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17 Ergebnisse.

Trump For Kids: The President, Freedom, and You

Stevenson, Ian
Trump For Kids: The President, Freedom, and You
Whether your outlook is positive or negative towards Mr. Trump, there is no escaping the parenting challenge posed by the highly charged, intensely emotional debate over his presidency. The tension of the opposing views permeates every domain of our society, including our schools and playgrounds. This state of our nation creates a tremendous issue for parents no matter which side of the fence they may be on... how do you approach this divisive...

CHF 15.90

Reincarnazione. 20 casi a sostegno

Stevenson, Ian / Bona Veggi, P. / Brazzini, P.
Reincarnazione. 20 casi a sostegno
Ian Stevenson esamina l'ipotesi della sopravvivenza della personalità umana dopo la morte, presentando venti casi che sembrano suffragarla. soggetti presi in esame sono in genere bambini o ragazzi che conservano precisi ricordi di un'esistenza precedente: se non si ammette l'idea della reincarnazione, ricordi di questo tipo (che si affievoliscono con il passare degli anni) rimangono inspiegabili. libro mette a disposizione del lettore tutto il...

CHF 32.50

Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect

Stevenson, Ian
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
Children who claim to remember a previous life have been found in many parts of the world, particularly in the Buddhist and Hindu countries of South Asia, among the Shiite peoples of Lebanon and Turkey, the tribes of West Africa, and the American northwest. Stevenson has collected over 2, 600 reported cases of past-life memories of which 65 detailed reports have been published. Specific information from the children's memories has been collect...

CHF 82.00


Stevenson, Robert Louis / Duncan, Ian
A new edition of one of Robert Louis Stevenson's most popular and enduring works, an exciting adventure story and a key work of 19th century fiction and of Scottish literature. Includes a map originally printed as a fold-out in early editions.

CHF 14.50

Reinkarnation in Europa

Stevenson, Ian
Reinkarnation in Europa
Die erste Dokumentation der beeindruckendsten Fälle von Reinkarnation in Europa! Den Befürwortern des Reinkarnationsgedankens wird immer wieder vorgeworfen, die Beispiele von Wiedergeburt, wie sie von Forschern wie Stevenson und anderen dokumentiert wurden, spielten sich nur in Asien ab, wo sie sich einer ernsthaften Überprüfung entzögen und vom Umfeld, aufgrund religiöser Überzeugung, ohnehin gefördert würden. Diesem Argument entzieht das neu...

CHF 25.50

Reincarnazione. 20 casi a sostegno

Stevenson, Ian / Bona Veggi, P. / Brazzini, P.
Reincarnazione. 20 casi a sostegno
Ian Stevenson, parapsicologo di fama internazionale, esamina l'ipotesi della sopravvivenza della personalità umana dopo la morte, presentando venti casi che sembrano suffragarla. I soggetti presi in esame sono in genere bambini o ragazzi che conservano precisi ricordi di un'esistenza precedente: se non si ammette l'idea della reincarnazione, ricordi di questo tipo (che si affievoliscono con il passare degli anni) rimangono inspiegabili. Il lib...

CHF 35.90

Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation

Stevenson, Ian
Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
Can anyone speak a language he or she has not learned normally, in childhood or later? Claims to have accomplished this are made from time to time, but only rarely do they receive support when carefully examines. In this volume Dr. Stevenson presents detailed reports of two cases taht seem authentic.Authentic instances of speaking a language that has not been learned normally (responsive xenoglossy) suggest that another personality (perhaps on...

CHF 54.50

Children Who Remember Previous Lives

Stevenson, Ian
Children Who Remember Previous Lives
Reviews of the 1987 first edition called it "an impressive book...both scholarly and readable...thoroughly analyzed...highly recommend[ed]"--Journal of Scientific Exploration, "excellent...offers us a fascinating and compelling book with the distinct potential for profoundly changing our way of understanding the nature of human existence and death. Standard reading for any person who wishes to be regarded as literate and educated"--Journal of ...

CHF 46.50

Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect

Stevenson, Ian
Where Reincarnation and Biology Intersect
Children who claim to remember a previous life have been found in many parts of the world, particularly in the Buddhist and Hindu countries of South Asia, among the Shiite peoples of Lebanon and Turkey, the tribes of West Africa, and the American northwest. Stevenson has collected over 2, 600 reported cases of past-life memories of which 65 detailed reports have been published. Specific information from the children's memories has been collect...

CHF 186.00

Bambini che ricordano altre vite

Stevenson, Ian / Hess, E. / Grillini, M.
Bambini che ricordano altre vite
Una ricerca sistematica e approfondita su dodici tipici casi di bambini che affermano di ricordare vite precedenti. A questi sono aggiunti numerosi altri casi che illustrano particolari aspetti della reincarnazione. L'autore, inoltre, fornisce un'ampia analisi delle più comuni convinzioni che negano la reincarnazione e ne dimostra l'infondatezza, sfatando anche numerosi pregiudizi sull'argomento. Si tratta di un'opera adatta sia al lettore com...

CHF 42.90

European Cases of the Reincarnation Type

Stevenson, Ian
European Cases of the Reincarnation Type
Many cultures accept that a person may die and then come back to life in another form, but Westerners have traditionally rejected the idea. Recently, however, surveys conducted in Europe indicate a substantial increase in the number of Europeans who believe in reincarnation, and numerous claims of reincarnation have been reported.

CHF 52.50


Stevenson, Ian
Prof. Dr. Ian Stevenson ist weltweit der anerkannteste Forscher über die Frage der Reinkarnation des Menschen. Er dokumentiert in zweifelsfreier Weise, anhand zahlreicher Fälle von Geburtszeichen und Muttermalen, dass die menschliche Individualität mehr als einmal in eine physische Form eintritt. Auch für den skeptischsten Leser werden Prof. Stevensons Dokumentationen beweiskräftig sein. Zu genau, zu sorgfältig und zu überzeugend sind seine Fo...

CHF 22.50