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104 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Ein verhärtetes Herz

Wommack, Andrew
Ein verhärtetes Herz
Viele Christen fragen sich, warum sie die Stimme des Herrn nicht hören oder keine Heilung erfahren. Fälschlicherweise schlussfolgern sie daraus, dass er einfach nicht reagiert. Aber dem ist nicht so - Gott antwortet immer! Das eigentliche Problem ist ein Herz, das für Gott nicht empfänglich ist. In Andrews Lehrbotschaft »Ein verhärtetes Herz« geht es um das Problem, die Ursache und die Heilung eines verhärteten Herzens. Diese Botschaft wird di...

CHF 17.50

Die Macht deiner Vorstellungskraft

Wommack, Andrew / Kohlmann, Gabriele
Die Macht deiner Vorstellungskraft
Allzu oft beten Gläubige um Heilung, erleben sie aber nicht. Sie beten um Erfolg, erhalten ihn aber nicht. Und warum? Weil ihnen die Macht ihrer Vorstellungskraft nicht bewusst ist! Sie wissen nicht, wie sie ihre Vorstellungskraft so gebrauchen können, wie Gott es vorgesehen hat. Sie sehen sich nicht geheilt. Sie sehen sich nicht erfolgreich. Sie sehen sich nicht siegreich. In »Die Macht deiner Vorstellungskraft« erläutert Andrew Wommack, wie...

CHF 22.50

Wie man auf dem Wasser geht

Wommack, Andrew
Wie man auf dem Wasser geht
Es war weder Fügung noch Glück, dass Petrus auf dem Wasser lief, während die anderen Apostel im Boot blieben. Doch warum erleben manche Menschen Wunder und andere nicht? Falls du denkst, Wunder geschehen nur, wenn Gott es so will, ist deine Sichtweise fatalistisch - und das wird sich über kurz oder lang negativ auf deinen Glauben auswirken! Um auf dem Wasser zu gehen und Wunder zu erleben, musst du als Erstes eines tun: aus dem Boot steigen. ...

CHF 19.90

More Grace, More Favor

Wommack, Andrew
More Grace, More Favor
God's path to success is upside-down.All of the Bible's greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God's eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace. In More Grace, More Favor, bestselling author and teacher Andrew Wommack shares life-changing insights on the biblical connection between humility and blessing. He sheds new light on God's upside-down path to success and offers hands-on teaching for practicing humili...

CHF 44.50

More Grace, More Favor

Wommack, Andrew
More Grace, More Favor
God's path to success is upside-down. All of the Bible's greatest heroes share one common trait: humility. In God's eyes, humility qualifies a person for increased favor and grace. In More Grace, More Favor, bestselling author and teacher Andrew Wommack shares life-changing insights on the biblical connection between humility and blessing. He sheds new light on God's upside-down path to success and offers hands-on teaching for practicing humi...

CHF 31.50

The Power of Imagination

Wommack, Andrew
The Power of Imagination
Too often believers pray for healing but never experience it. They pray for prosperity but never receive it. Why? Because they don't know how to use their imagination the way God intended. They don't see themselves healed. They don't see themselves prosperous. They don't see themselves victorious. In The Power of Imagination, Andrew Wommack will unlock the power of your imagination and explain how you can put it to work giving you hope for the...

CHF 41.50

The New You & the Holy Spirit

Wommack, Andrew
The New You & the Holy Spirit
The New You It's important to understand what happened when you received Jesus as your Savior. That knowledge and understanding will keep the Word that was sown in your heart from being stolen by Satan. There is more to salvation than you have ever imagined. The forgiveness of sin was not the only thing included in your salvation. From God's perspective, it is just the beginning, a means to an end. Fellowship is the real goal. Now, become a di...

CHF 33.90

Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword

Wommack, Andrew
Sharper Than a Two-Edged Sword
A Special Message from Andrew Wommack:Sharper than a Two-Edged Sword is a compilation and summary of the sixteen most requested and important revelations God has given me. Some have even called these the Cliff Note versions of my messages. Each chapter addresses a specific topic in an abbreviated form, making it much easier to see how these truths are related and dependent upon one another.For example, if you understand the message of grace bu...

