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8 Ergebnisse.


Steyn, Richard
From the acclaimed biographer of Jan Smuts, a revealing new account of Empire-builder and First World War Cabinet minister Lord Alfred Milner.

CHF 42.90


Steyn, Richard
If a mere seven more MPs had voted with Prime Minister JBM Hertzog in favour of neutrality, South Africa's history would have been quite different. Parliament's narrow decision to go to war in 1939 led to a seismic upheaval throughout the 1940s: black people streamed in their thousands from rural areas to the cities in search of jobs, volunteers of all races answered the call to go 'up north' to fight, and opponents of the Smuts government act...

CHF 28.90


Steyn, Richard
In A Man Apart Richard Steyn once again brings to life a South African icon. Louis Botha was the first Prime Minister of the Union of South Africa, a union he did much to create in the decade after the devastation of the Anglo-Boer War. During the war Botha was a brilliant young Boer general who through his battlefield strategy won significant victories over the British in the early stages of the war. When the weight of British arms overhelmed...

CHF 30.50

Churchill & Smuts

Steyn, Richard
Churchill & Smuts
[Jan Smuts was] probably more fitted to guide struggling and blundering humanity through its sufferings and perils towards a better day than anyone who lived in any country during his epoch'Winston Churchill in a letter of condolence to Smuts's widow, Isie SmutsThe remarkable friendship between Winston Churchill and Jan Smuts is a rich study in contrasts. In youth they occupied very different worlds: Churchill, the rambunctious and thrusting y...

CHF 19.90

Churchill's Confidant

Steyn, Richard
Churchill's Confidant
At this moment there arrives in England from the outer marches of the Empire a new and altogether extraordinary man . . . The stormy and hazardous roads he has travelled by would fill all the acts and scenes of a drama. He has warred against us - well we knew it . . . His astonishing career and his versatile achievements are only the index of a profound sagacity and a cool, far-reaching comprehension . . .' Winston Churchill on Smuts's arrival...

CHF 32.50

Jan Smuts - Afrikaner Sonder Grense

Steyn, Richard
Jan Smuts - Afrikaner Sonder Grense
Jan Christian Smuts was soldier, statesman and intellectual, one of South Africa's greatest leaders. Yet little is said about him today even as we appear to live in a leadership vacuum. Afrikaner sonder grense is a re-examination of the life and thought of Jan Smuts. It is intended to remind a contemporary readership of the remarkable achievements of this impressive soldier-statesman. The author argues that there is a need to bring Smuts back ...

CHF 31.50

Jan Smuts - Unafraid of Greatness

Steyn, Richard
Jan Smuts - Unafraid of Greatness
Jan Christian Smuts was soldier, statesman and intellectual, one of South Africa's greatest leaders. Yet little is said about him today even as we appear to live in a leadership vacuum. Unafraid of Greatness is a re-examination of the life and thought of Jan Smuts. It is intended to remind a contemporary readership of the remarkable achievements of this impressive soldier-statesman. The author argues that there is a need to bring Smuts back...

CHF 28.90