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Zur Kasse

48 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Vagrant Queen

Smith, Jason / Visaggio, Magdalene / Garrard, Jem / Tamaki, Mariko / Collins, Mika / Trevail, David / Starkey, Richard / Matthes, James / Smit, Andries / Friedlander, Adam / Levine, Samantha / Maila, Tebogo / Corbet, Blake / Desanto, F. J. / Garrard, Jem / March, Daniel / Samuels, Lance / Tabatznik, Neil / Calverley, Trevor / Rae, Adriyan / Rozon, Tim / McGregor, Alex / Toit, Paul Du / Moss, Colin / Scott, Robyn / Boyd, Clayton / Wright-Firth, Richard / Clingman, Leon
Vagrant Queen
Elida, ist bereits als Mädchen eine Königin, die aber zu einem ausgestoßenen Waisenkind wird. Auf eigene Faust gestellt ist sie in den abgelegensten Winkeln der Galaxie unterwegs, immer ein Schritt der Regierung der Republik voraus, die alles dafür tun würde, um ihre Erblinie endgültig auszulöschen. Als Elidas alter Freund Isaac auftaucht und behauptet, dass ihre Mutter noch am Leben ist, planen beide eine Rettungsaktion, die sie zurück in das...

CHF 19.50

A Very Byzantine Journey

Smith, J. Richard
A Very Byzantine Journey
From the earliest days of the Church, Christians have used icons-images of Christ-to engage with the story of their faith. However, icons are far more than ancient pictures of Jesus: they are windows on the holy and transcendental, and they tell the New Testament story in a way that makes it real even to those exploring it from a distance. Knowing that this is a story based in geographical fact, J. Richard Smith has visited many of the places ...

CHF 46.50


Smith, Richard J.
Hai pensato di creare il tuo giardino idroponico o acquaponico, ma non hai la minima idea da dove cominciare? Volete imparare a coltivare frutta, erbe e verdure commestibili e importanti per il consumo e il profitto, conservando l'acqua?Se la tua risposta a una di queste domande è "SI", allora continua a leggere...In ACQUAPONICA PER PRINCIPIANTI & I SEGRETI DEL GIARDINO IDROPONICO imparerai come impostare un sistema praticabile, senza suolo, p...

CHF 26.90


Smith, Richard J.
Hai sempre desiderato imparare una buona pratica di coltivazione di piante (o migliorarne una esistente), e combinarla con l'allevamento di pesci, ma non hai abbastanza spazio e tempo o capacità per mantenere entrambe le pratiche?Oppure non sai nemmeno da dove cominciare?Allora continua a leggere...Con il termine acquaponica si intende un sistema alternativo di giardinaggio fai da te che combina il giardinaggio tradizionale dell'acquacoltura c...

CHF 22.90


Smith, Richard J.
Volete coltivare rapidamente verdure fresche da casa senza l'uso di terra sporca? Avete già sentito parlare di coltivazione idroponica ma non sapete cosa sia esattamente?Allora continua a leggere...Ci sono un sacco di ragioni per cui qualcuno vorrebbe iniziare a coltivare verdure in casa propria, che vanno dalle finanze alla salute e dall'impatto ambientale. Uno dei cambiamenti più significativi degli ultimi anni è stata una forte spinta verso...

CHF 22.90

Aquaponics and Hydroponic Garden Secrets: 2 Books in 1: L...

Smith, Richard J.
Aquaponics and Hydroponic Garden Secrets: 2 Books in 1: Learn How to Grow Organic Vegetables, Fruits and Raising Fishes for Beginners
Learn how to set up your own aquaponic or hydroponic system and cultivate and raise fresh produce and fish at the same time, as well as take the headache and guesswork out of soil-free gardening. Have you considered establishing your own hydroponic or aquaponic garden, but haven't the slightest idea where to begin? Do you want to learn how to grow edible and important fruits, herbs and veggies for consumption and profit while conserving water?...

CHF 31.90


Smith, Richard J.
Have you always desired to establish a good plant cultivation practice or improve an existing one, and even combine that with fish farming but you either don't have enough space, you don't have enough time or capacity to maintain both practices -or don't even know where to begin? Then keep reading...Aquaponics refers to an alternative DIY gardening system that combines traditional aquaculture gardening with hydroponics gardening in a single, s...

CHF 22.50


Smith, Richard J.
Do you want to quickly grow fresh vegetables from home without the use of dirty soil? Then keep reading...There are a ton of reasons why somebody would want to start to grow vegetables in their own home, which range from finances to health and from the environmental impact to the mental benefits. One of the significant changes in the last few years has been a strong push towards organically grown vegetables. The use of chemicals to fertilize o...

CHF 22.90

Me 262 Volume 4

Smith, J. Richard / Creek, Eddie J.
Me 262 Volume 4
The fourth and final volume in Classic's unprecedented study of the revolutionary Me 262, the world's first operational jet fighter, is packed with never-before-published photos, fold-out artwork, and rare color schemes. The information is drawn both from World War II archives and private collections.

CHF 69.00

Vagrant Queen

Smith, Jason / Visaggio, Magdalene / Garrard, Jem / Tamaki, Mariko / Collins, Mika / Trevail, David / Starkey, Richard / Matthes, James / Smit, Andries / Friedlander, Adam / Levine, Samantha / Maila, Tebogo / Corbet, Blake / Desanto, F. J. / Garrard, Jem / March, Daniel / Samuels, Lance / Tabatznik, Neil / Calverley, Trevor / Rae, Adriyan / Rozon, Tim / McGregor, Alex / Toit, Paul Du / Moss, Colin / Scott, Robyn / Boyd, Clayton / Wright-Firth, Richard / Clingman, Leon
Vagrant Queen
Elida, ist bereits als Mädchen eine Königin, die aber zu einem ausgestoßenen Waisenkind wird. Auf eigene Faust gestellt ist sie in den abgelegensten Winkeln der Galaxie unterwegs, immer ein Schritt der Regierung der Republik voraus, die alles dafür tun würde, um ihre Erblinie endgültig auszulöschen. Als Elidas alter Freund Isaac auftaucht und behauptet, dass ihre Mutter noch am Leben ist, planen beide eine Rettungsaktion, die sie zurück in das...

CHF 19.50

Tales from a Twilight House

Smith, Richard J.
Tales from a Twilight House
Life is an escalating process of saying goodbye.Every book is written for a particular audience. This book is written for retired persons, or persons near retirement. Younger people may enjoy it as an insight into old age. Tales from a Twilight House is a compilation of commentary, poetry and prose written by a man residing in a continuing care retirement community on the west coast of Florida. At the age of eighty-nine, having lost his wife o...

CHF 20.90

I Ching. Una nuova lettura del libro dei Mutamenti

Smith, Richard J. / Pozzi, S. / Francis, F.
I Ching. Una nuova lettura del libro dei Mutamenti
La storia del libro dei Mutamenti comincia in Cina, più di tremila anni fa. Dichiarato «classico confuciano» per editto imperiale nel 156 a.C, il manuale di divinazione ebbe per secoli profondo influsso sulla filosofia, l'arte, la letteratura, la politica, la scienza, la tecnica e la medicina di numerose culture dell'Asia orientale. Arrivato in Europa nel Seicento al seguito dei missionari gesuiti di ritorno dall'Oriente, 17 Ching si è via via...

CHF 38.50