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115 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

La cultura conta. Fede e sentimento in un mondo sotto ass...

Scruton, Roger / Galli, S.
La cultura conta. Fede e sentimento in un mondo sotto assedio
Quanto è importante la cultura? Qual è il peso del sapere tradizionale nella formazione e nella vita degli uomini d'oggi? Dobbiamo dare credito a chi decreta la morte della cultura occidentale, con le sue figure di paludati mostri sacri, i vari Platone, Aristotele, Dante, Shakespeare, che niente hanno più da dire ai ragazzi di oggi, ma anzi li isolano dai loro pari e rendono il loro pensiero scollato dal mondo in cui si trovano a vivere, conda...

CHF 23.90

Waarom cultuur belangrijk is

Scruton, Roger
Waarom cultuur belangrijk is
Wat is cultuur? Waarom moeten we cultuur levend houden, en hoe? In dit boek verdedigt de gerenommeerde Britse filosoof Roger Scruton de westerse cultuur tegen haar interne critici en externe vijanden, en betoogt hij dat geruchten over de teloorgang van die cultuur sterk overdreven zijn. Hij beargumenteert dat onze cultuur een blijvende bron van morele kennis is en bestrijdt het modieuze sarcasme waarmee ze wordt afgedaan als het nutteloze erfg...

CHF 27.90


Scruton, Roger / Goudsmit, Martijntje / Zetten, Frans van
SchoonheidRoger ScrutonSamenvattingVan landschappen tot lichamen en van symfonieën tot de sterrenhemel, schoonheid heeft de mens altijd aangetrokken en in verwarring gebracht. Volgens Plato is schoonheid de stimulans voor het verlangen naar een hogere wereld. Schoonheid kan echter ook gevaarlijk zijn, zoals de schoonheid van Carmen, verontrustend zoals de schoonheid van Michelangelo's David of zelfs immoreel wanneer Salomé in het gelijknamige ...

CHF 28.90

Modern Culture

Scruton, Roger
Modern Culture
What do we mean by 'culture'? This word, purloined by journalists to denote every kind of collective habit, lies at the centre of contemporary debates about the past and future of society.  In this thought-provoking book, Roger Scruton argues for the religious origin of culture in all its forms, and mounts a defence of the 'high culture' of our civilization against its radical and 'deconstructionist' critics.  He offers a theory of pop culture...

CHF 30.50

Where We Are

Scruton, Roger
Where We Are
Roger Scruton looks at where Britain has found itself, and ponders where it should go next.Addressing one of the most politically turbulent periods in modern British history, philosopher Roger Scruton asks how, in these circumstances, we can come to define our identity, and what in the coming years will hold us together. To what are our duties owed and why? How do we respond to the pull of globalization and mass migration, to the rise of Islam...

CHF 27.90

How to be a conservative

Scruton, Roger
How to be a conservative
Renowned philosopher Roger Scruton draws on his own experience as a counter-culture presence in public life to explain conservatism in a skeptical age.With soft left-liberalism as the dominant force in Western politics, what can conservatives now contribute to public debate that will not be dismissed as pure nostalgia? In this highly personal and witty book, renowned philosopher Roger Scruton explains how to live as a conservative in spite of ...

CHF 27.90

Fools, Frauds and Firebrands

Scruton, Roger
Fools, Frauds and Firebrands
A devastating critique of modern left-wing thinking from a leading political philosopher.In Fools, Frauds and Firebrands, philosopher Roger Scruton, one of the leading critics of leftist orientations in modern Western civilization, examines the thinkers who have been most influential on the attitudes of the New Left. What does the Left look like today, he asks, and how has it evolved? Is there any foundation for resistance to its agenda withou...

CHF 27.50

Confessioni di un eretico

Scruton, Roger / Sanguinetti, O.
Confessioni di un eretico
l libro di Roger Scruton è una raccolta di saggi ? otto ?, pubblicata in Inghilterra nel 2016. I temi spaziano dall'estetica artistica, agli animali, alla politica, al ballo, al futuro della tecnologia, alla conservazione dell'ambiente naturale, alla difesa della civiltà occidentale, alla morte. Scruton, anglicano, forse il massimo pensatore del conservatorismo anglosassone odierno, propone una riflessione ad ampio raggio da una prospettiva no...

CHF 36.90

Souls in the Twilight

Scruton, Roger
Souls in the Twilight
As the lights that have guided us go out, people begin to wander in the twilight, seeking their place of belonging. In these stories, set in recent times, but before the blinding glare of social media, Roger Scruton describes the remembered landscapes of people who are not where they belong, and not quite where they wished to be. With unfailing lightness of touch, Scruton portrays characters who cannot let go of the past: Yusuf, set on a path ...

CHF 21.90

Sulla natura umana

Scruton, Roger / Galli, S.
Sulla natura umana
Una delle affermazioni più note di Kant è che ciò che contraddistingue gli uomini è la «capacità di rappresentarsi il proprio io». Da qui parte il filosofo inglese Roger Scruton nella sua appassionata difesa dell'unicità umana. Confrontandosi con la psicologia evoluzionista e l'utilitarismo e con filosofi materialisti quali Richard Dawkins e Daniel Dennett, Scruton ribatte che non si può ridurre gli esseri umani a semplici realtà biologiche ch...

CHF 29.50

Il volto di Dio

Scruton, Roger / Galli, S.
Il volto di Dio
Dio ha ancora un posto in un mondo disincantato come il nostro, in una cultura in cui la fede, quando ancora suscita qualche interesse, è considerata un segno di immaturità emotiva e intellettuale? E se quel posto esiste, come trovarlo? Come vedere le tracce del volto di Dio nell'esperienza umana? In questo suo ultimo saggio, Roger Scruton, filosofo inglese che ama parlare all'uomo contemporaneo, vuole rispondere all'indifferenza religiosa che...

CHF 35.90

On Human Nature

Scruton, Roger
On Human Nature
In this short book, acclaimed writer and philosopher Roger Scruton presents an original and radical defense of human uniqueness. Confronting the views of evolutionary psychologists, utilitarian moralists, and philosophical materialists such as Richard Dawkins and Daniel Dennett, Scruton argues that human beings cannot be understood simply as biological objects. We are not only human animals, we are also persons, in essential relation with othe...

CHF 23.90

Music as an Art

Scruton, Roger
Music as an Art
In earlier times, our musical culture had secure foundations in the church, the concert hall and the home, in the ceremonies and celebrations of ordinary life, religion and manners. In this book, Roger Scruton argues that we no longer live in that world. Fewer people now play instruments and music is, for many, a form of largely solitary enjoyment. With his characteristic precision and elegant style, Scruton explains - via chapters on Schubert...

CHF 44.50