Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

5 Ergebnisse.

Le dee perdute dell'antica Grecia

Spretnak, Charlene / Merendi, P.
Le dee perdute dell'antica Grecia
Un saggio che ribalta le conoscenze tradizionali sulle Dee della mitologia greca. Al loro arrivo, i popoli ellenici imposero il culto degli Dei olimpici, facendo diventare simbolo di passività, gelosia e invidia le potenti e compassionevoli Dee pre-elleniche, fino a quel momento associate alla saggezza, alla protezione e ai processi di creazione e rinnovamento della vita. L'autrice raccoglie i frammenti di quei miti e ne analizza gli archetipi...

CHF 41.90

Lost Goddesses of Early Greece

Spretnak, Charlene
Lost Goddesses of Early Greece
For thousands of years before the classical myths were recorded by Hesiod and Homer, the Goddess was the focus of religion and culture. In Lost Goddesses of Early Greece, Charlene Spretnak recreates, the original, goddess-centered myths and illuminates the contemporary emergence of a spirituality based on our embeddedness in nature.

CHF 35.50

The Politics of Women's Spirituality

Spretnak, Charlene
The Politics of Women's Spirituality
This feminist classic (first published in 1982) presents a chorus of voices exploring their authentic spirituality. The essays are active rather than reactive, revolutionary rather than reformist, and express a broad political awareness. Rather than codifying a religion exclusively for women, the authors address a range of contemporary issues that are informed by spirituality, our attitude toward life on Earth. Part One: Discovering a History ...

CHF 29.90