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3398 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Culinária com Baixo Teor de Sódio

Silva, Ana
Culinária com Baixo Teor de Sódio
Bem-vindo ao mundo da culinária com baixo teor de sódio com o livro "Culinária com Baixo Teor de Sódio", assinado por Ana Silva. Este livro é o seu guia para uma alimentação saudável e saborosa, sem o excesso de sal. Ana Silva, uma apaixonada cozinheira e conhecedora da culinária saudável, apresenta receitas especiais criadas para reduzir a quantidade de sódio, mas sem comprometer o sabor. Esses pratos não só cuidarão da sua saúde, mas també...

CHF 55.50

Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establ...

Silva, Francisco J. G. / Ferreira, Luís Pinto / Sá, José Carlos / Pereira, Maria Teresa / Pinto, Carla M. A.
Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing: Establishing Bridges for More Sustainable Manufacturing Systems
This book reports on cutting-edge research and developments in manufacturing, giving a special emphasis to solutions fostering automation, sustainability and health, safety and well-being at work. Topics cover manufacturing process analysis and optimization, supply chain management, quality control, as well as human factors and logistics. They highlight the role and advantages of intelligent systems and technologies, discussing current best-pr...

CHF 355.00

Lost Oblivion

Silva, Katherine
Lost Oblivion
In this sequel to Hallowed Oblivion, Hank is haunted by his experiences atop the ridge on Halloween night. Watching a group of teens be killed by something monstrous has left him with both physical and mental scars and a lingering desire to know what really happened in those woods. When his best friend, Gerard, disappears into the forest in search of the ghost of his son, Hank knows he needs to act fast and find his friend before whatever kill...

CHF 14.50

A roomy place

Silva-Holt, Leilani
A roomy place
This book is a collection of poetry designed to inspire and encourage free-thinking individuals. Based on true people, events and experiences, this is a book expressing hope, freedom, and triumph - so that when you read it you will not feel constricted - but feel as though you are standing in 'a roomy place'.

CHF 17.90

Culinária Paleo

Silva, Laura
Culinária Paleo
Culinária Paleo: Receitas Primordiais para uma Vida Saudável" é um livro de culinária escrito por Laura Silva. Nele, você será guiado a explorar o poder da alimentação primal e descobrir como as receitas inspiradas no estilo de vida paleo podem ajudar você a alcançar um equilíbrio nutricional duradouro. Este livro não apenas traz receitas, mas também apresenta uma abordagem holística para a saúde e o bem-estar. As páginas oferecem um olhar p...

CHF 52.90

Magia Enoquiana

Silva, Mari
Magia Enoquiana
Descubra los secretos del Libro de Enoc ¿Alguna vez ha pensado en el origen de todas las formas de magia? ¿Se pregunta si puede aumentar su poder mágico? ¿Alguna vez se ha preguntado qué es la Magia(k) Enoquiana? ¿Alguna vez ha deseado poder hablar con los ángeles? Si es así, definitivamente este es el libro para usted. En este libro, usted podrá:Descubrir cómo surgió la magia enoquiana Descubrir cómo dos hombres pudieron conectars...

CHF 36.90

Yoruba and Ifá

Silva, Mari
Yoruba and Ifá
Two manuscripts in one book:Yoruba: The Ultimate Guide to Ifa Spirituality, Isese, Odu, Orishas, Santeria, and More Ifá: The Ultimate Guide to a System of Divination and Religion of the Yoruba People Whether you want to honor your Yoruba ancestors, learn how to do Ifa divinations, or perform other traditional Yoruba ceremonies, the first part will help you reach your goals. Ifá divination is a complex and layered subject. That is no surp...

CHF 39.50

Druidismo del cerco

Silva, Mari
Druidismo del cerco
¡Descubra el vasto y fascinante mundo del druidismo del cerco! ¿Quiere ser uno con la naturaleza? ¿Le atrae la idea de practicar la magia de la naturaleza, realizar rituales y celebrar festivales paganos? ¿Le falta algo en la vida que no puede expresar con palabras? Si siempre ha sentido curiosidad por el mundo del druidismo, y el druidismo del cerco en particular, ha llegado al lugar adecuado. Esta guía completa le guiará en un viaje espi...

CHF 38.90

Tarot for Beginners

Silva, Mari
Tarot for Beginners
Discover the stunning power of divination tools like tarot cards, Kabbalah secrets, numerology, and astrology to unravel hidden mysteries and lead a more fulfilling and meaningful life. Have you ever wondered if there are mysteries that can be sensed and experienced beyond the five human senses? Are you interested in learning about divination tools like tarot cards? Do you wonder if you can understand esoteric topics like Kabbalah, numer...

