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11 Ergebnisse.

From Reformation to Improvement: Public Welfare in Early ...

Slack, Paul
From Reformation to Improvement: Public Welfare in Early Modern England
Paul Slack's incisive analysis shows how the English came to believe between 1500 and 1740 that piecemeal improvement was more likely to be achieved than total social reformation. He examines social policy and institutions such as workhouses and hospitals in order to illustrate how contemporaries tried to shape their social and moral environment, and how they defined the notion of welfare'.

CHF 200.00

Plague: A Very Short Introduction

Slack, Paul
Plague: A Very Short Introduction
Throughout history plague has caused some of the greatest periods of hardship for humanity, from the Black Death to the Great Plague of London. This book explores the causes of plague, the presence of plague in art and literature, and the lasting impact of the disease on how people and governments behave when threatened by epidemic crises.

CHF 17.50

Environments and Historical Change

Slack, Paul
Environments and Historical Change
This book explores the shifting relationship between people and their environment by focusing on the relationship between the environmental and historical change. It examines questions such as, how has climate fluctuated and why? how have people exploited natural and defined their local place in it?, and why have boundaries taken the shapes they have?

CHF 190.00

The Peopling of Britain

Slack, Paul / Ward, Ryk
The Peopling of Britain
Written by acknowledged experts in different fields - archaeology, history, and geography - in accessible form, this is an account of the evolution of human settlement in Britain over the last half-million years and its impact on the landscape from the beginnings to the present day. It reviews the way in which, over the centuries, the evolving human presence in Britain has shaped the British landscape and how, in turn, the British landscape ha...

CHF 220.00

The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England

Slack, Paul
The Impact of Plague in Tudor and Stuart England
This book is a classic study of a disease which had a profound impact on the history of Tudor and Stuart England. Plague was both a personal affliction and a social calamity, regularly decimating urban populations. Slack vividly describes the stresses which plague imposed on individuals, families, and whole communities, and the ways in which people tried to explain, control, and come to terms with it.

CHF 123.00

Die Pest

Slack, Paul / Blank-Sangmeister, Ursula / Raupach, Anna
Die Pest
»Beulenpest«, »Pestilenz« oder gar »Der Schwarze Tod«: Die Pest hat viele Namen. Wie diese verheerende Seuche die Menschheit geprägt hat, darüber schreibt Paul Slack in seinem Buch >Die Pest<: Von der Antike über das Mittelalter bis heute zeichnet er nach, wie die Pest ganze Bevölkerungen an den Rand der Ausrottung brachte und welche Auswirkungen das auf die betroffenen Gesellschaften hatte.

CHF 10.50

La peste

Slack, Paul / Falcioni, R.
La peste
Un morbo che ha profondamente influenzato il corso della storia: dalla "peste di Giustiniano", fra VI e Vili secolo, alla peste nera fra XIV e XVIII secolo, alla pandemia che solo cento anni fa fece tredici milioni di vittime in Cina e India. Questo libro ci racconta che cos'è la peste sotto il profilo medico, come è stata identificata, come si è manifestata nel tempo, in che modo la vivevano le persone e con quale politica sanitaria fu contra...

CHF 25.90