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Zur Kasse

19 Ergebnisse.

El Evangelio en Apocalipsis

Wieland, Robert
El Evangelio en Apocalipsis
La filosofía de este libro no es la de proveer una lista de detalles informativos sobre Apocalipsis, a los que se pueda recurrir de la forma en que hacemos con los artículos del supermercado. No está enfocado a satisfacer tu ansia de saber, sino más bien a despertarla, a activar en tu alma un encuentro gratificante y permanente con la revelación de Jesucristo que sólo quedará plenamente satisfecho cuando te encuentres con él cara a cara. **Tr...

CHF 45.50


Wieland, Robert J.
An amazing commentary that the Apostle Paul sets forth in his letter to the church at Ephesus. It answers and gives assurances most needed today by every Christian. His mind was drawn to write with passion and sympathy to prepare believers in his day to meet Jesus at the time of their resurrection and also for those believers in the end-time who will meet Him without seeing death. The messages in the letter to the Ephesians are timeless. They ...

CHF 18.50

Oro afinado en fuego

Wieland, Robert J.
Oro afinado en fuego
La justicia por la fe sólo puede ser relevante cuando comprendemos en qué consiste la fe. Y no podemos comprender en qué consiste la fe a menos que sepamos sobre qué se fundamenta. Jesús no dice que el remedio a nuestra pobreza espiritual sea hacer más obras. Afirma que nuestra mayor necesidad es "oro afinado en fuego". Pedro lo identifica con la fe genuina. ¿Cómo distinguir entre esa fe y la falsificación magistral de Satanás, perfeccionada a...

CHF 16.90

In Search of the Treasure of Faith

Wieland, Robert J.
In Search of the Treasure of Faith
Using Abraham as the example of someone who lived a life of true faith, the book was written specifically to reach Muslims with the Gospel message of Jesus Christ as Saviour of the world. It addresses what faith means, and how faith in God transforms our characters. It includes references from the Qur'an that speak of Abraham and Jesus and his work, as well as Bible references concerning the fulfillment of Bible prophecy in the birth, life and...

CHF 21.90

Diez grandes verdades del evangelio que hacen único el me...

Wieland, Robert J.
Diez grandes verdades del evangelio que hacen único el mensaje de 1888
Compilation of statements describing the essential points of the "most precious message" given by A.T. Jones and E.J. Waggoner at the 1888 General Conference session. The topics cover the Bible truths of Christ and His righteousness and the work of the Saviour on behalf of the whole human race to save the believer from sin.

CHF 11.90

The Good News Is Better Than You Think

Wieland, Robert J.
The Good News Is Better Than You Think
Good news spoken to a despairing person may do more lasting good than drugs. Then why doesn't the Gospel of Jesus solve the world's problems of discouragement and despair? Through the nearly two millennia since Christ's apostles' wrote letters containing the Good News to early Christians, accretions of Bad News have attached themselves to the Gospel like barnacles on a ship. Intelligent human beings are confused. Their natural common sense can...

CHF 16.90

Gold Tried In the Fire

Wieland, Robert J.
Gold Tried In the Fire
Faith is the magnificent New Testament treasure of motivating truth, which has not been adequately appreci­ated in many discussions of justification by faith. It means much more than what we call trust, for it has within it no self-centered basis. It is a heart appreciation of God's love [agape] revealed in the sacrifice of Christ. Such faith, being dynamic, enables the gospel to be truly the power of God unto salvation, for it works by love i...

CHF 14.50

Powerful Good News

Wieland, Robert J.
Powerful Good News
If you read the simple record of Jesus' sayings in the four Gospels, you will find over and over that He has good news for sincere people who long for peace. He said, "The Lord has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor, He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to those who are bound" (Isaiah 61:1). This book is based on the premise that such Good News packs a powerf...

CHF 22.50

Alumbrada por su Gloria

Wieland, Robert J.
Alumbrada por su Gloria
La historia y el contenido del mensaje de 1888 tienen un extraordinario interés para todo adventista en el mundo entero. Ellen White dijo en repetidas ocasiones que el fracaso en comprender y aceptar este mensaje ha retrasado grandemente el progreso de la iglesia, y demorado el triunfo del mensaje del "evangelio eterno".

CHF 22.90

1888 Re-Examined

Wieland, Robert J / Short, Donald K
1888 Re-Examined
This book is the story of a century of confrontation between God and His people. The 1888 General Conference Session in Minneapolis, Minnesota has become the focal point of intense interest in the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church. It addresses what really happened in 1888, and the doctrinal issues and personalities involved. It also reveals the results that followed and other vital questions. Written originally as a private document for...

CHF 28.50

Bible Repentance

Wieland, Robert J.
Bible Repentance
The full spectrum of repentance is a truth that is included in "the everlasting gospel, " but its clearest definition has been impossible until history reaches the time of the last of the "seven churches" of Revelation. This is because repentance can never be complete until the end of history.

CHF 17.90

The Gospel in Daniel

Wieland, Robert J.
The Gospel in Daniel
The gospel is hidden in every book of the bible. It is for this reason that the author "Robert Wieland" calls the book: "The Gospel in Daniel". An excellent study tool that takes a totally Christ-centered approach. Now in a new Big print edition (A4) you will enjoy this prophetic journey.

CHF 31.50

Jetzt verstehe ich die Bergpredigt

Wieland, Wolfgang / Leinhäupl-Wilke, Dr. Andreas / Nicklas, Tobias / Leicht, Robert / Porsch, Felix / Remmert, Hans-Joachim / Teufel, Erwin / Wellmann, Bettina / Puttkammer, Annegret / Bieberstein, Sabine / Kogler, Dr. Franz / Kaiser, Helga / Eltrop, Bettina / Pellegrini, Silvia / Egle, Iris / Bruners, Wilhelm / Bauer, Dieter / Ortkemper, Franz-Josef / Penner, Ingrid
Jetzt verstehe ich die Bergpredigt
Grundlagenwissen auf dem neuesten Stand der exegetischen Forschung und moderner didaktischer Erkenntnisse sowie allgemeinverständliche Textauslegungen zu den einzelnen Abschnitten der Bergpredigt. Abschließend wird die Bedeutung der Bergpredigt für heute aufgezeigt.

CHF 21.50

Guerilla Marketing. Alternative oder Lösung der Zukunft?

Wieland, Robert
Guerilla Marketing. Alternative oder Lösung der Zukunft?
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2013 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 1, 3, Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Das Problem, auf welches ich eingehen möchte, besteht darin, dass die übliche Werbung, mit der der Otto Normalverbraucher täglich konfrontiert wird, einfach zu wenig Bezug findet zu den Konsumenten. Bestenfalls sollte Werbung zum Kauf ...

CHF 24.90