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47 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Os 6 pilares da prevenção de Alzheimer

Simons, Peter Carl
Os 6 pilares da prevenção de Alzheimer
A doença de Alzheimer é uma doença progressiva que corrói lentamente a memória e funções mentais vitais. Afetando estimadamente 5, 3 milhões de americanos, destes, 5, 1 milhões com idade superior a 65 anos, esta condição diabólica subiu à 6ª principal causa de morte nos Estados e ganhou um lugar temido na nossa consciência coletiva. Quando 1 em cada 3 pacientes idosos sofrem de Alzheimer ou alguma forma de demência, não é de admirar que a comu...

CHF 24.50

Micro Circulação do Sangue 101

Simons, Peter Carl
Micro Circulação do Sangue 101
A micro circulação do sangue é a circulação de sangue nos menores vasos sanguíneos, aqueles que estão embutidos nos tecidos dos órgãos. Embora esses não sejam os primeiros lugares que pensamos quando consideramos a circulação, são vitais para a saúde humana e para a função do corpo. Sem a micro circulação, nossos órgãos falhariam, a remoção de dióxido de carbono seria reduzida e o corpo pararia de funcionar da maneira adequada. O tipo de movim...

CHF 24.50

A Cura do Câncer com Bicarbonato de Sódio - Fraude ou Mil...

Simons, Peter Carl
A Cura do Câncer com Bicarbonato de Sódio - Fraude ou Milagre?
As taxas de câncer estão aumentando no mundo todo, com um relatório de 2012 da Organização Mundial da Saúde afirmando que haverá 14 milhões de novos casos a cada ano, com 8.2 milhões de mortes relacionadas ao câncer. Estes números astronômicos tornam o câncer uma das principais causas de morte no mundo, e com 1 em cada 4 mortes nos Estados Unidos atribuídas ao Câncer, é a segunda principal causa de morte apenas na América. Com as causas do cân...

CHF 23.50

Zeolite - The Ultimate Body Detox

Simons, Peter Carl
Zeolite - The Ultimate Body Detox
Do you feel run down and worn out from doing very little? Is your energy level a laughable shadow of what it once was? Many think this is just a sign of getting older, but the truth is, these are signs of increasing toxicity. Unfortunately, in our modern world of chemicals and free radicals, we are constantly being bombarded with energy sapping toxins - toxins that just build up in our systems over time, lessening our energy, degrading our hea...

CHF 23.90

The Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Cure - Fraud or Miracle?

Simons, Peter Carl
The Sodium Bicarbonate Cancer Cure - Fraud or Miracle?
Cancer rates are rising world-wide, with a 2012 World Health Organization report stating that there were 14 million new cases every year with 8.2 Million cancer related deaths. These astronomical numbers make cancer a leading cause of death in the world, and with 1 in 4 deaths in the United States attributed to Cancer, it is the second leading cause of death in America alone. While the causes of Cancer vary from tobacco use to excess weight, o...

CHF 24.90

MSM - The Missing Link to Optimal Health

Simons, Peter Carl
MSM - The Missing Link to Optimal Health
Sulfur is a mineral that is vital to human growth and health, yet it is all too often overshadowed by other, more marketable vitamins and minerals. Found readily in nature and in every part of the human body, this non-metallic compound can help us achieve optimal health - IF we know about it, and if we understand the how's, why's and when's of this important mineral. This guide is your answer to everything regarding sulfur. If you suffer from...

CHF 24.90

Maca - The Medicinal Plant of the Inkas

Simons, Peter Carl
Maca - The Medicinal Plant of the Inkas
Imagine a plant, a plain tuber, that looks like a radish, that grows at an altitude of 4000 metres, that survives extreme heat, cold, severe weather and a thin atmosphere and which at the same time stores strength, vitamines, trace elements and mineral nutrients. The Inkas had already used maca root from the Andean high plateaus as food and as medicine. Peter Carl Simons, a health expert, shows how this unremarkable plant can still be used as ...

CHF 20.90

Chlorophyll - Green is Healthy

Simons, Peter Carl
Chlorophyll - Green is Healthy
Chlorophyll, the Earth's green blood, is the fabric of life, without which no life would be possible. New studies reveal that chlorophyll is not only vital for plants and herbivores but that - in humans - it can make the difference between a healthy life, bursting with vitality and energy, to a life plagued by sickness and deficiencies. Peter Carl Simons, expert on nutrition and vital substances, explains in this book important correlations an...

CHF 22.50

Pu-Erh-Tee - the emperor's tea

Simons, Peter Carl
Pu-Erh-Tee - the emperor's tea
Leading Chinese scientists, but also the Chinese medicine men knew for centuries about the positive health effects of genuine Pu-erh teas from the chine-Saxon Yunnan province.In Europe, the results are largely ignored or fought with a ferocity that strong, so that one wonders whether which interests are actually being enforced by it: The well-being of the population or the profits of the pharmaceutical industry?The experienced health and nutri...

CHF 22.50

Psyllium - the organic diet with guaranteed success

Simons, Peter Carl
Psyllium - the organic diet with guaranteed success
Peter Carl Simons is destined to go down in modern history as the author who brought the wonderful cleansing and healing qualities of psyllium (platago ovata) to the attention of weary dieters around the world! Often sold as Indian Psyllium, the husks of the psyllium seed do more for your body than you ever dreamed possible! Hypertension, type 2 diabetes and obesity are just a few of the diseases psyllium will take captive and set you free. Wi...

