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Zur Kasse

10 Ergebnisse.

The Sorrows

Smith, M. Earl
The Sorrows
For Esther, her plan is simple: Get to Bhutan, and end her life. For Travis, the plan is much more complex. When Travis Saint Croix enrolled at San Francisco State University, romance was the last thing on his mind. Meeting Esther, however, changed all of that. What followed was a whirlwind romance entwined with questions of race, society, mental health and two trips to Bhutan. It was in this tiny South Asian country that wars against both sel...

CHF 29.90

Las estrellas sobre América Latina

Smith, M. Earl
Las estrellas sobre América Latina
Cuando dos jóvenes comienzan un viaje por América Latina en la parte posterior de una motocicleta destartalada llamada El Poderoso, no tienen idea de cuánto va a cambiar el viaje de sus vidas.Sus interacciones con los lugareños enseñan al Che y a Alberto que su continente alberga sufrimiento y pobreza, y en la mente del Che nace una chispa de rebelión.Mientras ayudan a pacientes en una colonia de leprosos en Perú, ambos se dan cuenta de que si...

CHF 17.90

Stars Over Latin America

Smith, M. Earl
Stars Over Latin America
When two young men begin a journey across Latin America on the back of a rundown motorcycle called The Mighty One, they have no idea how much the voyage will change their lives.Their interactions with the locals teach Che and Alberto that their continent is home to considerable suffering and poverty and a spark of rebellion is born in Che's mind.While they assist patients in a leper colony in Peru, both men realize that if they allow the world...

CHF 17.90

As estrelas sobre a América Latina

Smith, M. Earl
As estrelas sobre a América Latina
Quando dois jovens começam uma viagem pela América Latina na parte traseira de uma moto degradada chamada a Poderosa, eles não sabem o quanto a viagem mudará suas vidas.Suas interações com os habitantes locais ensinam Che e Alberto a que seu continente é o lar de um sofrimento e pobreza consideráveis e uma centelha de rebelião nasce na mente de Che.Enquanto eles ajudam os pacientes em uma colônia de leprosos no Peru, ambos os homens percebem q...

CHF 17.90

Philadelphia Big 5

Smith, M. Earl
Philadelphia Big 5
In the "City of Brotherly Love, " there are few things taken as seriously as local bragging rights. In a city that lives and dies with its sports heroes, basketball is no exception. This volume traces the lore and history behind Philadelphia's Big 5, an informal basketball league that features five of the area's most prestigious colleges: LaSalle University, Temple University, Saint Joseph's University, Villanova University, and the University...

CHF 43.90

Philadelphia Big 5

Smith, M. Earl
Philadelphia Big 5
In the City of Brotherly Love, there are few things taken as seriously as local bragging rights. In a city that lives and dies with its sports heroes, basketball is no exception. This volume traces the lore and history behind Philadelphia's Big 5, an informal basketball league that features five of the area's most prestigious colleges: LaSalle University, Temple University, Saint Joseph's University, Villanova University, and the University of...

CHF 33.90


Smith, M Earl
From its humble beginnings as a strip of wilderness just west of William Penn s greene country towne, Powelton Village has seen a rise in both prestige and activism since its inception in the late 17th century. An aristocratic estate at its founding, Powelton has found itself in a state of constant evolution, from the summer retreat of George Washington to the home of Pennsylvania s agricultural fair and from the playground of the elite to a h...

CHF 38.90