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Zur Kasse

17 Ergebnisse.

Und das Geschäft läuft gut

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael / Lohmann, Tobias
Und das Geschäft läuft gut
Kein Plan überlebt den Kontakt mit dem Feind. Vor allem, wenn der Feind Fähigkeiten hat, von denen du nichts wusstest. T'Chezz treibt den Krieg voran und entfesselt einen ungebundenen Dämon auf San Diego, während Katie / Pandora und Calvin zufällig in der Stadt sind. Um Calvin zu retten, muss Katie jedoch mehr Fähigkeiten preisgeben, über die Korbin bis jetzt noch nicht Bescheid weiß. Da die Geheimwaffen der Dämonenjäger seine Pläne durchk...

CHF 23.90

Ausknipsen ist mein Geschäft

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael / Förster, Eva-Maria
Ausknipsen ist mein Geschäft
Katie Maddison wollte nie lernen, wie man einem Dämon in den Arsch tritt, aber jetzt, wo sie es kann, wird sie alles geben. Jetzt ist sie nicht mehr der Neuling im Team, sondern eine der Lehrerinnen. Sie ist eine Dämonenjägerin, eine Dämonenkämpferin ... Sie ist bekannt als eine der Verdammten. Aber um die Kontrolle zu behalten, muss sie einen Waffenstillstand mit Pandora schließen, die ihre Geduld ständig auf die Probe stellt. Dieses Mal ...

CHF 24.90

Zerrissener Geist

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael / Förster, Eva-Maria
Zerrissener Geist
Katie Maddison wollte nie lernen, wie man einem Dämon in den Arsch tritt. Sie wollte nur einem Kommilitonen bei seinen Chemie-Hausaufgaben helfen. Sie hat anderen Menschen einfach zu sehr vertraut. Jetzt wird sie zur neuen Waffe in einem Krieg, von dessen Existenz sie nichts ahnte, mit Kriegern, die sowohl Waffen als auch übernatürliche Fähigkeiten besitzen. Dämonenjäger, Dämonenkämpfer ... Auch bekannt als Die Verdammten. Menschen, die vo...

CHF 24.90

Get Out Of Our Way

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
Get Out Of Our Way
Sal needs to work on something that has bugged him from the beginning. His dissertation.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...There is a group engaging four new mercenaries, prepping them with simulated operations in the ZOO.How come? Courtney has approved a new member of her team in California and Sal isn't sure it was a good idea.This time, there is another group learning what it takes to plunder the ZOO. ...

CHF 29.50

Blood Of My Enemies

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
Blood Of My Enemies
It's time to bring the pain, and Heavy Metal knows how to make that happen.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...What do you do when a mercenary team comes looking for trouble in your base... In your home?There is a problem with Courtney's company and those that wish to have Courtney step down. Amanda and Anja are working on the base and have purchased an AI to help. Unfortunately, the AI had to be purchased...

CHF 30.90

Backstabbing Little Assets

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
Backstabbing Little Assets
Not every creature in the ZOO is out to eat you. Some are humans who intend to stab you in the back.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...Sal is hard at work trying to figure out if he can keep his crazy little company afloat, and now he wants to add more headcount?Kennedy isn't sure what is going on inside his young and not-all-that-wise head. Courtney is worried that the new hire Salinger wants might not b...

CHF 29.50

He Was Not Prepared

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
He Was Not Prepared
HE WAS NOT PREPARED.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael AnderleFountain of Youth, or Valley of Death?While eating his supper of microwave popcorn, PhD student-genius Salinger Jacobs is grabbed from his apartment in California, stuck on a C-130 military plane and sent to the Sahara Desert to witness the reality of the ZOO for himself.With the life expectancy of untrained scientists working inside the ZOO measured in ...

CHF 31.50

Code Blue

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
Code Blue
*Warning: Graphic bro-humor, and much stupidity from guys who don't know any better. It was supposed to be two bros on a lark to find jailed outer-space aliens. They honestly didn't think it could be real. Now, one of them has busted a foxy blue alien female out of jail, stolen a UFO, and decided to start a non-profit to 'Save the Aliens.' The only problem? One of them might be falling in love. This is a book that will not hurt you...

CHF 30.90

She Is His Witness

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
She Is His Witness
SHE IS HIS WITNESS.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael AnderleCan you get your PhD in the ZOO?Salinger Jacobs treats others as he is treated. Screw him over, and he might hold stuff back. You have his back? He will have yours.When a fellow scientist is screwed over by her company, she seeks out his fledgling Mercenary company to see if they can use another smart mind.Since he obviously didn't want her body.With oppo...

CHF 30.90

All's Fair In War

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
All's Fair In War
For a merc company, better pay is...better, right?Not necessarily.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...Heavy Metal has benefited from promo videos, but unfortunately, someone figured out that some of the driving during the Russian Base operation...Was just too damned good.People are noticing that Sal and his team have someone extra-special working with them, and they want a piece of her...or all of her.What...

CHF 29.50

Justice Comes Due

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
Justice Comes Due
Sometimes the good guys win and the bad guys end up dead. But that isn't how it always goes down. In the ZOO, you are either fast and lucky or you are dead.Heavy Metal has a few videos that are out gaining attention in parts of the world, and that doesn't bode well for them.Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...Some people are noticing that Sal and his team have someone extra-special working with them, and t...

CHF 30.90

It All Falls Down

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael
It All Falls Down
Lieutenant Gregor Popov is on trial for his efforts along with Heavy Metal to save the Russian Scientists.Will they go after Sal, Madigan and Courtney next?Born from the fertile imagination of bestselling author Michael Anderle...Will Popov get a light sentence, or something worse?Savage has been tasked with an operation, hidden from everyone.Unfortunately, the operation requires him to work with Molina.To make a deal, Courtney must request he...

CHF 31.50

Torn Asunder

Todd, Michael / Anderle, Michael / Starkey, Laurie
Torn Asunder
Katie Maddison never wanted to learn how to kick a demon's ass, all she was doing was helping a fellow university student with his Chem homework.She just trusted people too much.Now, she will be the new weapon in a war she had no idea existed with warriors wielding both weapons and supernatural abilities.Demon Hunters, Demon Fighters ... Known as The Damned.People possessed by Demons, but still remaining in control of their bodies.One of the m...

CHF 27.90