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20 Ergebnisse.


Steffen, Sylvester L
Faith needs reason's muscle to exercise it. Exercise strengthens faith, if we would be strong, if we would be holistic, we would inform faith with reason and exercise both. But the hyped faith of ancient religion still elevates itself above the exercise of reason, and is now found wanting in strength. The crisis of the time is religious, intellectual, because faith and reason remain poles apart. WORD UNLIMITED, Divinely Maternal, is a one of a...

CHF 26.50


Steffen, Sylvester L
Faith needs reason's muscle to exercise it. Exercise strengthens faith, if we would be strong, if we would be holistic, we would inform faith with reason and exercise both. But the hyped faith of ancient religion still elevates itself above the exercise of reason, and is now found wanting in strength. The crisis of the time is religious, intellectual, because faith and reason remain poles apart. WORD UNLIMITED, Divinely Maternal, is a one of a...

CHF 38.50


Steffen, Sylvester L.
Fractal patterning is nature's way of economics, always tying back to previous iterations of evolved energy/ matter. Ecology, Eucharist and economy are of a piece in the "fractal iterations" of symbiotic patterning. Holistic living is a patterned process of "fractal rationality", the mindful linking of ecology, economy and Eucharist. Mindfulness is religiously consistent by way of the harmonized linking of communication, consciousness and cons...

CHF 28.90


Steffen, Sylvester L.
Fractal patterning is nature's way of economics, always tying back to previous iterations of evolved energy/ matter. Ecology, Eucharist and economy are of a piece in the "fractal iterations" of symbiotic patterning. Holistic living is a patterned process of "fractal rationality", the mindful linking of ecology, economy and Eucharist. Mindfulness is religiously consistent by way of the harmonized linking of communication, consciousness and cons...

CHF 41.50


Steffen, Sylvester L
Fractal patterning is nature's way of economics, always tying back to previous iterations of evolved energy/ matter. Ecology, Eucharist and economy are of a piece in the "fractal iterations" of symbiotic patterning. Holistic living is a patterned process of "fractal rationality", the mindful linking of ecology, economy and Eucharist. Mindfulness is religiously consistent by way of the harmonized linking of communication, consciousness and cons...

CHF 28.90


Steffen, Sylvester L
Fractal patterning is nature's way of economics, always tying back to previous iterations of evolved energy/ matter. Ecology, Eucharist and economy are of a piece in the "fractal iterations" of symbiotic patterning. Holistic living is a patterned process of "fractal rationality", the mindful linking of ecology, economy and Eucharist. Mindfulness is religiously consistent by way of the harmonized linking of communication, consciousness and cons...

CHF 40.90

Religion & Civility

Steffen, Sylvester L.
Religion & Civility
The other books of the "Second Enlightenment Trilogy" are Primary Scripture: Cosmic Religion's First Lessons, and Quantum Religion: The Good News of Rising Consciousness, also published by 1stBooks Library.

CHF 33.90


Steffen, Sylvester L.
THE POSSIBLE JOURNEY is about war and peace, about disharmony and harmony, about hate and love, about what we choose and by which we customize habits. In the course of life, positives and negatives get folded together in consciousness. We can blindly go on and suffer the hurts of negative implications and impose them on others, or we can search them out and remove them from the menu of choices. Nature equips us to do this. We inherit an intuit...

CHF 21.50

The Poetree Worldview

Steffen, Sylvester L.
The Poetree Worldview
When salt loses its savor it needs to be thrown out and replaced-this is an emphatic lesson from The Second Vatican Council, which addresses "joy and hope" in a faithless and despairing culture. The shining light of Vatican II is a beacon trained on the natural reality of transformational consciousness that grows out of and thrives in beauty and truth. The beauty of the moment, the truth of the moment is all that is and all that ye need to kno...

CHF 21.90

The Poetree Worldview

Steffen, Sylvester L.
The Poetree Worldview
When salt loses its savor it needs to be thrown out and replaced-this is an emphatic lesson from The Second Vatican Council, which addresses "joy and hope" in a faithless and despairing culture. The shining light of Vatican II is a beacon trained on the natural reality of transformational consciousness that grows out of and thrives in beauty and truth. The beauty of the moment, the truth of the moment is all that is and all that ye need to kno...

CHF 36.90

What Self-Donation Is

Steffen, Sylvester L.
What Self-Donation Is
About "Uninformed Conscience" John F. Kavanaugh, S.J. says "If a nation or church forms its people to accept assertions blindly, without supporting evidence, it will form a community not of moral agents but of menaces. They may be sincere, but they will be sincere menaces." [AMERICA, June 21-28, 2010, pg 9] Conscience speaks to the meaning of Eucharist. If we buy in to the Eucharistic Theology of the Cosmic Christ, we must be open to the vital...

CHF 35.50

What Self-Donation Is

Steffen, Sylvester L.
What Self-Donation Is
About "Uninformed Conscience" John F. Kavanaugh, S.J. says "If a nation or church forms its people to accept assertions blindly, without supporting evidence, it will form a community not of moral agents but of menaces. They may be sincere, but they will be sincere menaces." [AMERICA, June 21-28, 2010, pg 9] Conscience speaks to the meaning of Eucharist. If we buy in to the Eucharistic Theology of the Cosmic Christ, we must be open to the vital...

CHF 20.50

The Global Thinking Community

Steffen, Sylvester L.
The Global Thinking Community
The book chronicles exchanges between the author and bloggers on the NCR (National Catholic Reporter) blog site (now discontinued.) Exchanges are over upfront religious/ social issues. While strong and varied views are aired they are respectful-perhaps something of model how to reduce heat and increase light. Traditional religions define faith/ belief doctrinally, dogmatically, and exercise control over belief and behavior. As history shows, f...

CHF 21.90

The Global Thinking Community

Steffen, Sylvester L.
The Global Thinking Community
The book chronicles exchanges between the author and bloggers on the NCR (National Catholic Reporter) blog site (now discontinued.) Exchanges are over upfront religious/ social issues. While strong and varied views are aired they are respectful-perhaps something of model how to reduce heat and increase light. Traditional religions define faith/ belief doctrinally, dogmatically, and exercise control over belief and behavior. As history shows, f...

CHF 36.90

Green Religion

Steffen, Sylvester L.
Green Religion
Deep-heart cosmic communication radiates truths of relationships in-common and the fact that "common ground" is wave/ particle pulsation sustaining and transforming all at the same time. The "light of the world" is wave/ particle, electromagnetic photon. We are the shining self-understanding of the cosmos, the scintillating light of Divine Instance in nature. Shine on. Shine on, Oh Cosmic Christ. The common anointing of universal priesthood is...

CHF 31.50

Green Religion

Steffen, Sylvester L.
Green Religion
Deep-heart cosmic communication radiates truths of relationships in-common and the fact that "common ground" is wave/ particle pulsation sustaining and transforming all at the same time. The "light of the world" is wave/ particle, electromagnetic photon. We are the shining self-understanding of the cosmos, the scintillating light of Divine Instance in nature. Shine on. Shine on, Oh Cosmic Christ. The common anointing of universal priesthood is...

CHF 45.50

Primary Scripture

Steffen, Sylvester L.
Primary Scripture
This is a helpful first reader for anyone confused by other books that seek to connect science and religion. The author's 'essential continuity principle' provides a scientific basis for linking energy and matter (earth) with evolved soul and body (spirit).

CHF 25.50