CHF 40.90

Harnessing Your Emotions

Wommack, Andrew
Harnessing Your Emotions
Emotions are: meant for enjoyment created to be good to be controlled by each individual Off the top of your head, you could probably think of times when you've been very emotional and lost control at the slightest set back or challenge. You then had to come back and apologize for how your emotions overtook you. NO MORE! Harnessing Your Emotions teaches us how to take responsibility for our emotions and control ourselves. Andrew Wommack shares...

CHF 40.90

Effortless Change

Wommack, Andrew
Effortless Change
The Word of God is like a seed and your heart is the soil.Most Christians want change in some area of their lives. They try and try to make those changes but soon find themselves falling back into the same habits and behaviors. Self-discipline and self-control have once again failed them. So how does lasting change take place? A worm doesn't struggle to become a butterfly in the cocoon. A seed doesn't strive to become a tree and produce fruit....

CHF 41.50


Wommack, Andrew
If you're honest, you'll admit you want to be promoted in life. You want the benefits of success, influence, and prosperity, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's what God wants for you too! Promotion even comes from God, and though relative to what God has called each person to do, it is available to every born-again believer! But even though promotion comes from God, it isn't God who determines whether you are promoted or not. It's you. ...

CHF 36.90

Financial Stewardship

Wommack, Andrew
Financial Stewardship
Many misunderstand stewardship. When they read or hear that word they think of hard work or obligation. In fact, the truth is just the opposite. As you will learn, seeing yourself as a steward of God's resources is the only way to true financial freedom. In this powerful book, Andrew addresses many of the sensitive issues regarding money. He defines Godly stewardship, the first steps to financial prosperity, the parable of the unjust steward, ...

CHF 40.90

A Better Way to Pray

Wommack, Andrew
A Better Way to Pray
After nearly four decades of ministry, Andrew Wommack has discovered some important truths about prayer. His prayer life is much different than it was thirty years ago and the results have dramatically improved! You may be asking many of the same questions Andrew once did. Is prayer my Christian duty? Is prayer primarily about asking God to meet my needs and the needs of others? Is God's answer to my prayer based on the degree of my humility a...

CHF 41.50

A Sure Foundation

Wommack, Andrew
A Sure Foundation
God's Word must be the foundation of everything we as Christians believe. When it's not-when we walk by sight-the foundation of our faith cracks. It becomes unstable. But when we learn to walk by faith, we can stand firm upon the only sure foundation.In A Sure Foundation, Andrew shows how God's Word is the incorruptible seed of His kingdom, intended to combat unbelief and produce a life of stability and fruitfulness. Learn about the integrity ...

CHF 41.50

You've Already Got It!

Wommack, Andrew
You've Already Got It!
God can do anything, but did you know He has already done everything? Instead of asking the Lord to do something for you - revive you, heal you, bless you, prosper you - accept what He has already done for you through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God has left you precious promises in His Word and those promises belong to you right now through Christ. As you see for yourself what God has already done for you and in you, ...

CHF 41.50

Believer's Authority

Wommack, Andrew
Believer's Authority
The controversial subject of the spiritual authority of the believer in Christ is widely discussed in the church today. Now, Andrew Wommack, host of the #1 fastest growing ministry on television, gives us a new perspective that may challenge everything we've been taught including: If believers have been given authority, then when, how, and toward what should it be exercised? Discover the true battleground and learn how to recognize the real en...

CHF 41.50


Wommack, Andrew
Good Enough for God?Recent surveys indicate that the vast majority of Christians, those claiming to be born-again, believe that their salvation is at least in part dependent upon their behavior and actions. Yes, they believe Jesus died for their sin, but once they accept Him as their savior, they believe they must still meet a certain standard to be "good" enough.If that is true, then what is that standard and how do you know when you have met...

CHF 41.50

God Wants You Well

Wommack, Andrew
God Wants You Well
Health is something everyone wants. Billions of dollars are spent each year trying to retain or restore health. It is a basic desire of all mankind. Anyone who likes sickness must be mentally sick! Yet, religion has told us that God is the one who wants us sick. It even tries to make us believe that sickness is a blessing. That's just not true. God wants you well.

CHF 41.50