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6 Ergebnisse.

Hitlers amerikanisches Vorbild

Whitman, James Q. / Wirthensohn, Andreas
Hitlers amerikanisches Vorbild
Als in Deutschland die Nationalsozialisten triumphieren, ist in den USA die hohe Zeit der "Jim-Crow-Gesetze", mit denen die Diskriminierung der Schwarzen geltendes Recht wird. Eine zufällige Parallele? Was kaum zu glauben klingt, das dokumentiert der Rechtshistoriker James Q. Whitman unwiderleglich: Der Rassismus in den USA lieferte den Nazis Anschauungsmaterial für die Diskriminierung der Juden. Der Empfang durch die New Yorker Anwaltskammer...

CHF 21.50

Limits of Global Governance

Whitman, Jim
Limits of Global Governance
Are we creating an ungovernable world? Can we be confident that our existing modes of global governance are sufficient, or adaptable enough, to meet the challenges of globalization? This new study powerfully tackles these key questions, delivering a provocative examination of the cognitive, practical and political limits on our ability to exercise systems of regulation and control on the same scale as the globalizing forces already shaping the...

CHF 190.00

Peacekeeping and the UN Agencies

Whitman, Jim
Peacekeeping and the UN Agencies
This book is a long overdue assessment of the role of the UN specialized Agencies in peacekeeping operations. Special emphasis is given to that most vexed category, 'complex emergencies', invloving entrapped or victimized civilian populations and a plethora of UN national military and NGO actors.While based on the full range of recent history, the contributions to this volume are forward looking and policy-oriented, bringing a hard edged pract...

CHF 196.00