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Zur Kasse

4 Ergebnisse.

&#1071,&#1052,&#1040, &#1053,&#1048,&#1071,&#1052,&#1040

Tapasiddha, Ananda
&#1071,&#1052,&#1040, &#1053,&#1048,&#1071,&#1052,&#1040
Эта книга предоставляет углубленный анализ понятия этики (Яма-Нияма) в йогическом мировоззрении и как часть духовной медитации с точки зрения современной психологии и философии, на языке, понятном западному человеку. Яма-Нияма считается фундаментом, на котором могут развиваться эмпатия, доверие, саморефлексия и целостная личность, что способствует практике медитации и итнроспекции. Благодоря ей, вы начинаете замечать подсознательный источник с...

CHF 14.90

Intangible Things Set Free

Tapasiddha, Ananda
Intangible Things Set Free
This unexpected and touching collection of poetry roams between the vulnerability of sadness and joy expressing themselves through a love that searches continuously for its own essence. The author's words come from an uncommon place of simplicity and honesty that touches on something universal yet at once completely personal. As the title suggests, they are poems to set free that which is intangible, misunderstood or too often denied within us...

CHF 13.90

Yogic Ethics for a Balanced Mind

Tapasiddha, Ananda
Yogic Ethics for a Balanced Mind
Essential reading for anyone interested in philosophy, spirituality or yoga, this book examines the concept of ethics within the context of the yogic world-view: their practical, psychological and social implications in the historical as well as modern setting. The author proposes that Yama-Niyama are designed to create the mental balance, clarity and perception necessary for the expansion of empathy and therefore consciousness which is the es...

CHF 21.90