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Zur Kasse

13 Ergebnisse.

Vision for Life

Schneider, Meir
Vision for Life
All parts of the body need exercise for optimal health, and the eyes are no different. Vision for Life presents an approach to eye health for people with 20/20 vision who wish to maintain their perfect vision as well as people who see poorly and would like to improve their eyesight. Clients of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method experience their own capacity to bring about recovery, reversing the progress of a wide range of degenerative con...

CHF 49.50

La cura naturale dei tuoi occhi

Schneider, Meir / Valesi, S.
La cura naturale dei tuoi occhi
Ogni giorno sempre più persone prestano più attenzione al cibo e all'ambiente, senza però dedicarne abbastanza agli occhi. Questo libro nasce dunque per aiutare la gente a mantenere e ristabilire la propria vista, come modo per migliorare la propria vita in termini di qualità e durata. L'autore sostiene infatti che è necessario impegnarsi a creare un programma salutare per i nostri occhi, perché tutto il corpo subisce lo stress che vive il nos...

CHF 22.90

Mein Augen-Buch

Schneider, Meir / Pott, Anni
Mein Augen-Buch
Wir schenken der Gesundheit unserer Augen wenig Aufmerksamkeit, obwohl früher oder später fast jeder über Sehbeschwerden klagt. Fest steht: Mit der richtigen Vorbeugung können zahlreiche Krankheiten und Sehfehler vermieden werden. Wir haben es selbst in der Hand! Meir Schneider weiß, wie wir unsere Augen trainieren können, um das Sehvermögen zu verbessern oder wiederherzustellen. Fast erblindet konnte er sich im Alter von 17 Jahren durch ein ...

CHF 27.90

Awakening Your Power of Self-Healing

Schneider, Meir
Awakening Your Power of Self-Healing
Virtuoso pianist Arthur Rubenstein developed crippling arthritis throughout his whole body, except for in his hands. Their consistently fluid, effortless, and balanced movement during years of performance kept his hands in wonderful shape, even as the rest of his body failed him. Our book, Awakening Your Power of Self Healing, is designed to teach you to bring the power of healthy movement into every part of your life, and overcome disabilitie...

CHF 40.90

Vision for Life: Ten Steps to Natural Eyesight Improvement

Schneider, Meir / Ribeiro, M. Fernanda Leite
Vision for Life: Ten Steps to Natural Eyesight Improvement
All parts of the body need exercise for optimal health, and the eyes are no different. Vision for Life presents an approach to eye health for people with 20/20 vision who wish to maintain their perfect vision as well as people who see poorly and would like to improve their eyesight. Clients of the Meir Schneider Self-Healing Method experience their own capacity to bring about recovery, reversing the progress of a wide range of degenerative con...

CHF 31.50

Miracle Eyesight Method: The Natural Way to Heal and Impr...

Schneider, Meir
Miracle Eyesight Method: The Natural Way to Heal and Improve Your Vision
Meir Schneider can see - and that's a miracle. Born without sight, he refused to give into his blindness and instead began an intensive exploration of sight and self-healing systems. Miracle Eyesight Method is Meir Schneider's original bestselling audio program for better eye health. Covers the full theoretical foundations of natural eyesight improvement plus Schneider's complete set of techniques for exercising your eyes back to health.

CHF 39.50

Logrando La Salud Por Ti Mismo

Schneider, Meir
Logrando La Salud Por Ti Mismo
Narrating the stories of nearly 30 people who have suffered from diseases such as muscular dystrophy and polio, this accessible volume describes how these survivors have both recovered and achieved a state of well-being through breathing techniques, visualization, and body imagery. A fundamental section of exercises illustrating how to age gracefully is also included. "Narrando las historias de cerca de treinta personas que han padecido de enf...

CHF 25.90

Recuperando la Salud: Sanacion Personal Avanzada

Schneider, Meir
Recuperando la Salud: Sanacion Personal Avanzada
Based on the author's experiences with patients, this two-part guide gives specific directions to help the body heal itself from various maladies, including back problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breathing ailments, eye problems, and muscular dystrophy. This holistic method works by taking a three-tiered approach that includes physical exercises, nutrition, and a positive mental outlook. By unlocking the healing powers of the body, read...

CHF 14.90

Equilibrando las Funciones de Tu Cuerpo: Sanacion Persona...

Schneider, Meir
Equilibrando las Funciones de Tu Cuerpo: Sanacion Personal = The Handbook of Self-Healing
Based on the author's experiences with patients, this two-part guide gives specific directions to help the body heal itself from various maladies, including back problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breathing ailments, eye problems, and muscular dystrophy. This holistic method works by taking a three-tiered approach that includes physical exercises, nutrition, and a positive mental outlook. By unlocking the healing powers of the body, read...

CHF 25.90