CHF 38.50

Signos, Símbolos y Geometría Sagrada

Silva, Mari
Signos, Símbolos y Geometría Sagrada
2 manuscritos completos en 1 libro:Signos y símbolos: Desvelando el significado espiritual de los sellos angélicos, tótems y otros símbolos mágicos, sagrados y religiosos Geometría sagrada: Desvelando el significado espiritual de varias formas y símbolos Imagine que cada generación descartara los conocimientos y la sabiduría adquiridos de sus antepasados. El mundo se paralizaría. La comprensión es la clave del éxito, y usted encontrará las...

CHF 40.50

Hedge Witchcraft and Druidry

Silva, Mari
Hedge Witchcraft and Druidry
Two manuscripts in one book:Hedge Witchcraft: A Solitary Witch's Guide to Divination, Spellcraft, Celtic Paganism, Rituals, and Folk Magic Hedge Druidry: The Ultimate Guide to Druidism, Animism, Druid Magic, Celtic Spellcraft, Ogham, and Rituals of Solitary Druids With the first part of this book as your starting point, you will come to understand the essence of hedge witchcraft and develop a profound respect for it. With the knowledge in ...

CHF 40.50

Maat and Ancient Egyptian Magic

Silva, Mari
Maat and Ancient Egyptian Magic
Two manuscripts in one book:Maat: The Ultimate Guide to Maat Philosophy, Principles, and Magick along with Kemetic Spirituality Ancient Egyptian Magic: The Ultimate Guide to Gods, Goddesses, Divination, Amulets, Rituals, and Spells of Ancient Egypt Maat is an ancient Egyptian goddess who represents truth, justice, and balance. She is often associated with the concept of Maat, which is the principle of truth, order, justice, and balance in ...

CHF 42.90

Magia popular

Silva, Mari
Magia popular
Explore las vibrantes culturas mágicas populares y su historia, tradiciones y creencias. ¿Alguna vez ha sentido curiosidad por los distintos rituales y tradiciones mágicas que se practican en diferentes partes del mundo? ¿Alguna vez se ha sentido confundido acerca de la diferencia entre la magia Wicca y el paganismo nórdico? ¿Es su objetivo aprender rituales y prácticas mágicas tal y como se enseñaban en diversas culturas? La magia p...

CHF 37.90

Perspectives on Innovation and Technology Transfer in Man...

Silva, Luan Carlos Santos
Perspectives on Innovation and Technology Transfer in Managing Public Organizations
Perspectives on Innovation and Technology Transfer in Managing Public Organizations is a solution-oriented book that addresses the challenges faced by public organizations in today's fast-paced and competitive environment. The book recognizes the lack of a supportive organizational culture as a major hurdle that hampers innovation and technology transfer, limiting the ability of public organizations to adapt and remain competitive. Edited by L...

CHF 327.00

Spiritual Cleansing

Silva, Mari
Spiritual Cleansing
Unlock the secrets of spiritual cleansing and transform your life. Are you feeling spiritually drained and weighed down by negative energy? Do you want to learn to protect yourself and your loved ones from toxic energies? Do you struggle to find a deeper connection to your spiritual self? Are you seeking a deeper connection to your spiritual self? If the answer to these questions is a loud and vigorous yes, this is definitely the b...

CHF 37.90


Silva, Mari
Conozca las maravillosas formas paganas de celebrar el solsticio de invierno. ¿Le interesa descubrir el trasfondo pagano y el equivalente de la Navidad? ¿Quiere aprender cómo se entrelaza el solsticio de invierno a través de diferentes tradiciones paganas? ¿Quiere hacer sus propias manualidades para celebrar Yule? Este libro le introducirá en la historia de Yule, cómo celebraban los paganos esta festividad en el pasado y cómo puede hon...

CHF 37.90

Sanar al niño interior

Silva, Mari
Sanar al niño interior
Cure su alma haciendo feliz de nuevo a su niño interior. ¿Lucha contra un desequilibrio espiritual y sus síntomas físicos, mentales y emocionales? ¿Sabía que cuando su alma está herida, su niño interior sufre tanto como usted? ¿Desea establecer un vínculo más profundo con su niño interior? Este libro puede ayudarle a descubrir al niño que lleva dentro, que lo guiará por un camino de autodescubrimiento e iluminación espiritual. Con es...

CHF 37.50

Psychic Protection

Silva, Mari
Psychic Protection
Learn to protect yourself, your home, and your loved ones against psychic attacks and negative energy Do you want to learn about psychic protection? Are you curious about the aura and its connection to your soul? Have you ever wondered how to call on your guardian angel? You are exposed to different energies daily, some positive while others negative. Negative energies can drain you and cause psychic attacks manifesting in discomfort, ...

CHF 37.50

Solar Returns

Silva, Mari
Solar Returns
Master interpreting your solar return chart and the powers of predictive astrology now! Do you feel lost when trying to understand your solar return chart? Are you unsure of how to predict the upcoming year with astrology? Do you want to learn the basics of predictive astrology and how to interpret your chart? This book will guide you through this process and help you understand and interpret your solar return chart, helping you predic...

CHF 37.50