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38 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 38.

Shadows Of The Workhouse

Worth, Jennifer
Shadows Of The Workhouse
A fascinating slice of East End life in postwar London, from the bestselling author of "Call The Midwife". Worth, who was a midwife working in the docklands area, tells more stories of people struggling in the face of tremendous poverty and deprivation, from the workhouse baby reputedly the illegitimate daughter of an aristocrat to the eccentric 90-year old nun accused of shoplifting.

CHF 19.50

Call the Midwife

Worth, Jennifer
Call the Midwife
A fascinating slice of social history, this is a collection of Jennifer Worth's tales of being a midwife in 1950s London. They are stories about people struggling in the face of tremendous poverty and deprivation, and will appeal to the large audience for misery memoirs and tales of triumph over tragedy. Worth came from a sheltered upbringing, and when she began work in the Docklands she was shocked by the impoverished surroundings in which ma...

CHF 16.50

Call the Midwife: Illustrated Edition

Worth, Jennifer, SRN, SCM
Call the Midwife: Illustrated Edition
Jennifer Worth's bestselling memoir evokes the lost world of 1950s East End London. The gritty reality of day to day life in a city recovering from war, in which families live in bombsites, children play among the rubble and the spectre of disease looms large, is set against the heroism and resilience of the women who struggle to bring their babies into the world and the midwives who fight alongside them. Funny, disturbing and moving, this spe...

CHF 35.50

Call the Midwife

Worth, Jennifer
Call the Midwife
The sequel to Jennifer Worth's New York Times bestselling memoir and the basis for the PBS series Call the MidwifeWhen twenty-two-year-old Jennifer Worth, from a comfortable middle-class upbringing, went to work as a midwife in the direst section of postwar London, she not only delivered hundreds of babies and touched many lives, she also became the neighborhood's most vivid chronicler. Woven into the ongoing tales of her life in the East End ...

CHF 23.50

Call the Midwife, Volume 3

Worth, Jennifer
Call the Midwife, Volume 3
The last book in the trilogy begun by Jennifer Worth's New York Times bestseller and the basis for the PBS series Call the MidwifeWhen twenty-two-year-old Jennifer Worth, from a comfortable middle-class upbringing, went to work as a midwife in the poorest section of postwar London, she not only delivered hundreds of babies and touched many lives, she also became the neighborhood's most vivid chronicler. Call the Midwife: Farewell to the East E...

CHF 23.90

De kinderen van het armenhuis

Worth, Jennifer / Pijl, Karin E. / Pol, Lidy
De kinderen van het armenhuis
Het vervolg op de bestseller Haal de vroedvrouw! en de basis voor de tv-serie Call the Midwife Jennifer Worth (in de tv-serie 'Call the Midwife' Jenny Lee), die in de jaren vijftig vroedvrouw was in de East End van Londen, vertelt in dit vervolg op 'Haal de vroedvrouw!' nog meer verhalen over de mensen met wie ze te maken kreeg. Zoals Peggy en Frank, wier ouders binnen zes maanden na elkaar stierven waarna er geen andere optie was dan het arme...

CHF 28.90

Haal de vroedvrouw!

Worth, Jennifer / Snijders, Meile
Haal de vroedvrouw!
Het is 1950 als de 22-jarige Jennifer Worth als vroedvrouw komt werken bij de nonnen van Nonnatus House, een kloosterorde die al sinds 1870 actief is in de Londense docklands. Het is een plek waar behalve de politie en de bewoners niemand durft te komen: bordelen, straatbendes en alcoholisten tussen de gebombardeerde huizen. Kinderen worden geboren onder erbarmelijke omstandigheden in huizen zonder elektriciteit en veelalzonder stromend water....

CHF 18.50

Call The Midwife

Worth, Jennifer
Call The Midwife
Tie-in edition to the new BBC 6-part series, due to air on primetime Sunday evenings from February 2012, starring Jenny Agutter, Pam Ferris and Miranda Hart, with newcomer Jessica Raine playing young Jennifer. The series is scripted by Heide Thomas ("Cranford"), and produced by Sam Mendes's company, with at least 2 further series already planned.

CHF 19.50

Call the Midwife-Im Schatten der Armenhäuser

Worth, Jennifer / Hofer von Lobenstein, Johanna
Call the Midwife-Im Schatten der Armenhäuser
Das Londoner East End, Ende der fünfziger Jahre: Als junge Hebamme leistet Jennifer Worth zusammen mit ihren Kolleginnen Geburtshilfe im Armenviertel der Stadt. Stets konfrontiert mit der prekären Lage der Menschen, die täglich spüren das Schlusslicht der Gesellschaft zu sein: Armut, Schmutz, Krankheiten und Verfall prägen das Bild. Inmitten dieses Elends kümmern sich die Hebammen und Schwestern hingebungsvoll um die Menschen und werden mit Wä...

CHF 18.50

In the Midst of Life

Worth, Jennifer
In the Midst of Life
From the No. 1 bestselling author of the much-loved "Call The Midwife" series, comes the final collection of true-life nursing stories which provide a moving insight into Worth's life, career and the period in which she writes.

CHF 19.50

Tales from a Midwife

Worth, Jennifer
Tales from a Midwife
An omnibus audio edition of the SUNDAY TIMES bestselling MIDWIFE series - true stories from a post-war community in London's East End. Read by Stephanie Cole and Anne Reid. Abridged editions.

CHF 40.90

Afscheid van de vroedvrouwen

Worth, Jennifer / Niessen, Ireen
Afscheid van de vroedvrouwen
Afscheid van de vroedvrouwen - Jennifer Worth 'Afscheid van de vroedvrouwen' is het laatste deel in de' Call the Midwife'-trilogie over vroedvrouwen in de Londense achterbuurt East End in de na-oorlogse jaren. De jaren zestig zijn aangebroken. De vroedvrouwen krijgen te maken met illegale abortussen, kindersterfte en een veranderende buurt. Zo is er het verhaal van Megan en Mave, de identieke tweeling die samen een groentekraam op de markt h...

CHF 28.90

Tra le vite di Londra

Worth, Jennifer / De Caro, C.
Tra le vite di Londra
La Londra che non c'è più, la città proletaria e miserabile dei docks del Tamigi pieni di barche e affollati di scaricatori, le misere stanze sovraccariche di avventure di Poplar o della Isle of Dogs: gli orfani e i vecchi su cui incombe lo spettro degli ospizi di mendicità di dickensiana memoria, ancora, negli anni Cinquanta del Novecento, la lingua, l'orgoglio, la civiltà, forse, Cockney: vite di Londra come le ha viste e racconta la giovani...

CHF 29.50

In the Midst of Life

Worth, Jennifer
In the Midst of Life
The bestselling author of the "Call The Midwife" series returns with a new collection of moving true-life stories from her time as a nurse and ward sister, treating patients who were nearing the ends of their lives. An audio edition is also available.

CHF 16.50