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17 Ergebnisse.

Jack of the Pony Express

Webster, Frank V. / 1st World Library / 1stworld Library
Jack of the Pony Express
Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - "Your father is a little late to-night, isn't he Jack?" "Yes, Mrs. Watson, he should have been here a half-hour ago, and he would, too, if he had ridden Sunger instead of his own horse." "You think a lot of that pony of yours, don't you, Jack?" and a motherly-looking woman came to t...

CHF 22.90

The Young Firemen of Lakeville

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
The Young Firemen of Lakeville
Fire! Fire! Turn out, everybody! Fire! Fire! This cry, coming like a clarion call, at midnight, awoke the inhabitants of the peaceful little New England village of Lakeville. "Fire! Fire!" Heads were thrust out of hastily-raised windows. Men and women looked up and down the street, and then glanced around to detect the reddening in the sky that would indicate where the blaze was. Timid women began sniffing suspicio-usly, to learn if it was the...

CHF 22.90

The Boys of Bellwood School

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
The Boys of Bellwood School
Where did you get that stickpin, Frank? "Bought it at Mace's jewelry store." "You are getting extravagant." "I hardly think so, aunt, and I don't believe you would think so, either, if you knew all the circumstances." "Circumstances do not alter cases when a boy is a spendthrift." "I won't argue with you, aunt. You have your ideas and I have mine. Of course, I bought the stickpin, but it was with money I had earned." The aunt sniffed in a vagu...

CHF 22.90

The Young Firemen of Lakeville

Webster, Frank V. / 1st World Publishing / 1stworld Publishing
The Young Firemen of Lakeville
Fire! Fire! Turn out, everybody! Fire! Fire! This cry, coming like a clarion call, at midnight, awoke the inhabitants of the peaceful little New England village of Lakeville. "Fire! Fire!" Heads were thrust out of hastily-raised windows. Men and women looked up and down the street, and then glanced around to detect the reddening in the sky that would indicate where the blaze was. Timid women began sniffing suspicio-usly, to learn if it was the...

CHF 44.90

The Boys of Bellwood School

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
The Boys of Bellwood School
Where did you get that stickpin, Frank? "Bought it at Mace's jewelry store." "You are getting extravagant." "I hardly think so, aunt, and I don't believe you would think so, either, if you knew all the circumstances." "Circumstances do not alter cases when a boy is a spendthrift." "I won't argue with you, aunt. You have your ideas and I have mine. Of course, I bought the stickpin, but it was with money I had earned." The aunt sniffed in a vagu...

CHF 44.50

Dick the Bank Boy

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Dick the Bank Boy
Get out of my way, Dick Morrison! The boy who had been trudging along the narrow road looked up in surprise at hearing himself spoken to so suddenly, though he recognized the domineering voice even before catching sight of the speaker. "You already have half of the road, Ferd Graylock, to give you more I'd have to back down in the ditch, and I don't care to do that, " he replied, standing perfectly still and watching with some amusement the zi...

CHF 44.50

Cowboy Dave

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Cowboy Dave
Hi! Yi! Yip! "Woo-o-o-o! Wah! Zut!" "Here we come!" What was coming seemed to be a thunderous cloud of dust, from the midst of which came strange, shrill sounds, punc-tuated with sharp cries, that did not appear to be altogether human. The dust-cloud grew thicker, the thunder sounded louder, and the yells were shriller. From one of a group of dull, red buildings a sun-bronzed man stepped forth. He shaded his eyes with a brown, powerful hand, g...

CHF 44.90

Comrades of the Saddle

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Comrades of the Saddle
Twilight was settling on the land. The forms of trees and houses loomed big and black, their sharp outlines suggesting fanciful forms to the minds of two boys hurrying along the road which like a ribbon wound In and out among the low hills surrounding the town of Bramley, in south-western Ohio. As the darkness increased lights began to twinkle from the windows of the distant farmhouses. "We're later than usual, Tom, " said the larger of the tw...

