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18 Ergebnisse.

Dogs and Cats Have Souls Too

Smedley, Jenny
Dogs and Cats Have Souls Too
Many people believe that they have a special pet – one that is clever, caring, and… very "human". From a young age, Jenny Smedley had the ability to empathise and communicate with animals. She became aware that every life on the planet is connected and that animals have a vital purpose on the earth. In this book, Jenny shows how dogs and cats are more than just pets – they have a special reason for being in our lives, one that is more importan...

CHF 22.90

Dogs and Cats Have Souls Too

Smedley, Jenny
Dogs and Cats Have Souls Too
Jenny Smedley is an award-winning angel expert, lyricist and author, whose books have helped thousands of people worldwide. She has appeared on over 400 radio and TV shows, talking about subjects such as past lives, reincarnation, pet souls, soul mates and angels.

CHF 22.90

Tiere – Gefährten meiner Seele

Smedley, Jenny
Tiere – Gefährten meiner Seele
Jeder, der schon einmal ein geliebtes Haustier verloren hat, kennt den Schmerz und die Lücke, wenn unsere "jüngeren Geschwister" in eine andere Wirklichkeit zurückkehren müssen. Für alle, die darüber trauern, hat Jenny Smedley ihr wundervolles Trostbuch geschrieben.Es belegt anhand zahlreicher Beispiele, dass unsere Tiere nicht sterben und sich auflösen, sondern seelische Wesen sind, die - wie die Menschen - in eine höhere Welt zurückgehen und...

CHF 14.50

Forever Faithful - Dogs That Return

Smedley, Jenny
Forever Faithful - Dogs That Return
Most animal lovers have experienced bonding with a very special dog. These are the dogs that seem more than just dogs, almost human. They appear to reason and be responsible for their actions. They appear to be self-aware and therefore sentient. Jenny Smedley believes these are the dogs that 'return'. Life after life they reappear at our sides, spiritually understanding, and containing a spark of our own soul within them. Losing such a beloved...

CHF 18.50

A Year with the Angels

Smedley, Jenny
A Year with the Angels
Jenny Smedley is a renowned spiritual healer, therapist and advisor. She writes for Chat - It's Fate, has a monthly column in Soul&Spirit, magazine, and has appeared on numerous TV shows demonstrating the magical power of angels and the truth of life after death. Based in the beautiful county of Somerset, she lives with her husband of 40 years, Tony, and their reincarnated dog, KC.

CHF 26.50

Angeli, ascoltatemi! Consigli e indicazioni pratiche affi...

Smedley, Jenny / Appino, I.
Angeli, ascoltatemi! Consigli e indicazioni pratiche affinché le nostre richieste vengano accolte dalle creature celesti
Se riconoscete in queste domande, non fatevi prendere dal panico: c'è sempre qualcuno che può darvi una mano. Spesso, infatti, è solo questione di generare energia positiva per ottenere l'assistenza degli angeli e cambiare le cose do da ottenere tutto il sostegno che desiderate, orate gli angeli, vi piace leggere delle esperienze degli altri in relazione alle creature di luce e vorreste stabilire una comunicazione più efficace con il vostro an...

CHF 28.90

Soul Angels

Smedley, Jenny
Soul Angels
Jenny Smedley is a renowned spiritual healer, therapist and advisor. Jenny writes for Chat - It's Fate and Love It! magazines, and has appeared on numerous TV shows demonstrating the magical power of angels and the truth of life after death. She has a monthly column in Soul&Spirit, magazine. Based in the beautiful county of Somerset, she lives with her husband of 39 years, Tony.

CHF 19.90

Souls Don't Lie: A True Story of Past Lives

Smedley, Jenny
Souls Don't Lie: A True Story of Past Lives
Do we really have past lives? At one level this is a thrilling romance adventure from the 17th century. But it is all true. Jenny Smedley's life was changed in the moment she recognized Garth Brooks, American country music singer, as her husband from an earlier life. Under hypnosis she began to recall the life they led together, and wrote this astonishing tale of love and sacrifice, murder, death and renewal. She later found many points of con...

CHF 28.90

The Tree That Talked

Smedley, Jenny
The Tree That Talked
Have you ever stood beneath a majestic 300 year old oak tree and thought, this tree lived before I was born, and will be alive long after I'm dead? Have you ever wondered about such a tree might have witnessed during its long life, and thought, if only it could talk? This work presents the story of an oak tree, from birth to death.

CHF 24.90

How to Be Happy: Finding a Future in Your Past

Smedley, Jenny
How to Be Happy: Finding a Future in Your Past
It's what everyone wants isn't it? To be happy? What people often don't realize is that there are two kinds of happiness. That which comes from without, and that which comes from within. This book shows you how to access your future happiness of the real kind, by discovering your complete evolution, over many lifetimes.

CHF 34.90