CHF 20.90

Astragalus Root

Simons, Peter Carl
Astragalus Root
Despite modern advances people still get older. The years pass and time takes its toll and it seems that aging is all but inevitable... But what if it doesn't have to be? We may not be able to stop the passage of time, but what if we could slow, or even reverse, the effects of aging?Long ago wise men and women had secrets that are just be rediscovered now, plants and methods to increase longevity and vitality. Science has shown us these method...

CHF 24.90

Getting Younger is Not a Dream

Simons, Peter Carl
Getting Younger is Not a Dream
While stories of the proverbial 'Fountain of Youth' have followed mankind almost since our first waking moments, the concept really took hold in literature and imagination when Spanish Explorer Juan Ponce de Léon sought to find the fabled fountain in the 16th century. While he failed in his quest, modern scientists uncovered a pivotal clue to this ancient mystery in 2009 - a clue that has led to an amazing discovery that you can incorporate in...

CHF 23.90

Aloe Vera

Simons, Peter Carl
Aloe Vera
What did Cleopatra, Marc Antony and Julius Caesar have in common?Cleopatra used it to keep her skin smooth as silk. Marc Antony used its balm to heal cuts and bruises. Julius Caesar used it on rashes and insect bites.They knew what we don't - Aloe Vera is one of the best immune system boosters ever - and it's nature's gift to mankind! This miracle plant has underwritten the health and beauty regimens of men and women for thousands of years.Aut...

CHF 23.90

Microcirculation of Blood 101

Simons, Carl Peter
Microcirculation of Blood 101
Microcirculation of blood is the circulation of blood in the smallest of blood vessels, those embedded in the organ tissues. While these are not the first avenues of thought when we consider circulation, they are vital to human health and to the function of the body. Without Microcirculation, our organs would fail, carbon dioxide removal would be reduced and the body would cease to function as it is meant to. This type of blood movement also d...

CHF 22.50

Physical Vascular Therapy - The Next Generation Of Medicine?

Simons, Peter Carl
Physical Vascular Therapy - The Next Generation Of Medicine?
When we think of the circulatory system, we often picture the large arteries running to and from the heart. Yet what most of us don't consider is the microcirculation that also takes place inside the body. Microcirculation is the movement of blood through the smallest vessels, the Arterioles, the capillaries, and the venules. These tiny veins serve a huge purpose by delivering oxygen and nutrients to every part of the human body, yet they are ...

CHF 27.90

The 6 Pillars of Alzheimer Prevention

Simons, Peter Carl
The 6 Pillars of Alzheimer Prevention
Alzheimer's Disease is a progressive illness that slowly erodes memory and vital mental functions. Affecting an estimated 5.3 Million American's, with approximately 5.1 million of those afflicted over the age of 65, this diabolical condition as zoomed to the 6th leading cause of death in the States and earned a feared spot in our collective consciousness. When 1 in 3 elderly patients suffer from Alzheimer's or some form of dementia, it is no w...

CHF 24.90

Green Coffee - A weight loss guarantee?

Simons, Peter Carl
Green Coffee - A weight loss guarantee?
Peter Carl Simons has worked within the dietary sector for years, and has witnessed the inhuman strategies of certain manufacturers. He knows that behind many "miracles cures", the only aim is to get rich very fast. As many of the offered compounds are food supplements that are hardly ever checked, the manufacturer can mix in "any piece of crap" slap a nice name on it, and pay some unknown doctor or professor to smile into the camera for the p...

CHF 14.50

Introduktion til mikrocirkulation af blod

Simons, Peter Carl
Introduktion til mikrocirkulation af blod
Mikrocirkulation af blodet er ensbetydende med blodomløbet i de mindste blodkar, som er indlejret i organvævene. Mens de ikke er det første, tanken falder på, når man overvejer blodomløbet, har de afgørende betydning for menneskets sundhed og kroppens funktion. Uden mikrocirkulation ville organerne svigte, fjernelsen af kuldioxid ville blive reduceret, og kroppen ville ikke længere fungere, som den skal. Denne form for blodomløb har også direk...

CHF 28.90

Psilio - la dieta orgánica con éxito garantizado

Simons, Peter Carl
Psilio - la dieta orgánica con éxito garantizado
No es divertido ser gordo...El escritor Paul Enders no tenía opciones. Ser gordo no tenía ventajas. Cada área de su vida se vio afectada por su peso... y volumen. Cuando descubrió su verdadero problema, era un problema intestinal, Paul inició la travesía de su vida - ¡AJUSTE INTESTINAL-ADIÓS A LA GORDURA! Desde limpiezas sencillas hasta increíbles dietas, el Sr. Enders guía a personas cansadas de hacer dieta hacia la victoria sobre su estómago...

CHF 18.90

Maca - La Planta Medicinal de los Incas

Simons, Peter Carl
Maca - La Planta Medicinal de los Incas
Imagina una planta, un simple tubérculo, que parece un rábano, que crece a una altitud de 4000 metros, que sobrevive el calor extremo, el frío, un clima severo y un ambiente enrarecido y que al mismo tiempo almacena fuerza, vitaminas, oligoelementos y nutrientes minerales. Los Incas ya habían utilizado la raíz de maca de las altiplanicies andinas como alimento y como medicina. Peter Carl Simons, un experto en salud, muestra cómo esta planta po...

CHF 18.90