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Zur Kasse

49 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Unbroken Curse

Szabo, Erika M
Unbroken Curse
Jayden and his archeology group find the burial site of a Medicine Woman from the 5th century. Strangely, Jayden also finds a crude leather book in his grandmother's secret room that was written in 426 by a Shaman. His sister, Sofia, decodes the ancient runes, and they learn that a powerful curse cast sixteen hundred years ago destroyed the lives of their ancestors for centuries. If it remains unbroken, the curse will ruin the lives of future ...

CHF 24.50

A sötét múlt árnyékában

Szabo, Erika M.
A sötét múlt árnyékában
Amikor az elődök a régmúltban és közelmúltban elkövetett bűneinek árát a sors az utódokkal fizetteti meg. Két család története: Átkozott utódok: Jayden egy bőrlapokra irt történetet talál a nagyanyja titkos szobájában. Húga, Szófia dekódolja az ősi rúnákat, és döbbenten veszik észre a hasonlóságot a sámán könyvében leírt családi tragédia és az övék között, ezerhatszáz évvel később. Családi titkok és gyermekkoruk sötét emlékei kezdenek felszínr...

CHF 22.50

What If? #1

Szabo, Erika M / Zacher, Alan / Correa, R. A. "Doc"
What If? #1
Intriguing, bone-chilling, thought-provoking, and heartwarming short stories by various genre authors. Lost in the Woods by Erika M Szabo A young police officer enters the woods to find a missing woman, but it takes all her mental strength to deal with what she finds. She Waits by Lorraine Carey During a class field trip to a historical site in the Caribbean, a curious student encounters a lonely ghost who does not want her to leave. The Treas...

CHF 25.50

A sötét múlt árnyékában

Szabo, Erika M
A sötét múlt árnyékában
Amikor az el¿dök a régmúltban és közelmúltban elkövetett b¿neinek árát a sors az utódokkal fizetteti meg. Két család története: Átkozott utódok: Jayden egy b¿rlapokra irt történetet talál a nagyanyja titkos szobájában. Húga, Szófia dekódolja az ¿si rúnákat, és döbbenten veszik észre a hasonlóságot a sámán könyvében leírt családi tragédia és az övék között, ezerhatszáz évvel kés¿bb. Családi titkok és gyermekkoruk sötét emlékei kezdenek felszínr...

CHF 23.90

Persnickety Peacock Pierre - El presumido pavo real Pierre

Szabo, Erika M
Persnickety Peacock Pierre - El presumido pavo real Pierre
Bilingual storybook for preschoolers and early readers. Pierre's beauty was praised all the time, and the pretty peacock became arrogant. He looked down on others and treated everyone terribly. He believed that outer beauty was all that mattered. But when he got into trouble, he learned the value of loyal friends and changed his attitude toward others. Libro bilingüe para niños en edad preescolar y primeros lectores. La belleza de Pierre era...

CHF 19.90

Persnickety Peacock Pierre

Szabo, Erika M
Persnickety Peacock Pierre
Rhyming storybook for pre-schoolers and early readers. Everyone praised Pierre for his beauty. The pretty peacock became uppish, and he believed that outer beauty is the only important thing in life. But when he got into trouble, he soon realized that having good friends is much more important than beautiful feathers to be admired.

CHF 23.90

La tierra de la fantasía

Szabo, Erika M
La tierra de la fantasía
La tierra de la fantasía: Cuentos románticos y sobrenaturales Mensajero Lauren tiene todo lo que siempre había deseado. Gran carrera, seguridad financiera, esposo amoroso y amigos devotos. Cuando su guía espiritual Raven le advierte del peligro inminente, ella toma el presagio en serio. Alguien irrumpe en su oficina y después del brutal ataque y las repetidas advertencias del Cuervo, ella sabe que su vida está en peligro. ¿Quién la quiere muer...

CHF 23.90

Be Careful What You Wish For

Szabo, Erika M
Be Careful What You Wish For
A read-to illustrated storybook for children 4-7 and read-alone for children 7-10 For her exceptional creative abilities, Emma is rewarded with a magic pencil by an art fairy. She can make anything she draws with the pencil turn into a colorful painting, and she can also wish her painting to become real. But when a pesky mouse threatens to eat the magic pencil and becomes demanding, things get out of hand. Be Careful What You Wish For delivers...

CHF 23.90

Evil Will Out

Szabo, Erika M / Carey, Lorraine
Evil Will Out
The icy fingers of the unsettled past seem to follow bitter rivals from childhood. Will the secrets of the past ever be revealed? An accomplished pianist disappears from her home in the middle of the night, wearing only her nightgown as her children and husband sleep soundly. As with several young women before her, it seems as if she had vanished into thin air, leaving no trace behind. There are no clues as to what happened, and no evidence ha...

CHF 22.50

Be Careful What You Wish For - Ten cuidado con lo que deseas

Szabo, Erika M
Be Careful What You Wish For - Ten cuidado con lo que deseas
A bilingual read-to illustrated storybook for children 4-6 and a read-alone for children 7-10. For her exceptional creative abilities, Emma is rewarded with a magic pencil by an art fairy. She can make anything she draws with the pencil turn into a colorful painting, and she can also wish her painting to become real. But when a pesky mouse threatens to eat the magic pencil and becomes demanding, things get out of hand. Be Careful What You Wish...

