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11 Ergebnisse.

Kirchen Raum Kunst

Wolf-Holzäpfel, Werner / Freiburg, Erzdiözese
Kirchen Raum Kunst
Seit Gründung des Erzbistums Freiburg sind auf seinem Gebiet unzählige anspruchsvolle Kirchenbauten mit bemerkenswerten künstlerischen Ausstattungen entstanden. Viele von ihnen sind wahre Schätze der Architektur- und Kunstgeschichte, die es zu entdecken lohnt. Zum großen Teil von Dorothea Burkhardt neu fotografiert, werden sie zum ersten Mal einem breiten Leserkreis vorgestellt.

CHF 52.50

Selected Essays on Intermediality by Werner Wolf (1992-20...

Wolf, Werner / Bernhart, Walter
Selected Essays on Intermediality by Werner Wolf (1992-2014): Theory and Typology, Literature-Music Relations, Transmedial Narratology, Miscellaneous
This volume collects twenty-two major essays by Werner Wolf published between 1992 and 2014, which have contributed to establishing 'intermediality' as an internationally recognized research field, providing a widely accepted typology of the field and opening intermedial perspectives on areas as varied as narratology, metareferentiality and iconicity.

CHF 244.00

Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Er...

Wolf, Werner
Ästhetische Illusion und Illusionsdurchbrechung in der Erzählkunst
The Anglia Book Series (ANGB) offers a selection of high quality work on all areas and aspects of English philology. It publishes book-length studies and essay collections on English language and linguistics, on English and American literature and culture from the Middle Ages to the present, on the new English literatures, as well as on general and comparative literary studies, including aspects of cultural and literary theory.

CHF 243.00


Wolf Redl / Edith Clever / Ilse Ritter / Jutta Lampe / Bruno Ganz / Otto Sander / Werner Rehm / Peter Stein
Botho Strauß war nicht nur DER Hausdramatiker der Schaubühne, sondern auch auf Einladung von Peter Stein Produktionsdramaturg. Der Zusammenarbeit von Strauß und Stein entsprang die berühmte Bearbeitung von Gorkis SOMMERGÄSTEN. Sie wurde Maßstab gebend für das Theater und das Lebensgefühl der siebziger Jahre: Als Porträt einer Gesellschaft im Übergang. ''Wir sind Sommergäste, irgendwelche Zugereiste. Wir irren geschäftig umher, suchen nach eine...

CHF 19.50

Immersion and Distance: Aesthetic Illusion in Literature ...

Wolf, Werner / Bernhart, Walter / Mahler, Andreas
Immersion and Distance: Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and Other Media
Readers who appear to be lost in a storyworld, members of theatre or cinema audiences who are moved to tears while watching a performance, beholders of paintings who are absorbed by the representations in front of them, players of computer games entranced by the fictional worlds in which they interactively participate - all of these mental states of imaginative immersion are variants of 'aesthetic illusion', as long as the recipients, although...

CHF 174.00

The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media: ...

Wolf, Werner
The Metareferential Turn in Contemporary Arts and Media: Forms, Functions, Attempts at Explanation
One possible description of the contemporary medial landscape in Western culture is that it has gone 'meta' to an unprecedented extent, so that a remarkable 'meta-culture' has emerged. Indeed, 'metareference', i.e. self-reflexive comments on, or references to, various kinds of media-related aspects of a given medial artefact or performance, specific media and arts or the media in general is omnipresent and can, nowadays, be encountered in 'hig...

CHF 254.00

Ursprünge und Formen der Empfindsamkeit im französischen ...

Wolf, Werner
Ursprünge und Formen der Empfindsamkeit im französischen Drama des 18. Jahrhunderts (Marivaux und Beaumarchais)
Ziel dieser Untersuchung über das französische Drama des 18. Jahr- hunderts ist eine Korrektur des Topos von der Empfindsamkeit als bürgerlichem Phänomen. Sensibilité war, wie das Buch zeigt, auch für den Adel des Ancien Régime attraktiv, das empfindsame Drama lässt sich daher nicht auf eine Wegbereitung für die bürgerliche Revolution von 1789 reduzieren. Die Arbeit geht ein auf Ursprünge der Empfindsamkeit, erste Mani- festationen bei Marivau...

CHF 97.00

Silence and Absence in Literature and Music

Wolf, Werner
Silence and Absence in Literature and Music
This volume focusses on the rarely discussed reverse side of traditional, 'given' objects of studies, namely absence rather than presence (of text) and silence rather than sound. It does so from an interdisciplinary perspective and covers systematic as well as historical perspectives from the baroque age to the present.

CHF 194.00

Description in Literature and Other Media

Wolf, Werner / Bernhart, Walter
Description in Literature and Other Media
In contrast to narrative, description is a much less researched phenomenon, and where it so far has found attention at all, scholars have almost always discussed it with fiction in mind. The all but exclusive concentration on literature has hitherto obscured the fact that description transcends literature and indeed the verbal media in general and is not only a transgeneric but also a transmedial phenomenon that can be found in many other medi...

CHF 161.00

Metareference Across Media: Theory and Case Studies: Dedi...

Wolf, Werner / Bantleon, Katharina / Thoss, Jeff
Metareference Across Media: Theory and Case Studies: Dedicated to Walter Bernhart on the Occasion of His Retirement
Strange as it may seem, Cervantes's novel Don Quixote, Marc Forster's film Stranger than Fiction, Shakespeare's play A Midsummer Night's Dream, Pere Borrell del Caso's painting "Escaping Criticism" reproduced on the cover of the present volume and Mozart's sextet "A Musical Joke" all share one common feature: they include a meta-dimension. Metaization - the movement from a first cognitive, referential or communicative level to a higher one on ...

CHF 271.00