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11 Ergebnisse.

Image and Response in Early Europe

Wells, Peter S.
Image and Response in Early Europe
Recent research in cognitive neuroscience and cognitive psychology forms the theoretical basis for a new approach to understanding the visual basis of communication in early Europe

CHF 38.50

Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians

Wells, Peter S.
Beyond Celts, Germans and Scythians
Peter Wells uses patterns of identity revealed in the archaeology to interpret the commentaries of Greek and Roman authors who conveyed their own perceptions of these non-literate groups.

CHF 38.50

La battaglia che fermò l'impero romano. La disfatta di Qu...

Wells, Peter S.
La battaglia che fermò l'impero romano. La disfatta di Quintilio Varo nella selva di Teutoburgo
Nell'autunno del 9 d.C., le legioni dell'imperatore Augusto subirono una sconfitta devastante nel cuore di una foresta in territorio germanico. Ventimila soldati furono massacrati - oltre ai mercanti, alle donne e ai bambini al seguito dell'esercito - e Augusto, sconvolto dal disastroso episodio, ridimensionò l'intero disegno espansionistico di Roma. Il confine dell'impero fu riportato lungo il Reno, che divenne la linea di demarcazione tra il...

CHF 38.50

Settlement, Economy, and Cultural Change at the End of th...

Wells, Peter S
Settlement, Economy, and Cultural Change at the End of the European Iron Age
This volume presents preliminary results of excavation at the Late Iron Age oppidum settlement of Kelheim. The volume is divided into four main sections. The first explains the reasons for investigations at Kelheim. The second presents the results of the excavations, regarding both settlement features and artifact distribution. The third includes special studies of several categories of materials, as well as discussion of the chronology of the...

CHF 216.00

Settlement, Economy, and Cultural Change at the End of th...

Wells, Peter S
Settlement, Economy, and Cultural Change at the End of the European Iron Age
This volume presents preliminary results of excavation at the Late Iron Age oppidum settlement of Kelheim. The volume is divided into four main sections. The first explains the reasons for investigations at Kelheim. The second presents the results of the excavations, regarding both settlement features and artifact distribution. The third includes special studies of several categories of materials, as well as discussion of the chronology of the...

CHF 84.00

Rural Economy in the Early Iron Age

Wells, Peter S. / Brown, Dorcas
Rural Economy in the Early Iron Age
This volume presents data and analysis on settlement structure, subsistence patterns, manufacturing, and trade from the Peabody Museum's four seasons of excavation at Hascerkeller, Bavaria, a typical Central European agricultural community at the start of the final millennium B.C.

CHF 49.50

Mecklenburg Collection.The Emergence of an Iron Age Econo...

Wells, Peter S. / Burstein, Symme
Mecklenburg Collection.The Emergence of an Iron Age Economy: The Mecklenburg Grave Groups from Hallstatt and Stična
These three volumes deal with the Iron Age grave materials from Magdalenska gora, excavated by the Duchess Paul Friedrich von Mecklenburg-Schwerin. The Duchess of Mecklenburg, a member of an Austrian royal family with estates in Slovenia, conducted her excavations in the early years of the twentieth century. The materials from Magdalenska gora were punchased by the Peabodt Museum in the 1930s. "Volume III" presents data and analysis of the hor...

CHF 65.00

The Battle That Stopped Rome

Wells, Peter S.
The Battle That Stopped Rome
In AD 9, a Roman traitor led an army of barbarians who trapped and then slaughtered three entire Roman legions: 20, 000 men, half the Roman army in Europe. If not for this battle, the Roman Empire would surely have expanded to the Elbe River, and probably eastward into present-day Russia. But after this defeat, the shocked Romans ended all efforts to expand beyond the Rhine, which became the fixed border between Rome and Germania for the next ...

CHF 26.50

Barbarians to Angels

Wells, Peter S.
Barbarians to Angels
The barbarians who destroyed the glory that was Rome demolished civilization along with it, and for the next four centuries the peasants and artisans of Europe barely held on. Random violence, mass migration, disease, and starvation were the only ways of life. This is the picture of the Dark Ages that most historians promote. But archaeology tells a different story. Peter Wells, one of the world's leading archaeologists, surveys the archaeolog...

CHF 27.90

Barbarians to Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered

Wells, Peter S.
Barbarians to Angels: The Dark Ages Reconsidered
Wells, one of the world's leading archaeologists, surveys the archaeological record to demonstrate that the Dark Ages were not dark at all. He presents a surprising look at this under-appreciated yet profoundly important period of European history. 24 illustrations.

CHF 36.50