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Zur Kasse

20 Ergebnisse.

Looking Beyond Brexit

Tomlin, Graham
Looking Beyond Brexit
Boris Johnson tells us that after delivering Brexit, his second priority will be to unite the country. He has his work cut out. The Referendum has divided us like no other issue in recent memory

CHF 11.90

Der Blick durchs Kreuz

Tomlin, Graham / Friedemann, Lux
Der Blick durchs Kreuz
In Der Blick durchs Kreuz bedenkt Bischof Graham Tomlin eine Reihe von Themen, die christliches Denken, Glauben und Leben immer neu wieder herausfordern - und er tut dies durch das Kreuz: - Das Kreuz und die Weisheit - Das Kreuz und das Böse -Das Kreuz und die Macht -Das Kreuz und unsere Identität -Das Kreuz und das Leiden -Das Kreuz und der Ehrgeiz -Das Kreuz und unser Versagen -Das Kreuz und die Versöhnung -Das Kreuz und das Leben Der Bl...

CHF 24.50

Bound to be Free

Tomlin, Graham
Bound to be Free
Discussing the concept of 'freedom' in our contemporary culture, Tomlin explores why freedom is something to be learnt rather than assumed.

CHF 23.90

Luther's Gospel

Tomlin, The Revd Dr Graham (St Mellitus College, UK)
Luther's Gospel
Martin Luther was one of the most influential figures of the last millennium, with around 900 million people worldwide belonging to Protestant churches that trace their origins back to the Reformation he started five hundred years ago. His thinking and his writing were always original, fresh, controversial and provocative. They evoked strong reactions then, and still do today. This book offers an accessible way into that thinking by looking at...

CHF 39.90

Philippians, Colossians

Tomlin, Graham
Philippians, Colossians
In the latest volume in the Reformation Commentary on Scripture, editor Graham Tomlin pulls together insights from all over the reforming world--humanists, high Calvinists and Puritans alike--to deliver a commentary on Philippians and Colossians that reveals the heat and light of biblical engagement in the age of reform.

CHF 78.00

Looking Through the Cross

Tomlin, Graham (St Mellitus College, UK)
Looking Through the Cross
The Archbishop of Canterbury's 2014 Lent Book, written by an acclaimed theologian. Gives exciting new meaning to themes of reconciliation, humility, identity, power, suffering, life and atonement. Features an introduction by the Archbishop of Canterbury. Sure to touch the hearts and minds of all men and women in today's turbulent world.

CHF 17.90

Een geest van overvloed

Tomlin, Graham / Strengholt, M. J.
Een geest van overvloed
In dit boek staat het leren leven in de Geest centraal. Juist de Geest vervult mensen met een doel. Hij is de 'toegangspoort' tot de liefde van de Vader en de Zoon. Door Hem krijgen we een nieuwe identiteit als geliefde kinderen van God. Hij is onophoudelijk aan het werk om de schepping tot haar bestemming te brengen en betrekt ons actief daarbij. Graham Tomlin maakt duidelijk dat openstaan voor de verrassende Geest van God niet alleen onmisba...

CHF 24.50

Een kerk die verrast

Tomlin, Graham / Wilts, Jannet
Een kerk die verrast
Hoe kunnen we evangeliseren als de meeste mensen helemaal niet geínteresseerd zijn? Hoe kunnen we hen prikkelen met het evangelie? Wanneer de kerk is gericht op Christus en zich wijdt aan haar eerste roeping, laat zij de nieuwe gemeenschap zien die God schept. Zo'n kerk zal als vanzelf wervend zijn. Dit boek is eerder verschenen onder de titel Een kerk die prikkelt.

CHF 22.90

The Power of the Cross

Tomlin, Graham
The Power of the Cross
In a postmodern world the church cannot escape the question of power. The contemporary critique of the church suggests that it reigned for so long in Western society not because it was more true than its rivals, but because it was more powerful. Is the Christian claim to truth merely a veiled bid for power? Has not the church regularly abused its power during the years of Christendom? Does Christian theology have the resources to answer these ...

CHF 54.90

Luther and His World

Tomlin, Graham
Luther and His World
Accessible and popular introduction to Luther's writings and teachings, published to coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

CHF 14.50

The Widening Circle

Tomlin, Graham
The Widening Circle
Outlines a new approach to priesthood, suggesting that we only begin to understand what a 'priest' is once we have understood what priesthood is theologically and biblically - God's way of blessing the world.

CHF 21.90

The Provocative Church - Third Edition with Study Guide

Tomlin, Graham
The Provocative Church - Third Edition with Study Guide
Sometimes Christians assume that people 'out there' are eager to listen to what the Church has to offer. But why should those we try to evangelize want to hear the gospel? Surely people will only be intrigued by Christian life and community when they see something provocative or attractive. Then they will want to know what's going on. The Provocative Church offers a liberating understanding of evangelism as a corporate activity, in which all t...

CHF 26.90

Spiritual Fitness

Tomlin, Graham
Spiritual Fitness
Gives churches and their members tools with which to start to reverse the trend of spiritual blandness, and to feel more confident as Christians in the modern world. This book is for those who feel dissatisfied with their Christian faith, and who are concerned about the future of the church.

CHF 34.90