CHF 21.50

Chosen By The Sword

Szabo, Erika M
Chosen By The Sword
When imagination creates a secret world filled with secrets, mystery, magic, and icy fingers reach out from the past, anything is possible. The Hunor legend lives on in book two as Ilona continues to seek out ways to develop her unusual powers while practicing as a small-town doctor. The spirits of the clan come to Ilona's aid with answers to the clan's secrets and the key to helping her maintain her sanity amidst the fear of danger lurking ev...

CHF 34.90

Protected By The Falcon

Szabo, Erika M
Protected By The Falcon
When imagination creates a secret world filled with secrets, mystery, and magic, and icy fingers reach out from the past, anything is possible. Ilona resigns to live the modest life of a small-town doctor when on her twenty-ninth birthday, she starts to develop unusual powers which she finds exciting as well as frightening. She can slow time and heal with her touch, but how and why? The secretive world of the ancient clan Ilona was born into i...

CHF 33.50

Chosen by the Sword

Szabo, Erika M
Chosen by the Sword
The Hunor legend lives on in book two as Ilona continues to seek out ways to develop her unusual powers while practicing as a small-town doctor. The spirits of the clan come to Ilona's aid with answers to the clan's secrets and the key to helping her maintain her sanity amidst the fear of danger lurking everywhere as she tries to succeed. She must activate her Chameleon ability and obtain unimaginable powers. The clan Leaders and Elders are wo...

CHF 30.90

The Ancestors' Secrets

Szabo, Erika M
The Ancestors' Secrets
The Sacred Sword chose her, the Sacred Falcon will protect her. Ilona's birth had been foretold 1600 years ago by the Seer of an ancient clan that still exists hidden among us with obscure traditions and beliefs. Her destiny is to save the future of the Hunor Clan. Unbeknown to her, Ilona resigns to live the simple life of a small-town doctor, but her life is drastically changing after her 29th birthday. She starts to develop unimaginable powe...

CHF 43.90

Jól vigyázz mit kívánsz!

Szabo, Erika M
Jól vigyázz mit kívánsz!
Illusztrált mesekönyv 4-10 éves gyerekeknek. Emma imád rajzolni, és szinte minden szabadidejét fest¿állványa el¿tt tölti. Bár rajzai remekül sikerülnek, tudja, hogy a színezést még sokat kell gyakorolnia és kitartással festeget. A m¿vészet tündére, látva kivételesen kreatív rajzait, egy varázsceruzával jutalmazza. Azt mondja Emmának, hogy bármit, amit a ceruzával rajzol, színes festménnyé változik. S¿t, Emma még azt is kívánhatja, hogy festmén...

CHF 27.90

Jól vigyázz mit kívánsz!

Szabo, Erika M
Jól vigyázz mit kívánsz!
Illusztrált mesekönyv 4-10 éves gyerekeknek tevékenységi oldalakkal. Emma imád rajzolni, és szinte minden szabadidejét festőállványa előtt tölti. Bár rajzai remekül sikerülnek, tudja, hogy a színezést még sokat kell gyakorolnia és kitartással festeget. A muvészet tündére, látva kivételesen kreatív rajzait, egy varázsceruzával jutalmazza. Azt mondja Emmának, hogy bármit, amit a ceruzával rajzol, színes festménnyé változik. Sőt, Emma még azt is ...

CHF 15.50

Una cesta de gatitos

Szabo, Erika M
Una cesta de gatitos
Libro de cuentos ilustrado para niños de 4 a 10 años.Bianca y Daniel decidieron ir a nadar al río cuando se enfrentaron a Mark y sus compinches de la manada de lobos. Descubre cómo Maní le dijo a Mark, en su propio idioma perruno, lo mucho que le desagradan los matones brutos.Cuando Bianca y Daniel finalmente llegaron al río y estaban felices chapoteando en el agua fría, escucharon el ladrido enojado de Maní y vieron a una anciana que se acerc...

CHF 27.90

Hophop's Alphabet Tree

Szabo, Erika M
Hophop's Alphabet Tree
A fun, rhyming picture book for children 2-7Hophop, the little bunny, is sad because he can't read his book."Did you like the book?" Ollie asked Hophop. "I never learned to read." He sadly sobbed. "Oh, my. I will teach you!" Ollie sighed and replied. "Can you really?" Hophop's smile was bright and wide.Ollie, the wise owl, shows him the entire alphabet and teaches him to read the fun way.Armadillos can roll into a tight ball.Bears eat lots of ...

CHF 22.50

The Seven Cozy Shorts

Szabo, Erika M
The Seven Cozy Shorts
A story a day for every day of the week:The Ghost of Prince AkhmoseMessengerThe PotionBittersweet MemoriesThe Worthless PaintingAloneFake it Till You Make It Ancient ghost:Thousands of years ago Tanakhmet cursed Prince Akhmose to never enter the heavenly paradise. But after Layla breaks the curse, does he really want to?Mysterious omen:Lauren has everything she'd ever wished for. When her Raven spirit guide warns her of impending danger, she k...

CHF 27.90