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470 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Cociña Antiinflamatoria

Varela, Rodrigo
Cociña Antiinflamatoria
Rodrigo Varela, un nutricionista recoñecido e chef apaixonado, presenta "Cociña Antiinflamatoria: Cura Natural para unha Vida Saudable". Este libro non é só unha colección de receitas, é unha guía completa que lles ensinará aos lectores como os alimentos poden ser unha poderosa ferramenta para reducir a inflamación e mellorar a saúde. A través de "Cociña Antiinflamatoria", Varela ofrece un enfoque único e innovador para a cociña e a nutrició...

CHF 52.50

Sabor da Tailandia

Varela, Xosé
Sabor da Tailandia
Sabor da Tailandia" non é só un libro de cociña, é unha viaxe culinaria a través do paladar tailandés. Xosé Varela, un cociñeiro galego con profundo amor e aprecio pola cociña tailandesa, compilou esta guía para principiantes para introducir aos lectores na rica e diversa cociña de Tailandia. Esta guía é para calquera que queira experimentar a cociña tailandesa, pero non sabe por onde empezar. Non importa se eres un principiante total ou se ...

CHF 52.50

The expanded practice of the artist's book: Immersion in ...

Varela, Francisco
The expanded practice of the artist's book: Immersion in the artist's museum
How do we recognise an artist's book when it becomes an expanded practice?Is the same method of sourcing, research and display of materials used in books and collections alike?Can the space where the book is made and exhibited be considered an artist's museum?These were Francisco Varela initial questions when he saw the Blackchapel bookwork atmsdm house-studio-gallery in London. The first section of the essay explores the "expanded" characteri...

CHF 36.50

Nights of Indigo Blue

Varela, Theresa
Nights of Indigo Blue
This newly designed anniversary edition celebrates the International Latino Book Award winning cozy mystery series which introduced amateur sleuth Daisy Muñiz. Daisy Muñiz is ready to embrace a fresh new start in her brownstone apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn, when she is thrust into the midst of the mysterious murder of Windsor Medical Center's most prominent surgeon, Arthur Campbell. As the secrets of the Campbell family are revealed, Dais...

CHF 23.50

The Seas of Distant Stars

The Seas of Distant Stars
Agapanthus was kidnapped when she was only two years old, but she doesn't remember it. In fact, she doesn't remember her home planet at all. All she knows is Deeyae, the land of two suns, the land of great, red waters. Her foster-family cares for her, and at first that's enough. But, as she grows older, Agapanthus is bothered by the differences between them. As an Exchanger, she's frail and tall, not short and strong. And, even though she was ...

CHF 26.90

Capoeira, Mobility, and Tourism

Varela, Sergio González
Capoeira, Mobility, and Tourism
In Capoeira, Mobility, and Tourism: Preserving an Afro-Brazilian Tradition in a Globalized World, Sergio González Varela examines the mobility of capoeira leaders and practitioners. He analyzes their motivations and spirituality as well as their ability to reconfigure social practices.

CHF 64.00

STARK Spanisch-KOMPAKT - Kurzgrammatik

Varela Navarro, Montserrat
STARK Spanisch-KOMPAKT - Kurzgrammatik
Spanisch-KOMPAKT - Kurzgrammatik Die wichtigsten Grammatik-Themen im Spanisch-Unterricht der Oberstufe.  Zum Nachschlagen, Wiederholen und Schließen von Lücken. Ideal für die Vorbereitung auf das Spanisch-Abitur. Verständliche Erläuterungen in deutscher Sprache.  Veranschaulichung durch spanische Beispielsätze mit deutscher Übersetzung. Übersichtliche und kompakte Aufbereitung. Tabellarische Übersicht über die Verbkonjugationen. ...

CHF 16.90