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63 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

History of Ancient Mexico

Wellman, Billy
History of Ancient Mexico
Chocolate, bouncy rubber balls, and the "Three Sisters" agricultural system-the people of ancient Mexico invented them all 3, 600 years ago. They also built the world's largest pyramid by volume and the sixth most-populated city without the wheel and without pack animals. Ancient Mexico introduced the first city, calendar, writing system, and aqueduct to North America. This book unwraps the interrelated histories of ancient Mexico's key ci...

CHF 37.90

La República romana

Wellman, Billy
La República romana
La primera república del mundo, una increíble maquinaria militar, puentes y carreteras que aún se utilizan hoy en día, una filosofía política que dio forma a las democracias modernas: ¡la República romana tenía todo esto y mucho más! La metamorfosis de la República romana, de ser una modesta ciudad-estado a un territorio que abarcaba tres continentes, se extendió a lo largo de cinco siglos de desafíos y cambios. El interminable drama incluyó...

CHF 36.90

The Enlightenment

Wellman, Billy
The Enlightenment
Can you imagine how the world would be different today if there had been no Enlightenment era? The Age of Enlightenment, which lasted throughout the 18th century, brought about fundamental changes in people's thinking and transformed the entire fabric of society. Even ordinary people began to question the entrenched beliefs and dogmas. They wanted education, justice, freedom, and progress. They struggled to eliminate despotic rulers and de...

CHF 35.50

El Imperio incaico

Wellman, Billy
El Imperio incaico
¿Sabía usted que los incas veneraban las momias de sus emperadores? Para los incas, la muerte no existía, simplemente se llevaba a los muertos a otro plano de la vida. Así, las momias de sus emperadores eran tratadas como personas, se les daba de comer y beber e incluso se las visitaba ceremoniosamente. También poseían fincas en el campo, que generaban suficientes beneficios como para mantenerlas en el estilo al que estaban acostumbradas. ...

CHF 34.90

Historia de Grecia

Wellman, Billy
Historia de Grecia
Realmente está aquí: ¡Toda la historia de Grecia en un solo volumen! Este libro lleva a los lectores por un sucinto viaje desde los primeros asentamientos de Grecia hasta el siglo XX. Su narrativa, fácil de leer, pero meticulosamente investigada, cautivará a los aficionados a la historia, a los estudiantes y a cualquier persona interesada en aprender más sobre Grecia. Este conciso resumen abarca las civilizaciones griegas de la Edad de Pie...

CHF 36.50

Historia de Irán

Wellman, Billy
Historia de Irán
Llena de acontecimientos emocionantes, actores memorables, conflictos sangrientos y florecientes logros culturales, la historia de Irán es un placer en el que sumergirse para cualquier mente curiosa. Desde la prehistoria hasta la moderna República Islámica, Irán siempre ha mantenido su posición predominante en la historia como uno de los países más vibrantes, distintos y diversos del mundo. Situado en Asia occidental, entre el mar Caspio y...

CHF 36.50

African Mythology

Wellman, Billy
African Mythology
Africa is huge and varied, and so is its mythology. African ideas of how the world began are very different from the story of Genesis. Though the creator god is repeatedly seen as having withdrawn from the world, people often have a very direct and intense relationship with demigods, ancestors, and bush spirits. The entire landscape is permeated by spiritual meanings and inhabited by gods and spirits. While many Africans today formally follo...

CHF 33.90

El Imperio otomano

Wellman, Billy
El Imperio otomano
De pequeño principado turco a superpotencia mundial, el papel del Imperio otomano en la historia del mundo es ciertamente innegable. Durante más de seis siglos, el imperio fue posiblemente el imperio musulmán más fuerte del mundo, dominando a sus rivales en Europa y Asia durante muchos años. Abarcando tres continentes y controlando tierras en los Balcanes, el Cáucaso, Crimea, Anatolia, Oriente Próximo, Levante, Egipto y el norte de África,...

CHF 35.50

Greek Mythology for Teens

Wellman, Billy
Greek Mythology for Teens
Did you know that Zeus was considered to be both the youngest and the oldest brother? Thanks to their enthralling narratives and relatable characters, Greek myths have captured our imagination for millennia. Despite being thousands of years old, these tales still manage to touch on something in the core of our souls, connecting humans from across all time periods and all stages of life. That is because myths speak to raw truths that are felt...

CHF 36.50

Celtic History and Mythology

Wellman, Billy
Celtic History and Mythology
Two manuscripts in one book: Celtic History: An Enthralling Overview of the Celts Celtic Mythology: An Enthralling Overview of Celtic Myths, Gods and Goddesses Whether you're already familiar with the Celts or whether you've never even heard of them, The first part of this book is for you. If you would like to delve into their lives, culture, and modern Ireland's Celtic heritage, you can find all of that in this comprehensive, captivating...

CHF 40.90

The Spanish Conquest of the Americas

Wellman, Billy
The Spanish Conquest of the Americas
The Spanish conquest of the Americas is a pivotal part of the history of colonization. Christopher Columbus's discovery, albeit accidental, of a new landmass turned the world upside-down. Beginning in the late 15th century, the kingdom of Spain spearheaded the effort of colonization, sending expedition after expedition to the Caribbean islands and then to mainland North and South America. Through violence, bloodshed, and conquest, the Spanis...

CHF 36.90

Celtic History

Wellman, Billy
Celtic History
Have you ever wondered about the ancient Celts of Ireland and what made them who they were? Did you know that Halloween originated with them, that they invented the harp, or that they wielded swords reaching lengths of three feet? In this book, you'll discover Celtic historical facts like these and so much more. Whether you're already familiar with the Celts or whether you've never even heard of them, this book is for you. If you would like ...

CHF 35.90

Ancient China

Wellman, Billy
Ancient China
It has become a common theme in today's world to talk about the incredible technological and economic development of modern China. However, there are very strong historical roots to the exponential growth of modern China going back thousands and thousands of years. Today, people stand in awe of China's achievements, such as lifting hundreds of millions of people from poverty or becoming a global power. But have you ever wondered how the anci...

CHF 36.50

History of Persia

Wellman, Billy
History of Persia
Two manuscripts in one book: The Persians: An Enthralling Guide to the History of Persia and the Persian Empire Cyrus the Great: The Enthralling Life of the Father of the Persian Empire Throughout history, Persia made great contributions to the language and culture of the region. Nomadic movements and changing empires meant it was a hub of continuous cultural exploration and development. The Persians established and spread new ways of gov...

CHF 40.90

El Sendero de Lágrimas

Wellman, Billy
El Sendero de Lágrimas
La expulsión de los nativos americanos al oeste del río Misisipi durante el siglo XIX para despejar el camino a los colonos es una historia trágica que implica sufrimiento humano que alcanza grandes proporciones. La política del destino manifiesto afirmaba que Estados Unidos era una nación moralmente superior que tenía derecho a construir un imperio desde la costa este hasta la costa oeste, en detrimento de los nativos americanos que se inte...

CHF 34.90

The Renaissance

Wellman, Billy
The Renaissance
Do the names Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Raphael ring a bell? If so, you are already somewhat familiar with the Renaissance, which saw a rebirth in the arts and science. Great strides were made in several fields, and many men made a name for themselves by creating masterpieces or developing new theories, even if some people found them controversial. This comprehensive guide digs into some of the most famous figures of the period a...

CHF 34.90