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7 Ergebnisse.

Art of Divine Contentment

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Art of Divine Contentment
Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward, " therefore we all need to learn the same lesson as Paul. "I have learned, " he said "in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content, " Philippians 4. 11. Believers, especially, wish to attain to a holy equanimity in their tribulations and under the stresses caused by our increasingly secular society. In this volume we have a full exposition, by the Puritan, Thomas Watson, of the above ver...

CHF 19.50

A Christian on the Mount

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
A Christian on the Mount
Grace breeds delight in God, and delight breeds meditation. Meditation is a duty wherein consists the essentials of religion, and which nourishes the very life-blood of it. That the Psalmist may show how much the godly man is habituated to this blessed work of meditation, he subjoins, "In his law does he meditate day and night, " not but that there may be sometimes intermission: God allows time for our calling, he grants some relaxation, but w...

CHF 24.50

The Christian Soldier

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The Christian Soldier
The Christian Soldier is based on Matthew 11:12 The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. The earth is inherited by the meek Matt. v: 5. Heaven is inherited by the violent. Our life is military. Christ is our Captain, the gospel is the banner, the graces are our spiritual artillery, and heaven is only taken in a forcible way. This violence concerns men as Christians. Though heaven be given us freely, yet we mu...

CHF 19.50

A Divine Cordial

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
A Divine Cordial
But we know that [to] the ones loving God all things work together for good, [to] those being called according to purpose'' - Romans 8:28 This delectable book is an exposition of that verse, not neglecting the last phrase (as so many are apt to do). This is no pop treatment to pat the back of all professing Christians. It is a serious consideration of all things that go into making everything work together for good. This starts with the attrib...

CHF 15.50

The Great Gain of Godliness

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The Great Gain of Godliness
C. H. Spurgeon had a well-stocked library of Puritan books that contained around 12, 000 volumes. However, one rare book was not to be found amongst that valuable collection: Thomas Watson's Notes on Malachi 3:16-18. With a note of sadness in his voice he said to his College students: "This [volume] would be a great find if we could come at it, for Watson is one of the clearest and liveliest of Puritan authors. We fear we shall never see this ...

CHF 23.50

The Godly Man's Picture

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
The Godly Man's Picture
The Godly Man's Picture, Drawn with a Scripture Pencil, or, Some Characteristic Marks of a Man who is Going to Heaven. The soul being so precious, and salvation so glorious-it is the highest point of prudence to make preparations for the eternal world. It is beyond all dispute, that there is an inheritance in light, and it is most strenuously asserted in Holy Scripture that there must be a fitness and suitability for it (Col. 1:12). If anyone ...

CHF 41.90

Godly Man's Picture

Watson, Thomas / Kulakowski, Editor Rev Terry
Godly Man's Picture
The Godly Man's Picture, Drawn with a Scripture Pencil, or, Some Characteristic Marks of a Man who is Going to Heaven. The soul being so precious, and salvation so glorious-it is the highest point of prudence to make preparations for the eternal world. It is beyond all dispute, that there is an inheritance in light, and it is most strenuously asserted in Holy Scripture that there must be a fitness and suitability for it (Col. 1:12). If anyone ...

CHF 21.50