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5 Ergebnisse.


Simmers, George
Translations from Greek, Latin and mediaeval French that do their best to do justice to the originals. Robert Frost says that poetry is what gets lost in translation. George Simmers has tried to find it again.

CHF 15.50

Old, Old

Simmers, George
Old, Old
By the time you're old, you've made your life, or your life has made you. Fifteen poems about people dealing with what life has given them, for better or for worse. By the author of 'Old and Bookish'.

CHF 11.90

Old and Bookish

Simmers, George
Old and Bookish
These are poems about life and time, and the people who have to cope with those sometimes dubious blessings. It starts with a selection from 'The Songs of the Old Man', some comic, some puzzled, some angry. The book's central section, 'Some Oldies', is a collection of mostly short poems in which we meet a variety of individuals, all of them verging on ancient, and discover how they are coping, or not coping, with life. In the 'Bookish' section...

CHF 16.50

Rose Allatini

Simmers, George
Rose Allatini
Rose Allatini is remembered today for writing 'Despised and Rejected', the only novel to be prosecuted under the Defence of the Realm Act during the Great War as ?liable to prejudice recruiting in His Majesty?s forces. The book?s positive depiction of homosexuals and conscientious objectors alarmed the wartime authorities.But Rose Allatini was also the author (under several disguises) of nearly forty other novels, over seven decades. This mono...

CHF 30.50

Animals Like Reading!

Simmers, George
Animals Like Reading!
Do you like animals? Do you like reading? Then these poems are for you, because they are all about animals reading... Poems by George Simmers and drawings by Bruce Bentzman.

CHF 11.50