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16 Ergebnisse.

Fishing For Wisdom

Zemanek, Stephen
Fishing For Wisdom
Have you ever wished there was some tool you could use to fish for life's answers? In "Fishing For Wisdom" Dr. Zemanek provides the reader with just such a tool. This amazingly useful little book on Proverbs can be employed alone or in a group setting. This book takes the fisherman for wisdom to the sea of Proverbs and allows him/her pull out truths - both large and small - which will feed the souls.

CHF 21.50

An Uncharted Journey

Zemanek, Stephen
An Uncharted Journey
Life is an uncharted journey for each of us. Regardless of how much we plan, how hard we strategize, and how strenuously we save, life will always be a series of unplanned events. These unexpected experiences make up our lives. Learning to navigate through the uncharted territories of life allows us to leave bitterness, emptiness, and hopelessness behind. It also allows us to live each moment of life's ups and downs fully. It is my hope tha...

CHF 21.50

Regret-Free Living

Zemanek, Stephen
Regret-Free Living
Regret-Free Living is a devotional guide designed to help the reader learn to view life properly. As you walk through these humorous and poignant stories you will begin to see God at work all around you. You were created by God to enjoy a lifestyle of joy, peace, and purpose. The biblical principles found in this devotional will guide you toward that lifestyle.

CHF 22.50

Is Jesus Enough?

Zemanek, Stephen
Is Jesus Enough?
Is Jesus Enough? Ours is a world in which everyone is seeking joy, peace, and purpose. Over nineteen hundred years ago Paul helped a group of Christians understand that they could live with joy, peace, and purpose through a relationship with Jesus. The concepts Paul gave them work equally as well for people today. This study guide is designed to help you discover joy, peace, and purpose for your life. Dr. Stephen Zemanek has written Is Jesu...

CHF 17.50

Revelation Unveiled

Zemanek, Stephen
Revelation Unveiled
This book/study guide is designed to help you draw from the pages of Scripture answers to the questions about the final book in the Bible. In a society which is sinking deeper into fear of the future it is invaluable to know Jesus is in control of future events. This book/study guide allows people to discover for themselves who Jesus is and what the value he brings to the lives of each person who chooses to follow him wholeheartedly. Revelatio...

CHF 20.50


Zemanek, Stephen
This study guide provides a means for working through Daniel's message rather than being a book filled with a single author's perspective. I is designed with straightforward insights into the text and questions on the text. This book can be used alone or in a group setting. In this book you will walk through the text of Daniel and discover what this prophet offers for yourself.

CHF 18.50

My Rainbow

Zemanek, Stephen
My Rainbow
In this picture book Dr. Stephen Zemanek answers the question "Why I named you Rainbow" for his daughter. It was presented by Dr. Zemanek to his daughter, Rainbow, on her 16th birthday.

CHF 47.50

GIVE ME A BREAK! Life Transforming Devotions

Zemanek, Stephen
GIVE ME A BREAK! Life Transforming Devotions
These are stories I use when teaching at various Mission Bible Training Centers (MBTC) around the country. These centers are dedicated to assisting men and women exchange lives of addiction for the true life of joy, peace, and purpose that comes through Jesus Himself. If you, or someone you love, is ready to leave addiction behind check them out at This book is dedicated to those who have given their lives to assist others in...

CHF 21.90

Putting Women in Their Place

Zemanek, Stephen
Putting Women in Their Place
In this book we will examine some key scriptures on the subject of a womanÕs role in leadership ministry. My focus will not be on current church practice or sociological developments which have affected peopleÕs views on the subject. Scripture will be examined as we answer the question, ÒHave we believed a lie?Ó

CHF 20.90

Minister's Survival Guide

Zemanek, Stephen
Minister's Survival Guide
Ministry is a noble vocation. Yet the statistics concerning ministers are startling! 45% of pastors' wives say the greatest danger to them and their family is physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual burnout. 70% don't have any close friends. 75% report severe stress causing anguish, worry, bewilderment, anger, depression, fear, and alienation. 80% believe that pastoral ministry affects their families negatively. 1, 500 pastors leave their m...

CHF 22.90


Zemanek, Stephen
Prayer doesn't really work. It's true. Of course most good Christians would never publicly admit that prayer is ineffective. The reality is, however, that our lifestyles do reveal what we truly believe about prayer - IT DOESN'T WORK. For most of us in God's family prayer has become more of a social event than a meaningful lifestyle precisely because our prayers don't work in any meaningful way. Sure Christians still talk a lot about prayer, bo...

CHF 17.50

Spiritual Gifts for the 21st Century

Zemanek, Stephen
Spiritual Gifts for the 21st Century
In this short book Dr. Stephen Zemanek offers a simple examination of the biblical text itself regarding spiritual gifts. Within these pages the reader will not find a specific denominational position. Nor does Dr. Zemanek try to push a personal agenda. This is simply a short book providing a basic platform for discussions on spiritual gifts in the 21st century. Whether or not you believe spiritual gifts are still in operation we can agree tha...

CHF 23.90


Zemanek, Stephen
There is no denying that the writers of the books of Acts through Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible believed wholeheartedly that Jesus was divine. The thrust of these writings are the out workings of people who believed Jesus was God in human flesh. This is an amazing subject in itself and one that has been dealt with by numerous authors. This book examines Jesus' words and actions to see if he believed himself to be divine.

CHF 21.90

Prayers That Change Everything!

Zemanek, Stephen
Prayers That Change Everything!
Prayers That Change Everything is a guide to rethink the way we pray. In this book you'll discover 52 ways of praying through the pleas-ures and pains of life. This is not a book of prayers. Rather, it is a guide to praying scriptural truths. Take one of these principles each week and use it to guide your discussions with God. As you spend the week praying along these guidelines you'll discover a growing sense of joy, peace, and purpose develo...

CHF 26.90

What Makes a Great Bible Teacher?

Zemanek, Stephen
What Makes a Great Bible Teacher?
We have all had opportunity to sit under biblical teachers who inspired us. We have all had the misfortune of sitting under biblical teachers who made their subject matter appear dull and pointless. After sitting under several of both types of teachers Dr. Zemanek has put this book together. It is Dr. Zemanek's contention that there are four basic principles that every great teacher has developed as part of their lives. What Makes A Great Bibl...

CHF 20.90


Zemanek, Stephen
We have all asked ourselves the questions, "What am I doing here?" and "Where am I going?" and "What point is there to life?" The book of Ecclesiastes takes up these questions in an extremely honest and frank way. Unfortunately, the book of Ecclesiastes is one that is often neglected by readers of the Bible because they find it to be, in their opinion, overly pessimistic. This book helps us understand the pessimism which those who don't have a...

CHF 25.50