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48 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Pearl of Greatest Price CD

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Pearl of Greatest Price CD
This tape deals with enduring Truths of Spiritual import, verifiable facts of highest human psychological possibilities. It is not another volume of beliefs, guesses, theories and speculations, but of facts and truths based on the actual personal experience of the Saviours as They had seen, heard and know to be true.

CHF 28.90

World is Called Karma Dhuni CD

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
World is Called Karma Dhuni CD
You cannot function where you don't understand. Without understanding nothing will succeed. Your mind must be enlightened. Any worship of anything that's external to you is intolerable. God must be worshiped in Truth and in Spirit, and Spirit of Truth is the word of God.

CHF 28.90

True Teacher CD

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
True Teacher CD
The True Teacher instructs the True Seeker in the principal of unification. The True Teacher instructs us how to unify the different units of the body that function separately, and bring them into perfect wholeness and harmony. Forming a single whole, rather than parts is the only state for harmony to exist. It is better to have a united mind within than 10, 000 enemies without.

CHF 28.90

Enlightened Life

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Enlightened Life
Consists of Seven Meditation Lessons written by Dr Bhagat Singh Thind who was born in the State of Punjab, India in 1892. He came to the United States as a young pundit and taught the teachings of Sat Mat, the Spiritual Science of the Saviours whose teachings were founded by Guru Nanak in the fifteenth century. The basis of this religion is to connect the individual soul with its Divine source 'God', during its time here in this Universe. Dr T...

CHF 28.50

Winners & Whiners

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Winners & Whiners
This is a collection of thirty-five spiritual, discourses that explains to the reader seeking truth that the end of fulfilment of life is self-realisation through self-knowledge. Dr Thind teaches us how to transcend pain and pleasure and taste the source. He explains that one must renew one's self, go back to his original source, put a halt to the eternal flux, and enter divine presence, there to be renewed by God's regenerative and sustaining...

CHF 59.50

Wisdom & the Wheel, Volume 2

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Wisdom & the Wheel, Volume 2
Every object is not a product of nature, but is the result of man's creative intelligence, requires a maker. The Creator and Ruler of the world is omnipotent, He rewards the virtuous and punishes the vicious. In His government there is no favouritism. But He has infinite mercy for those who repent and purify. Not a straw shakes without His knowledge or will. He knows whatever we do, even in the greatest secrecy. He is omnipresent and omniscien...

CHF 36.50

Soul Celestial

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Soul Celestial
From the yogis of ancient India to the masters of American Transcendentalism to the global thinkers of today, philosophers, spiritualists, and divines, be they Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, Muslims, or Jews all have recognised and extolled the wondrous power and beauty of divine truth and oneness and their transformative effect on the human soul. Dr Bhagat Singh Thind has here collected the wisdom of the ages from all of these traditio...

CHF 36.50

Heaven's Healing Harmonies in Human Diet

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Heaven's Healing Harmonies in Human Diet
Our diet is mainly a revealer, an indicator, of our innate nature, our constitution, habits of life and thought. Character is not determined by diet, but diet is determined by character. When man is reformed, refined and resurrected by the light of truth, when high ideals have held him, taken possession of his mind, when his soul loves purity to such an extent that impurity and uncleanness in food have become obnoxious and offensive to him, th...

CHF 19.90

Fluids of Human Body & Elixirs of Life

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Fluids of Human Body & Elixirs of Life
In order to make rapid spiritual process and to attain to greater mental heights, we must learn how to: Breathe Right, Drink Right, Eat Right, Exercise Right, Sleep Right, Think Right, Act Right, Live and Love Right and let go of the fruits thereof." -- Dr Bhagat Singh Thind.

CHF 19.90

Radiant Road to Reality, 4th Edition

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Radiant Road to Reality, 4th Edition
Dr Thind's disciples count this book as Their Teacher's greatest writing. It deals with enduring truths of spiritual import, verifiable facts of the highest human psychological possibilities. Dr Thind reveals an exact science showing the seeker how to connect the individual soul with its Universal Creator. In the Preface, he writes: "It (this book) is for him who seeks to illumine his intelligence by the torch of his own Divinity, who hungers ...

CHF 36.50

Troubled Mind in a Torturing World & Their Conquest

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Troubled Mind in a Torturing World & Their Conquest
This is a collection of seventeen essays looking at the things that separate man from God in the torturing modern world. It is being published posthumously after Dr. Thind's departure from this world on 15 September 15 1967, to his Heavenly Abode. Dr. Thind was inspired by his father's spiritual accomplishments, which left an indelible impression on the author's mind. He followed his father's legacy throughout his entire life, and built on it....

CHF 36.50

Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh...

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation in Sikh Religions
Tested Universal Science of Individual Meditation implies a greater whole being, whole knowledge and whole-power is needed to weld all into a greater unity of whole life. Each individual must have a high and strenuous mental and moral ideal controlling and uplifting the vital and the physical man in us and no spiritual ideal liberating him from himself into his inner being. In order to know the part, one must have the knowledge of the whole it...

CHF 36.50

Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science
Volume Two in a three volume series which was written for all who have freed themselves of orthodox religious thinking and for those who are ready to do so. The books serve as a springboard to greater spiritual heights, wherein we appreciate more than ever the message of Sat Gurus, the Saviours, the Avatars, the Christs, of whom Jesus Christ was one. Dr Thind analyses the teachings of this Saviour of the western world and compares them with th...

CHF 36.50

Pearl of Greatest Price

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Pearl of Greatest Price
No scientific law can ever compare with the discovery of the Living Word of Power, which unifies man's whole being and makes him one in nature and character with his indwelling God". This is the theme developed by Dr Thind, in this book -- an inspiring volume for all who seek to go ever onward, forward and Godward. Chapters include: Modus Operandi, Walking in the Inner Path to God, How Sat Guru Helps, Nature, Nurture and Nãm, Overcoming the Wo...

CHF 36.50

House of Happiness

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
House of Happiness
Based on lectures given in 1927, this book is a fine introduction to Dr. Thind's teachings. It is easily understood by and popular with young people, as well as more advanced students of Eastern Religions. A few of the chapter titles are: How to Find Out What You Are Best Suited For, Evolution -- Passing From Lower to Higher Births, Consciousness -- An Inward Knowledge, Aum -- The Sacred Hum of the Universe.

CHF 36.50

Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Jesus, the Christ in the Light of Spiritual Science
Volume Three in a three volume series which was written for all who have freed themselves of orthodox religious thinking and for those who are ready to do so. The books serve as a springboard to greater spiritual heights, wherein we appreciate more than ever the message of Sat Gurus, the Saviours, the Avatars, the Christs, of whom Jesus Christ was one. Dr Thind analyses the teachings of this Saviour of the western world and compares them with ...

CHF 36.50

Science of Breathing & Glands

Thind, Dr Bhagat Singh
Science of Breathing & Glands
Dr Thind demonstrates 16 vital breathing exercises that will renew and invigorate each organ of the body. Thousands of Dr Thind's students use these daily exercises to stay young and vibrant. DVD also available.

CHF 19.90