CHF 44.50

Bob the Castaway

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Bob the Castaway
Bob! Bob! called a woman in loud tones, as she came to the kitchen door, her arms, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, covered with flour. "Bob, I want you to go to the store for me. I need some more lard for this pie-crust." There was no answer, and the woman looked across the big yard at one side of the cottage. "Where can that boy be?" Mrs. Henderson murmured. "I saw him here a little while ago. He's never around when I want him. I sh...

CHF 44.50

Bob Chester's Grit

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Bob Chester's Grit
Hey, boy! What's your name? "Bob Chester." "Where are you going with that basket of groceries?" "To deliver an order to one of my guardian's customers." "Are you honest?" "I hope so, sir, " replied Bob, his face expressing surprise that his probity should be questioned. The man who had hailed Bob Chester appeared to be about twenty-five years old, and his clothes were well-fitting, giving him the air of a man of means. With him were two other ...

CHF 44.90

Dick the Bank Boy

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Dick the Bank Boy
Get out of my way, Dick Morrison! The boy who had been trudging along the narrow road looked up in surprise at hearing himself spoken to so suddenly, though he recognized the domineering voice even before catching sight of the speaker. "You already have half of the road, Ferd Graylock, to give you more I'd have to back down in the ditch, and I don't care to do that, " he replied, standing perfectly still and watching with some amusement the zi...

CHF 22.90

Cowboy Dave

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Cowboy Dave
Hi! Yi! Yip! "Woo-o-o-o! Wah! Zut!" "Here we come!" What was coming seemed to be a thunderous cloud of dust, from the midst of which came strange, shrill sounds, punc-tuated with sharp cries, that did not appear to be altogether human. The dust-cloud grew thicker, the thunder sounded louder, and the yells were shriller. From one of a group of dull, red buildings a sun-bronzed man stepped forth. He shaded his eyes with a brown, powerful hand, g...

CHF 22.90

Comrades of the Saddle

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Comrades of the Saddle
Twilight was settling on the land. The forms of trees and houses loomed big and black, their sharp outlines suggesting fanciful forms to the minds of two boys hurrying along the road which like a ribbon wound In and out among the low hills surrounding the town of Bramley, in south-western Ohio. As the darkness increased lights began to twinkle from the windows of the distant farmhouses. "We're later than usual, Tom, " said the larger of the tw...

CHF 22.90

Bob the Castaway

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Bob the Castaway
Bob! Bob! called a woman in loud tones, as she came to the kitchen door, her arms, with the sleeves rolled up to her elbows, covered with flour. "Bob, I want you to go to the store for me. I need some more lard for this pie-crust." There was no answer, and the woman looked across the big yard at one side of the cottage. "Where can that boy be?" Mrs. Henderson murmured. "I saw him here a little while ago. He's never around when I want him. I sh...

CHF 22.90

Bob Chester's Grit

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
Bob Chester's Grit
Hey, boy! What's your name? "Bob Chester." "Where are you going with that basket of groceries?" "To deliver an order to one of my guardian's customers." "Are you honest?" "I hope so, sir, " replied Bob, his face expressing surprise that his probity should be questioned. The man who had hailed Bob Chester appeared to be about twenty-five years old, and his clothes were well-fitting, giving him the air of a man of means. With him were two other ...

CHF 22.90

Jack of the Pony Express

Webster, Frank V. / 1st World Library / 1stworld Library
Jack of the Pony Express
Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - "Your father is a little late to-night, isn't he Jack?" "Yes, Mrs. Watson, he should have been here a half-hour ago, and he would, too, if he had ridden Sunger instead of his own horse." "You think a lot of that pony of yours, don't you, Jack?" and a motherly-looking woman came to t...

CHF 44.50

The Boy from the Ranch

Webster, Frank V. / 1stworld Library
The Boy from the Ranch
My poor pets! a lady exclaimed, sorrowfully, "it is too bad. They all knew me so well, and ran to meet me, when they saw me coming, and seemed really pleased to see me, even when I had no food to give them." "Which was not often, my dear, " Captain Ripon-her husband-said. "However it is, as you say, too bad, and I will bring the fellow to justice, if I can. There are twelve prize fowls-worth a couple of guineas apiece, not to mention the fact ...

CHF 44.50