Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

5 Ergebnisse.

Tobaco en la periferia

Stubbs, Jean
Tobaco en la periferia
Esta es la historia del tabaco cubano, cuyo desarollo agrícola e industrial se torció tan habilmente como un Habano en torno a los intereses comerciales extranjeros. Traza el crecimiento decimonónico de una fuerte oligarquía tabacalera, clase campesina, y fuerza obrera urbana asalariada, al lado de una mano de obra esclava y bajo contrata, y examina cómo un prestigioso país manufacturero se transformó en exportador de la hoja. Detrás del culti...

CHF 40.90

Tobacco on the Periphery

Stubbs, Jean
Tobacco on the Periphery
This is the story of Cuban tobacco, whose agricultural and industrial development was fashioned as deftly as a Havana cigar around overseas trading interests. It traces the nineteenth-century growth of a strong tobacco oligarchy, peasant grower class and urban salaried work force, alongside slave and indentured labour, and examines how a prestigious manufacturing country was transformed into an exporter of leaf. Visibly poor peasant agricultur...

CHF 41.50

Cuba the Test of Time

Stubbs, Jean
Cuba the Test of Time
Cuba the Test of Time describes the mixture of achievement and obstacle that makes up modern Cuba, concentrating on the issues and dilemmas facing ordinary Cubans: availability of consumer goods, motivation at work, civil rights and decision-making and the country's involvement in war overseas.

CHF 40.90