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Deux grenouilles en difficulté (Two Frogs in Trouble French)

Yogananda, Paramahansa
Deux grenouilles en difficulté (Two Frogs in Trouble French)
À la ferme, par un beau matin ensoleillé, un grand danger se profile à l'horizon pour Grosse Grenouille et Tite-Grenouille. Alors qu'elles batifolent dans le pré, elles sont loin de se douter qu'elles vont bientôt s'attirer de gros ennuis. Pourront-elles s'en sortir ?La peur se transforme en courage dans cette charmante nouvelle version d'une ancienne fable.

CHF 32.50

&#1593,&#1616,&#1593,&#1604,&#1605, &#1575,&#1604,&#1583,...

Yogananda, Paramahansa
&#1593,&#1616,&#1593,&#1604,&#1605, &#1575,&#1604,&#1583,&#1610,&#1606, (The Science of Religion Arabic)
Albert Einstein once declared: "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." In The Science of Religion Paramahansa Yogananda (author of the acclaimed spiritual classic Autobiography of a Yogi) reveals why the answers to the ultimate questions of both science and religion do not lie in scholarly research or blind belief, but in direct personal experience of a higher Reality that underlies and sustains all life. Wit...

CHF 16.50

Swami Yoganandaji's The Original Bhagavad Gita - 1932 Edi...

Yogananda, Swami
Swami Yoganandaji's The Original Bhagavad Gita - 1932 Edition (Volume-1, Chapters 1 to 4)
THE ORIGINAL BHAGAVAD GITA OF YOGANANDAJI (1932 Edition) - (In HIS Original Wordings, As Interpreted by HIM) The greatest Hindu scriptures are the four Vedas. One hundred and eight Upanishads were written, containing the essence of the four Vedas. Six systems of Hindu philosophy, Sankhya, Yoga, Vedanta, Nimansa, etc., contain the essence of the Vedas and Upanishads, and the "Bhagavad Gita" is the essence of the six philosophies, 108 Upanishad...

CHF 46.90

Original Teachings of Swami Yoganandaji Vol.-1 (Praecepta...

Yogananda, Swami
Original Teachings of Swami Yoganandaji Vol.-1 (Praeceptas Step 1 to 3, Lessons 1 to 77)
Evidences of Praeceptas that it has came from Master Himself ! God dedicated truths which Swami Yogananda writes as fast as he receives them from the Infinite. I am organizing a correspondence course here, exactly like ours. Dick is working hard setting up the correspondence course of Praecepta Lessons like that in America. An immortal work has been done. Besides, all our members, and specially real seekers, who cannot come in touch with me...

CHF 49.90

The Science of Religion

Yogananda, Swami
The Science of Religion
Religion mainly means God consciousness or the realisation of God, which it really does, then there is one Religion in the world for there is one God. And different customs, conventions, forms of worship, tenets may be held to form the grounds for the origin of different sects included under that one Religion. If Religion is understood in this way then and then only can its universality be maintained. For we cannot possibly universalise partic...

CHF 21.50

Spirituelle Erfüllung im Leben finden

Yogananda, Paramhansa
Spirituelle Erfüllung im Leben finden
Paramhansa Yogananda gibt Antworten auf Fragen, die auch in der heutigen Zeit aktueller nicht sein könnten. Seine Lehren und Erkenntnisse bieten uns einen Leitfaden dafür, wie wir im Alltag erfolgreich sein und gleichzeitig spirituelle Erfüllung im Leben finden können. Er erläutert, wie wir auch dann unser Bewusstsein erweitern und unser Leben voll auskosten können, wenn wir vor finanziellen, körperlichen, mentalen, emotionalen oder spirituell...

CHF 18.50

Stories from India, Volume 2

Yogananda, Paramhansa
Stories from India, Volume 2
Stories Are a Powerful TeacherStories from India Volume TwoParamhansa Yogananda As a universal medium, stories reach into the hearts of all God's children - young and old - delivering timeless truths in ways easy to digest and assimilate. Perhaps, more than anything, this is why Paramhansa Yogananda wove stories into all of his teachings through his lectures and books and why his close disciple, Swami Kriyananda, did the same. This second vo...

CHF 30.50

&#1602,&#1575,&#1606,&#1608,&#1606, &#1575,&#1604,&#1606,...

Yogananda, Paramahansa
&#1602,&#1575,&#1606,&#1608,&#1606, &#1575,&#1604,&#1606,&#1580,&#1575,&#1581, (The Law of Success--Arabic)
إذا قست النجاح بحسب نوعیة حیاتكبدلاً من مجرد الإنجازات المادیة، فإن الحكمة الخالدة التي یحتویھا ھذا الكتاب ستتحدث مباشرة إلى قلبك وروحك. لأكثر من خمسة وسبعین عاماً، ساعد ھذا الدلیل الكلاسیكي الملھم مئات الآلاف من الأشخاص على تجاوز العقبات ودعوة النجاح الشامل الكامل إلى حیاتھم

CHF 12.90

&#1604,&#1604,&#1607, &#1605,&#1581,&#1575,&#1583,&#1579,...

Yogananda, Paramahansa
&#1604,&#1604,&#1607, &#1605,&#1581,&#1575,&#1583,&#1579,&#1577, &#1740,&#1605,&#1603,&#1606,&#1603, &#1603,&#1740,&#1601, (How You Can Talk With God-
هل من الممكن حقاً التحدث مع الله والحصول على استجابات محددة لصلواتك؟في هذا الدليل الكلاسيكي، يجيب معلم روحي شهير على هذا السؤال وغيره. كيف يمكنك محادثة الله هو من الكتب المفضلة لدى الباحثين الروحانيين في جميع أنحاء العالم، ويوضح لنا كيف نصلي بحميمية أكبر - لتأسيس علاقة شخصية عميقة ومُرضية مع الله. إنه كتاب ينبغي الاحتفاظ به بجانب السرير، حيث تكتشف مع كل قراءة جواهر جديدة من الإلهام والحكمة.

CHF 13.50

Autobiografía de Un Yogui

Yogananda, Paramahansa
Autobiografía de Un Yogui
Autobiografâia de un yogui es la obra cumbre de Paramahansa Yogananda, que es autor tambiâen de una obra tan destacada como la traducciâon del Bhagavad-gåitåa. Nacido en Bengala con el nombre de Mukunda, conociâo a los 17 aänos a Yukteswar Giri, que serâia su gurâu y le encauzarâia en su bâusqueda espiritual. Fruto de esta serâia su viaje a Estados Unidos, la fundaciâon de la Self- Realization Fellowship y la elaboraciâon en âultimo tâermino d...

CHF 42.50

Autobiography of a Yogi

Yogananda, Paramhansa
Autobiography of a Yogi
The Original 1946 Unedited Edition of Yogananda's Spiritual Masterpiece AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A YOGI Paramhansa Yogananda Autobiography of a Yogi is one of the world's most acclaimed spiritual classics, with millions of copies sold. Named one of the Best 100 Spiritual Books of the twentieth century, this book helped launch and continues to inspire a spiritual awakening throughout the Western world. Yogananda was the first yoga master of India w...

CHF 40.90