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34 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Ar...

De Waal, Frans / Sklar, Alan
Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Are Who We Are
We have long attributed man's violent, aggressive, competitive nature to his animal ancestry. But what if we are just as given to cooperation, empathy, and morality by virtue of our genes? What if our behavior actually makes us apes? What kind of apes are we? From a scientist and writer E. O. Wilson has called the world authority on primate social behavior comes a fascinating look at the most provocative aspects of human nature-power, sex, vio...

CHF 32.90

Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Ar...

De Waal, Frans / Sklar, Alan
Our Inner Ape: A Leading Primatologist Explains Why We Are Who We Are
We have long attributed man's violent, aggressive, competitive nature to his animal ancestry. But what if we are just as given to cooperation, empathy, and morality by virtue of our genes? What if our behavior actually makes us apes? What kind of apes are we? From a scientist and writer E. O. Wilson has called the world authority on primate social behavior comes a fascinating look at the most provocative aspects of human nature-power, sex, vio...

CHF 32.90

Der Unterschied

de Waal, Frans / Arlinghaus, Claudia
Der Unterschied
»Dieses Buch ist großartig! Frans de Waal ist nicht nur einer der angesehensten Primatologen der Welt - er ist auch ein mutiger Feminist.« Sy Montgomery, Autorin von »Rendevous mit einem Oktopus«Unsere beiden nächsten Primatenverwandten, die Bonobos und die Schimpansen, stehen uns nahe und sind für unser Selbstverständnis wichtig. Witzig, ironisch und fesselnd behandelt der weltbekannte Primatenforscher Frans de Waal Themen wie Geschlechtsiden...

CHF 37.90

Mamas letzte Umarmung

de Waal, Frans / Hornung, Cathrine
Mamas letzte Umarmung
Hunde, Katzen, Affen, Elefanten, Delphine, Wale haben Gefühle. Tiere sind nicht weniger emotional als Menschen. Tatsächlich wäre es vermessen, menschliche Gefühle als einzigartig herauszustellen. Frans de Waal, der weltweit führende Forscher auf diesem Gebiet, schildert spannend und mitreißend die vielen, nicht nur emotionalen Gemeinsamkeiten von Tier und Mensch. Sind Affen die besseren Menschen? De Waal schildert in seinem Meisterwerk anscha...

CHF 35.50

Der Mensch, der Bonobo und die Zehn Gebote

de Waal, Frans / Hornung, Cathrine
Der Mensch, der Bonobo und die Zehn Gebote
Woher kommt die Moral? Wie hilft sie uns dabei, richtig zu handeln? De Waal beantwortet Fragen rund um Moral und Humanismus mit Blick auf Primaten und andere Tiere, die uns erstaunlich nahestehen: Im gottlosen Universum beobachtet er, wie Menschenaffen gerecht, kooperativ und empathisch handeln. Der weltbekannte Primatenforscher Frans de Waal nimmt uns mit auf eine erfrischende, philosophische Reise, bei der die lange Tradition des Humanismu...

CHF 34.50

Bonobo ve Ateist

De Waal, Frans
Bonobo ve Ateist
Icimizdeki Maymunda insan dogasi hakkindaki önyargilari altüst eden De Waal, bu kez gözlemlerini evrimci biyoloji ve ahlak felsefesi baglamina tasiyarak essiz bir argüman insa ediyor. Insan ahlaki denilen seyin gökten zembille inmedigini, icten geldigini savunuyor Ahlaki davranis ne dinle baslamistir, ne de dinle biter, evrimin ürünüdür. Hayvanlarla aramizdaki baglar üzerinde duran De Waal, ahlakimizi asagidan yukari dogru aciklamaya calisiyor...

CHF 31.50

Mama's Last Hug

de Waal, Frans
Mama's Last Hug
Mama's Last Hug is a whirlwind tour of new ideas and findings about animal emotions, based on Frans de Waal's renowned studies of the social and emotional lives of chimpanzees, bonobos and other primates. It opens with the moving farewell between Mama, a dying 59-year-old chimpanzee matriarch, and Jan Van Hoof, who was Frans de Waal's mentor and thesis advisor. The filmed event has since gone viral (over 9.5 million views on YouTube).De Waal d...

CHF 25.90

Mama's Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us ab...

De Waal, Frans
Mama's Last Hug: Animal Emotions and What They Tell Us about Ourselves
Frans de Waal has spent four decades at the forefront of animal research. Following up on the best-selling Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?, which investigated animal intelligence, Mama's Last Hug delivers a fascinating exploration of the rich emotional lives of animals. Mama's Last Hug begins with the death of Mama, a chimpanzee matriarch who formed a deep bond with biologist Jan van Hooff. When Mama was dying, van Hooff too...

CHF 38.90

Naturalmente buoni. Il bene e il male nell'uomo e in altr...

De Waal, Frans / Montixi Comoglio, L.
Naturalmente buoni. Il bene e il male nell'uomo e in altri animali
Oltre che umani, noi ci gloriamo di essere "umanitari": un modo per eleggere la moralità a marchio distintivo della nostra natura. Gli animali, ovviamente, non possono essere umani: ma possono essere "umanitari"? I biologi e gli evoluzionisti sostengono che deve esistere una continuità tra il comportamento dell'uomo e quello degli altri animali. Ma questa continuità vale anche per il concetto di etica? E se vale, qual è il vantaggio evoluzioni...

CHF 22.50

The Bonobo and the Atheist

de Waal, Frans
The Bonobo and the Atheist
For many years, de Waal has observed chimpanzees soothe distressed neighbors and bonobos share their food. Now he delivers fascinating fresh evidence for the seeds of ethical behavior in primate societies that further cements the case for the biological origins of human fairness. Interweaving vivid tales from the animal kingdom with thoughtful philosophical analysis, de Waal seeks a bottom-up explanation of morality that emphasizes our connect...

CHF 25.90

Primate Mind

de Waal, Frans B M / Ferrari, Pier Francesco
Primate Mind
Prominent neuroscientists, psychologists, ethologists, and primatologists from around the world take a bottom-up approach to primate social behavior by investigating how the primate mind connects with other minds and exploring the shared neurological basis for imitation, joint action, and empathy as well as their evolutionary foundations.

CHF 155.00