strobl, Thomas
Die Zukunft des Kapitalismus
In den letzten zweihundert Jahren ist der Kapitalismus aus allen Krisen gestärkt hervorgegangen. Diesmal jedoch ist alles anders, der Kapitalismus schwächelt. Ein weltweiter Kollaps wurde nur dank massiver staatlicher Intervention abgewendet, doch für wie lange? Die Politik zeigt sich unfähig, die globale Wirtschaft zu zähmen, und der Kapitalismus zerstört, siehe Klimawandel, weiter unaufhaltsam die eigenen Grundlagen. Sollte er doch an seinen...

CHF 18.50


Schirrmacher, Thomas
Description: Are "white" people more intelligent than "black" people? Are Jews devious and grabby? Intolerance and violence through racism includes slavery, national solcialism in Germany, apartheid in South Africa, or the genocides in Rwanda and Bosnia. But racism is not only wrong theologically, it is not only against the dignity of humans, that guarantees their human rights, but newer genetic research also proves that the whole classificati...

CHF 27.50

To Be Continued

Schirrmacher, Thomas
To Be Continued
The Heidelberg Catechism was first issued in the kingdom of the Electoral Palatinate in the year 1563. As early as 1623 it was translated into the Malay language, a predecessor of the modern-day Indonesian language. This Malay translation was used all over the Indonesian archipelago to teach newly converted Christians and to prepare them for baptism. Even now the Heidelberg Catechism is used in many Indonesian churches and connects them to man...

CHF 25.90

Speranza per l'Europa

Schirrmacher, Thomas
Speranza per l'Europa
Come possiamo dimostrare il basamento biblica della nostra speranza e affermarlo di fronte sia ai credenti impegnati che ai non credenti? Come possiamo dichiarare quali siano le nostre speranze ai membri del Parlamento, agli uomini d'affari, alle madri di famiglia? Come possiamo sventolare una bandiera di speranza in un mondo che affoga nella disperazione e nel pessimismo? Siamo quindi profondamente felici di presentare i tesi del Dott. Thoma...

CHF 19.90

Political Islam

Schirrmacher, Christine / Johnson, Thomas K.
Political Islam
Political Islam or Islamism - in contrast to Jihadism or terrorism - does not necessarily first and foremost have anything to do with violence. On the contrary, the large majority in the Islamic movement turned away from the use of violence long ago and is instead attempting to peacefully exert political and societal influence. Representatives of political Islam are well-trained political strategists who, in suits and ties and via organized Is...

CHF 20.90

Political Islam

Schirrmacher, Christine / Johnson, Thomas K.
Political Islam
Political Islam or Islamism - in contrast to Jihadism or terrorism - does not necessarily first and foremost have anything to do with violence. On the contrary, the large majority in the Islamic movement turned away from the use of violence long ago and is instead attempting to peacefully exert political and societal influence. Representatives of political Islam are well-trained political strategists who, in suits and ties and via organized Is...

CHF 43.50

To Be Continued

Schirrmacher, Thomas
To Be Continued
The Heidelberg Catechism was first issued in the kingdom of the Electoral Palatinate in the year 1563. As early as 1623 it was translated into the Malay language, a predecessor of the modern-day Indonesian language. This Malay translation was used all over the Indonesian archipelago to teach newly converted Christians and to prepare them for baptism. Even now the Heidelberg Catechism is used in many Indonesian churches and connects them to man...

CHF 47.90