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Zur Kasse

3 Ergebnisse.


Stambaugh, Ashley
Over a month has gone by since Melina won her internal battle between good and evil. She and the elders have been vigilantly waiting for Maura and Adelia to enact their plan, but there have been no signs of them anywhere. Then one day, Melina sees a Noxin demon lurking behind an old building. As more and more demons start to appear around town, she begins to worry that their plan may have already been put into play. While Melina tries to fig...

CHF 25.50


Stambaugh, Ashley
Three months have passed and Melina thought she was safe. Safe from the effects of the angel powers and safe from the Noxin demons. But she thought too soon. Just as she's starting to enjoy her new powers and her new relationship with Lee, the slight pain she still experiences after using the powers starts to grow worse. As the pain becomes more and more unbearable, she finds herself lashing out at innocent people with unexplained an...

CHF 26.50


Stambaugh, Ashley
Melina Rowe never thought her quiet, simple life could change to one full of fear and confusion just by accidentally bumping into someone. But after she collides with an elderly man named Walter, she starts to hear people's thoughts and have unsettling visions. Walter reveals himself as a guiding angel and explains to Melina that she's a rare type of human who can absorb angel powers. But her special ability is more of a problem for her than a...

CHF 21.50