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35 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Stone, Paul Steven
When the sun comes up he crows "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Did you hear what I said? "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Like an angry alarm, every morning he sings, waking all of his neighbors from all of their dreams. So the farm animals hatched a plan, they knew just what to do, to silence the rooster And his Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!

CHF 43.90


Stone, Paul Steven
When the sun comes up he crows "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Did you hear what I said? "COCK-A-DOODLE-DOO!" Like an angry alarm, every morning he sings, waking all of his neighbors from all of their dreams. So the farm animals hatched a plan, they knew just what to do, to silence the rooster And his Cock-A-Doodle-Doo!

CHF 29.50

The Wind's Tale

Stone, Paul Steven
The Wind's Tale
The world, my friend, is filled with magic for those with the eyes to see. They are the ones who understand the laughter of seagulls, the joy of the setting sun, and, of course, the stories told by the wind. In this beautiful picture book, the illustrations are from the vantage point of a younger quadriplegic brother, whose seeing eyes offer a glimpse into a world of imagination, which only his older brother can recognize.

CHF 30.50

The Iron Age Settlement at 'Ain Dara, Syria

Stone, Elizabeth C. / Zimansky, Paul E.
The Iron Age Settlement at 'Ain Dara, Syria
Squared limestone and basalt blocks of enormous size pave the approach to it, reliefs of lions and sphinxes surround its exterior, rows of lions in protome standing more than two metres high once formed the facades..' - the great Iron Age temple of 'Ain Dara is one of the most striking monuments of northern Syria.

CHF 109.00

The Wind's Tale

Stone, Paul Steven
The Wind's Tale
The world, my friend, is filled with magic for those with the eyes to see. They are the ones who understand the laughter ofseagulls, the joy of the setting sun, and, of course, the stories told by the wind. In this beautiful picture book, the illustrations are from the vantage point of a younger quadriplegic brother, whose seeing eyes offer a glimpse into a world of imagination, which only his older brother can recognize.

CHF 38.90

The Battle of Gloucester, 1777

Stone, Garry Wheeler / Schopp, Paul W.
The Battle of Gloucester, 1777
The Marquis de Lafayette, a nineteen-year-old French youth, arrived in Philadelphia at the end of July 1777. Introduced to George Washington, he joined the commander-in-chief at the Battle of Brandywine in September, where he proved that he was courageous. Soon after, the British occupied Philadelphia and prepared to control the Delaware River, vital as a supply route. In November, the marquis volunteered to go to New Jersey with Major General...

CHF 38.90


Stone, Paul Steven
We are not human beings on a spiritual journey, we are spiritual beings on a human journey." - this quote from Pierre Teilhard de Chardin appears at the start of this extraordinary novel and sets the tone for everything that's to come. David Rockwood Worthington is in prison serving a life sentence for the murder of his 3rd wife and his incarceration is not going smoothly. He's being terrorised by rival gangs who insist he owes them each ...

CHF 42.90

Vineyard Magic

Stone, Jean / Aucella, Phil / Willis, Paul B.
Vineyard Magic
Once fabulously wealthy Libby and Walter have now lost it all: the co-op, the trust fund, the house in Belize, and maybe even their retreat on Martha's Vineyard where Libby has gone into seclusion. Enter Libby air-kissing, society friends go to the island to offer support. The women discover that Libby is beset with amnesia, her husband is missing, and a dead body has turned up in the phlox.

CHF 21.90


Stone, Peter / Behm, Marc / Clark, Jim / Mancini, Henry / Donen, Stanley / Lang, Charles / Grant, Cary / Hepburn, Audrey / Matthau, Walter / Coburn, James / Kennedy, George / Minot, Dominique / Glass, Ned / Marin, Jacques / Bonifas, Paul
Reggie Lambert (Audrey Hepburn) steht gerade kurz vor der Scheidung von ihrem Ehemann, als sie herausfindet, dass ihr Gatte nicht nur ermordet worden ist, sondern oben-drein vor seinem Tod den gesamten gemeinsamen Besitz zu Bargeld gemacht hat - allerdings fehlt von dem Geld jede Spur. Dann stellt Reggie fest, dass sie von mehreren Männern, darunter ein gut aussehender Fremder namens Peter Joshua (Grant), verfolgt wird. Plötzlich scheint jeder...

CHF 16.90

Mein Jahr 1963

Stone, Peter / Behm, Marc / Clark, Jim / Mancini, Henry / Donen, Stanley / Lang, Charles / Grant, Cary / Hepburn, Audrey / Matthau, Walter / Coburn, James / Kennedy, George / Minot, Dominique / Glass, Ned / Marin, Jacques / Bonifas, Paul
Mein Jahr 1963
-> Charade: Reggie Lambert (Audrey Hepburn) steht gerade kurz vor der Scheidung von ihrem Ehemann, als sie herausfindet, dass ihr Gatte nicht nur ermordet worden ist, sondern oben-drein vor seinem Tod den gesamten gemeinsamen Besitz zu Bargeld gemacht hat - allerdings fehlt von dem Geld jede Spur. Dann stellt Reggie fest, dass sie von mehreren Männern, darunter ein gut aussehender Fremder namens Peter Joshua (Grant), verfolgt wird. Plötzlich...

CHF 25.90


Stone, Paul S.
Excerpt from Change: Agricultural and Economic Trends in North Carolina, Information by Area Development Associations and CountiesInformation presented here gives a general picture of the changing structure of North Carolina agriculture, population and industrial employment. Farms are shown by number, average size, distribution by size and average cropland harvested. Farms are also classified by tenure and the average value of land and buildin...

CHF 15.90


Stone, Paul S.
Excerpt from Change: Agricultural and Economic Trends in North Carolina, Information by Area Development Associations and CountiesInformation presented here gives a general picture of the changing structure of North Carolina agriculture, population and industrial employment. Farms are shown by number, average size, distribution by size and average cropland harvested. Farms are also classified by tenure and the average value of land and buildin...

CHF 41.50