Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

6 Ergebnisse.


Turrell, George
This book is intended for those of us who love to cook - we amateurs. Directly related is that of receiving guests, preparing for a family visit, or a tete-a-tete. Clearly the cook's job is quite different in each case. The elements of a meal depend not only on the number of persons to be served, but also on the products available at each season of the year, the contents of the freezer and, finally, the family budget. If your guests' individua...

CHF 45.90

Gas Dynamics

Turrell, George
Gas Dynamics
Wie funktioniert ein Gaslaser? Was ist eine Druckwelle? Diese und unzählige andere Fragen lassen sich mit Hilfe der Dynamik der Gase beantworten, die der Autor hier erstmals anwendungsbezogen aufbereitet. Band I umfaßt notwendige theoretische Voraussetzungen wie die kinetische Gastheorie, die Molekülstatistik und Transportphänomene, während Band II auf dieser Grundlage reale Vorgänge erklärt. Für alle Studenten, die mehr lernen wollen als 'gra...

CHF 238.00

The Snowflake

Turrell, George
The Snowflake
Where to go from here? What to do? The answers are often dictated by chance, sometimes by ones own ambitions - and too often by the decisions of others. Thus it is that the future of the young scientist in this story is determined. At each juncture the die is cast. He is led to three continents with other cultures and societies, in his quest of intellectual freedom and happiness.

CHF 24.50

The Snowflake

Turrell, George
The Snowflake
Where to go from here? What to do? The answers are often dictated by chance, sometimes by ones own ambitions - and too often by the decisions of others. Thus it is that the future of the young scientist in this story is determined. At each juncture the die is cast. He is led to three continents with other cultures and societies, in his quest of intellectual freedom and happiness.

CHF 41.90

Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics

Turrell, George
Mathematics for Chemistry & Physics
Chemistry and physics share a common mathematical foundation. From elementary calculus to vector analysis and group theory, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics aims to provide a comprehensive reference for students and researchers pursuing these scientific fields. The book is based on the authors many classroom experience. Designed as a reference text, Mathematics for Chemistry and Physics will prove beneficial for students at all university...

CHF 100.00

Gas Dynamics

Turrell, George (University des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France)
Gas Dynamics
Until now the topic of gas dynamics has been included as a section in comprehensive textbooks on physical chemistry, or discussed at too high a level for undergraduate or graduate students. This book, based on courses given by the author in several countries, aims to fill this gap. To make the subject more accessible to students, there is a very strong emphasis on current applications of the theory. Part I introduces the kinetic theory of gase...

CHF 259.00