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Manifesteren met Engelen

Virtue, Doreen / Hoornik, Annelies
Manifesteren met Engelen
Deze nieuwe Nederlands gesproken cd van Doreen Virtue legt uit hoe te manifesteren. Manifesteren is het proces waarmee je jouw idealen en wensen tot werkelijkheid laat worden. Dit gaat het best wanneer je je richt op je levensdoel, dat te herkennen is aan je hartenwensen. Doreen bespreekt ook de stappen van een betekenisvolle manifestatie en geeft uitleg over de vier gebruikelijke valkuilen die manifestaties kunnen blokkeren en hoe deze te ve...

CHF 27.50

Chakra's en Visualisaties

Virtue, Doreen / Hoornik, Annelies
Chakra's en Visualisaties
Deze Cd bevat een ochtend- en avondvisualisatie om je spirituele wijsheid te laten ontwaken en te activeren. Door te luisteren naar deze CD en bereid te zijn angsten en zorgen los te laten reinig, open en balanceer je je chakra¿s. het gevolg hiervan is dat je optimaal aan je dag begint met al je spirituele kracht geactiveerd. De avondvisualisatie is er op gericht om de stress en belevenissen van de afgelopen dag los te laten zodat je een uitst...

CHF 27.50

Karma Loslaten

Virtue, Doreen / Hoornik, Annelies
Karma Loslaten
Het grote aantal vragen naar Nederlandse CD's van Doreen heeft me er toe gebracht om ze nu in het Nederlands uit te brengen. De tekst is vertaald en ik heb de CD ingesproken. Doreen legt uit hoe karmische zaken je in dit leven nog kunnen hinderen. In eerdere levens gedane geloften van armoede, kuisheid en lijden kunnen je in dit leven behoorlijk remmen. Door middel van de visualisatie op deze CD kun je pijnlijk patronen loslaten die te maken...

CHF 27.50

Arcángeles y maestros ascendidos

Virtue, Doreen / Ornellas Radziwill, Verónica d'
Arcángeles y maestros ascendidos
¿Quién es Saint Germain? ¿Y Kuan Yin? ¿A qué arcángel o maestro ascendido debo invocar para un problema específico? ¿Puedo trabajar con las energías de las diosas y con los ángeles al mismo tiempo?Este es el tipo de preguntas que los lectores y los asistentes a sus talleres suelen plantear a Doreen Virtue. Este es el primer libro que contiene una lista de deidades de la Nueva Era y de la antigüedad. Arcángeles y Maestros Ascendidos es un libro...

CHF 26.50

The Miracles of Archangel Michael

Virtue, Doreen
The Miracles of Archangel Michael
In this enlightening work, Virtue teaches the many ways in which the Archangel Michael brings peace to people everywhere. The book includes fascinating true stories of how Michael has protected people while driving, safeguarded their children, and more.

CHF 22.90

Il libro degli angeli. ABC degli angeli

Virtue, Doreen / Leardini, E.
Il libro degli angeli. ABC degli angeli
Credi agli Angeli? Sai che proprio in questo momento, al tuo fianco ci sono degli Angeli custodi? Questi esseri puri, fatti di luce divina, sono degni della tua fiducia e sono qui per aiutarti in ogni situazione. Attraverso questa guida illustrata a colori, Doreen Virtue ti accompagna nella conoscenza dei principali Angeli: che ti sono sempre accanto lungo il cammino della vita. Sfogliando le pagine di questo libro scoprirai: come entrare in c...

CHF 29.50

Visioni di angeli. Il metodo per entrare in contatto con ...

Virtue, Doreen / Bevilacqua, A.
Visioni di angeli. Il metodo per entrare in contatto con gli angeli
Vuoi scoprire se ci sono Angeli attorno a te, come si chiamano e che aspetto hanno? In questo libro trovi le storie vere di persone comuni che hanno vissuto esperienze straordinarie con gli Angeli. Doreen ha selezionato i racconti che più possono aiutarti a capire come entrare in contatto con i tuoi Angeli e li ha raccolti in questo libro insieme a istruzioni dettagliate per spiegarti come vederli, sentirli e riconoscere i loro messaggi.

CHF 29.50

Engelen op aarde

Virtue, Doreen / Vré, Monique de
Engelen op aarde
In Engelen op aarde geeft Doreen buitengewoon praktische inzichten en adviezen om de engel in jezelf te herkennen. Als je aanleg of talent hebt voor healing of voor het helpen van anderen, en je hebt jezelf reeds kunnen bevrijden, dan ben je wellicht een engel op aarde. Kristalkinderen zijn mooi van binnen en buiten - één blik in hun ogen laat je goddelijke wijsheid en liefde zien.

CHF 21.50

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards a 44-Card ...

Virtue, Doreen
Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards a 44-Card Deck and Guidebook
This easy-to-use deck of oracle cards is appropriate for beginners as well as those experienced with divination cards. Fairies are beloved "nature angels" who, since they're so close to the earth, are brilliant at healing and helping with everyday concerns such as relationships, health issues, and finances.Each card has a gorgeous painting of fairies and a message or answer for you. All of the paintings and messages are suitable for children a...

CHF 25.90

Solomon's Angels

Virtue, Doreen
Solomon's Angels
King Solomon knew how to harness universal energies to build his temple, tap into wisdom, and enjoy all of life's riches. The only thing he was missing was true love. Makeda, the Queen of Shebam was young and filled with exuberant curiosity about the world.

CHF 35.90

The Miracles of Archangel Michael

Virtue, Doreen
The Miracles of Archangel Michael
Archangel Michael is a powerful protector who helps "everyone" who calls upon him. In" "this enlightening work, Doreen Virtue teaches the many ways in which Michael brings peace to people everywhere. The book includes fascinating true stories of how Michael has protected people while driving, guided their careers, safeguarded their children . . . and even reveals his little-known talents for repairing mechanical and electronic machines! You'll...

CHF 26.90

Angel Words: Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels i...

Virtue, Doreen / Virtue, Grant
Angel Words: Visual Evidence of How Words Can Be Angels in Your Life
When Doreen and her son Grant Virtue were recording podcasts, they noticed that whenever she said the word "angel, "the recording graphics were shaped like angel wings! So they studied the other words she said and realized that those with a spiritual or loving basis had large graphs. So they experimented with saying negative words and found that their appearance was completely different: tight and small. Similar to Masaru Emoto's work with wat...

CHF 21.90

The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael

Virtue, Doreen
The Healing Miracles of Archangel Raphael
Whether it's a life-threatening condition, a painful injury, or an annoying health issue, Archangel Raphael is able to heal it! In this inspiring book, Doreen Virtue shows you why Archangel Raphael has long been regarded as "the" healing angel. He's a nondenominational miracle worker who helps everyone who asks. The true stories of miraculous healings within these pages will give you hope and faith that heaven "does "hear you. You'll read the ...

CHF 23.50

Towards the sustainability of Microfinance services

Virtue, Tony
Towards the sustainability of Microfinance services
Tony explores the development of micro finance services in the Philippines. A sample of 500 entrepreneurs who received small loans are followed over a period of time and interviewed to look at the improvements in their lives and in the wider community. Significant social improvements were observed including in education and housing. In addition, the vast majority of loans were paid in full and on time. Tony seeks to demonstrate that the entrep...

CHF 102.00