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Zur Kasse

14 Ergebnisse.

Sustainable Development and Innovation in the Energy Sector

Steger, Ulrich / Achterberg, Wouter / Blok, Kornelis / Bode, Henning / Frenz, Walter / Gather, Corinna / Hanekamp, Gerd / Imboden, Dieter / Jahnke, Matthias / Kost, Michael / Kurz, Rudi / Nutzinger, Hans Gottfried / Ziesemer, Thomas
Sustainable Development and Innovation in the Energy Sector
Explores how these conflicting scenarios could be reconciled, how can we shape a more sustainable energy system from the existing one, and possible technological progress and innovations to enable a brighter future. Addresses the reality that there exists no consensus on the extent to which innovations can really contribute to reconciling ever-growing energy consumption, availability of resources and the environment, and the structural d...

CHF 147.00

Umwelt Management

Steger, Ulrich
Umwelt Management
Wer je die Frankfurter Buchmesse durchwanderte, dem mtiBten tiefe Zweifel gekommen sein, ob die weitere Vermehrung von Btichern noch Sinn macht. 1st der Punkt zunehmenden Ertrages nicht Iangst tiberschritten, die weitere Informationstiberflutung nicht eine be­ sonders subtile Form der Umweltverschmutzung? Solche, fUr einen Autor ketzerische Gedanken verscheuchte mein Verleger mit dem pragmatischen Hinweis, daB die Quantitat der Bti­ cher noch ...

CHF 71.00

Mastering Global Corporate Governance

Steger, Ulrich
Mastering Global Corporate Governance
Corporate governance is the hot topic of the new millennium. Corporations need new systems of accountability to create the transparency that is now required. They need new ways to get staff and shareholders involved in decision making long-term, tools for creating wealth, tools for solving complex problems and ways of competing in global markets. The way to success is clear: boards need to clarify their role and build an effective framework f...

CHF 89.00

Globalisierung der Wirtschaft

Steger, Ulrich
Globalisierung der Wirtschaft
Eine interdisziplinierte Bestandsaufnahme zum Thema Globalisierung der Wirtschaft. Jenseits oberflächlicher Klischees diskutieren Wissenschaftler der Volks- und Betriebswirtschaft, der Sozial- und Ingenieurwissenschaften den dramatischen Wandel für Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft . Über die aktuelle Standortdebatte hinaus werden längerfristige Trends identifiziert.

CHF 71.00

Globalisierung gestalten

Steger, Ulrich
Globalisierung gestalten
Globalisierung ist alles andere als eine Einbahnstraße! Anhand dreier Szenarien zeigt das Buch grundlegende Handlungsoptionen für die Gestaltung der globalisierten Zukunft auf. Es entfernt sich damit von der altbekannten "Standort-Debatte", die durch ihre Einseitigkeit effiziente Lösungsansätze letztendlich verhindert. Das Buch gliedert sich in drei Teile: 1. Kennzeichen und Charakteristika der Globalisierung und ihre Auswirkungen auf zentrale...

CHF 71.00

Managing Complexity in Global Organizations

Steger, Ulrich (International Institute for Management Development (IMD)) / Amann, Wolfgang (Growth, Innovation and Enterprise) / Maznevski, Martha L. (International Institute for Management Development (IMD))
Managing Complexity in Global Organizations
This book delivers new and proven insights on an emerging management challenge - how to deal with overwhelming complexity. Globally active organizations have to cope with the most complex of all managerial decision-making environments. On one side, a greater diversity of cultures, customers, competitors and regulations compounds complexity, on the other, competitive pressures cause expanding companies to extract more synergies across products ...

CHF 55.90

Sustainable Development and Innovation in the Energy Sector

Steger, Ulrich / Achterberg, W. / Blok, K.
Sustainable Development and Innovation in the Energy Sector
Explores how these conflicting scenarios could be reconciled, how can we shape a more sustainable energy system from the existing one, and possible technological progress and innovations to enable a brighter future. Addresses the reality that there exists no consensus on the extent to which innovations can really contribute to reconciling ever-growing energy consumption, availability of resources and the environment, and the structural deman...

CHF 179.00

Corporate Diplomacy

Steger, Ulrich
Corporate Diplomacy
Ulrich Stegers new book, Corporate Diplomacy, opens the door to a new perception of what responsible and sustainable leadership is all about and broadens our vision to better grasp the complexity of the global agenda." Jürgen Dormann, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Aventis SA "This book is a timely reminder that we are all sitting in the same boat, whether we represent business, NGOs or government: we all carry a joint, yet differentiat...

CHF 80.00

The Strategic Dimensions of Environmental Management

Steger, Ulrich / Meima, Ralph
The Strategic Dimensions of Environmental Management
Ecology has become an integral part of the strategic context in which corporations operate. This book examines fully the strategic issues, concepts and tools which managers must understand to sustain their own business competitiveness as society evolves toward a new definition of progress. In addition, it is argued that strategic environmental management provides an excellent learning context for the development of more general competitive cap...

CHF 149.00

The Strategic Dimensions of Environmental Management

Steger, Ulrich / Meima, Ralph
The Strategic Dimensions of Environmental Management
Ecology has become an integral part of the strategic context in which corporations operate. This book examines fully the strategic issues, concepts and tools which managers must understand to sustain their own business competitiveness as society evolves toward a new definition of progress. In addition, it is argued that strategic environmental management provides an excellent learning context for the development of more general competitive cap...

CHF 142.00

Facetten der Globalisierung

Steger, Ulrich
Facetten der Globalisierung
Auch wenn Globalisierung zunächst als ökonomischer Prozeß erscheint, so wird bereits jetzt deutlich, daß die künftige "Weltgemeinschaft" zentrale nicht-ökonomische Felder des gesellschaftlichen Lebens beeinflussen wird. Solche - oft vernachlässigten - Aspekte greift das Buch auf: nationale und internationale Politik, Umweltschutz, internationale Migration und Arbeitsbeziehungen, verbunden mit Analysen der Unternehmen als den "Treibern" der Glo...

CHF 71.00