Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

12 Ergebnisse.

La casa del governo. Una storia russa di utopia e terrore

Slezkine, Yuri / Amato, B.
La casa del governo. Una storia russa di utopia e terrore
«La Casa del governo» è diverso da qualsiasi altro libro sulla Rivoluzione russa. Nella tradizione di «Guerra e pace» di Tolstoj, «Vita e destino» di Grossman e «Arcipelago Gulag» di Sol?enicyn, la scrittura di Slezkine racconta la storia vera degli abitanti di un enorme edificio di Mosca, dove vissero gli ufficiali del Partito comunista e le loro famiglie prima di essere epurati dalle purghe di Stalin. Una narrazione delle vite pubbliche e pr...

CHF 66.00

The Jewish Century, New Edition

Slezkine, Yuri / Slezkine, Yuri
The Jewish Century, New Edition
Slezkine argues that the Jews were, in effect, among the world's first free agents. They traditionally belonged to a social and anthropological category known as "service nomads, " an outsider group specializing in the delivery of goods and services. Their role, Slezkine argues, was part of a broader division of human labor between what he calls Mercurians-entrepreneurial minorities--and Apollonians--food-producing majorities. Since the dawnin...

CHF 44.50

The House of Government

Slezkine, Yuri
The House of Government
The House of Government is unlike any other book about the Russian Revolution and the Soviet experiment. Written in the tradition of Tolstoy's War and Peace, Grossman's Life and Fate, and Solzhenitsyn's The Gulag Archipelago, Yuri Slezkine's gripping narrative tells the true story of the residents of an enormous Moscow apartment building where top Communist officials and their families lived before they were destroyed in Stalin's purges. A viv...

CHF 36.50

Paradoxe Moderne

Slezkine, Yuri / Diner, Dan / Adrian, Michael / Engels, Bettina
Paradoxe Moderne
Yuri Slezkine steht mit diesem Essay in einer Reihe von Interpretationen, die den Zusammenhang von gesellschaftlicher Minderheit und sozialem Erfolg im späten 19. und frühen 20. Jahrhundert zum Gegenstand ihrer Analyse gemacht haben. Die Faszination, die von seinem glänzend geschriebenen Essay ausgeht, liegt darin, dass er die vornehmlich 'ethnisch' eingeschliffene Argumentation durch Universalisierungen auflöst und aufzeigt, wie als 'jüdisch'...

CHF 24.50

Arctic Mirrors

Slezkine, Yuri
Arctic Mirrors
This fascinating and authoritative book covers the history of relations between Russian civilization and the hunter-gatherer peoples of northern Eurasia. Slezkine charts changing Russian policies toward these circumpolar cultures beginning with the fur the eleventh century, through the expansion of the Russian empire under the tsars, to the modernization policies of the Soviets. He argues that attention to this kind of history revea...

CHF 48.90