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61 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.


Odunuga, Lateefat
Jiri 'Tommy Na Obere Mkp¿r¿ Ah¿' z¿lite ¿¿¿ nke okike. Ak¿k¿ a mara mma na-akp¿ nd¿ na-ag¿ akw¿kw¿ na-eto eto, nd¿ d¿ af¿ 0 ruo 5, n'ime ¿wa ebe Tommy, nwa nwoke na-ach¿ ¿mata ihe, na-ach¿p¿ta anwansi d¿ n'¿k¿ obere mkp¿r¿ na ¿h¿ mgbanwe ya na-akpali akpali ¿gh¿ okooko osisi mara mma. N'iji ihe at¿ mara mma, ¿ b¿ mmeghe zuru oke maka ihe okike ¿t¿nanya maka obere nwa g¿.

CHF 19.90


Ogunsanwo, Olumide / Biaou, Achani Samon
Inwe nnwere onwe ego tupu af¿ 40 ga-ekwe omume. Nd¿ njem ab¿¿ si Africa na-eker¿ta njem ha na America na Europe ebe ha nwere onwe ha n'¿z¿ ego. Akw¿kw¿ a b¿ maka nd¿ mb¿aramb¿a, nd¿ mba ¿z¿, nd¿ na-akwaghar¿ akwaghar¿, nd¿ pere mpe, nd¿ kwabatara na onye ¿ b¿la ch¿r¿ ibi nd¿ ha kpachap¿r¿ anya. Olumide na Samon ¿ b¿gh¿ nan¿ na-ekwu maka itinye ego na ego nke onwe, kamakwa nkà mm¿ta uche na mmet¿ta nke nwata, obi ike onwe onye, ¿z¿lite ¿ch¿...

CHF 51.90


Sunny Abakwue
IGBO IS ROYAl is the book that shows the regal characters of an Igbo person. First of all, an Igbo is truly blessed. This is self-evident in his or her daily life. And Igbo Person hates the trait of a trouble-maker And he avoid such a person like the terrible disease, known as leprosy. An Igbo man Loves to become rich . One would see him travel to other nations, in pursuit of his own future.

CHF 25.90


Sunny Abakwue
IGBO IS ROYAl is the book that shows the regal characters of an Igbo person. First of all, an Igbo is truly blessed. This is self-evident in his or her daily life. And Igbo Person hates the trait of a trouble-maker And he avoid such a person like the terrible disease, known as leprosy. An Igbo man Loves to become rich . One would see him travel to other nations, in pursuit of his own future.

CHF 34.50

Ugo Igbo Language Children's Dictionary

Onwukeme, Ada
Ugo Igbo Language Children's Dictionary
Ugo Igbo Language Children's Dictionary is an aesthetically illustrated literary work to enable Igbo children and lovers of Igbo language to learn, sustain, and perpetuate the Igbo language unto eternity. A wonderful companion for learners and enthusiasts. It has a concise explanation of words in Igbo, with a sentence, then a translation of the sentence in English. Consequently, it seems you are studying the Igbo language with a teacher bes...

CHF 76.00


Ogunsanwo, Olumide / Biaou, Achani Samon
Inwe nnwere onwe ego tupu af¿ 40 ga-ekwe omume. Nd¿ njem ab¿¿ si Africa na-eker¿ta njem ha na America na Europe ebe ha nwere onwe ha n'¿z¿ ego. Akw¿kw¿ a b¿ maka nd¿ mb¿aramb¿a, nd¿ mba ¿z¿, nd¿ na-akwaghar¿ akwaghar¿, nd¿ pere mpe, nd¿ kwabatara na onye ¿ b¿la ch¿r¿ ibi nd¿ ha kpachap¿r¿ anya. Olumide na Samon ¿ b¿gh¿ nan¿ na-ekwu maka itinye ego na ego nke onwe, kamakwa nkà mm¿ta uche na mmet¿ta nke nwata, obi ike onwe onye, ¿z¿lite ¿ch¿...

CHF 39.90

Cat Schrödinger

Devajit Bhuyan
Cat Schrödinger
Nuzod¿ Einstein nke phur¿, iwu Heisenberg nke okara, njem Schrödinger dj mma n'ime ndi na-atu ihe na-ekwu na ndi na-efu nke fiziks n'ihi oke n'oge. Mgbe fiziks na-akoro n'ime, nke ¿ b¿gh¿ ihe ndi na-ahu. Ndu mmiri ojii, antimata, ugbo ala, iwu quantum entanglement na-atu, di otu ihe ndi mmadu a na-atu ihe nchoghari. Ma fiziks na iwu okochab¿, ab¿gh¿ na ndi mmad¿ anagh¿ afodi na ¿ b¿gh¿ ha mmad¿. Ma fiziks na akwukwo, obere na mm¿¿ nke nd¿ Qz...

CHF 19.90

Okowata: (Oba Mkpuruokwu Igbo)

Ihebom, Nnenna
Okowata: (Oba Mkpuruokwu Igbo)
Okowata is one of the first Monolingual Igbo Dictionaries explaining more than 11, 000 words in Igbo language. The book also covers the translation of some words, parts of the body and other things that the Igbo nation is known for

CHF 36.90

Nk¿wa nke ngalaba ¿gw¿ ¿gw¿ nye ¿d¿iche nke nwoke na nwaa...

Okunoren-Oyekenu, Yewande
Nk¿wa nke ngalaba ¿gw¿ ¿gw¿ nye ¿d¿iche nke nwoke na nwaany¿ nke a ch¿p¿tara na mgbake site n'anesthesia
This book is for healthcare professionals and the public interested in how anaesthetic agents work. It provides essential information on general anaesthetic pharmacology. The review will aid in a patient-centric approach to anaesthesia practice and considerations for dosage regimens in a gender-wise and ethnic fashion for best results in recovery from general anaesthetics. This book is also useful as a language learning tool for healthcare pro...

CHF 40.90

Explication Pharmacologique De La Différence De Genre Obs...

Okunoren-Oyekenu, Yewande
Explication Pharmacologique De La Différence De Genre Observée Dans La Récupération L'Anesthésie, Nk¿wa nke ngalaba ¿gw¿ ¿gw¿ nye ¿d¿iche nke nwoke na nwaany¿ nke ch¿p¿tara na mgbake site n'anaesthesia. French and Igbo Language for Healthcare Workers
Ce livre est destiné aux professionnels de la santé et au public intéressé par le fonctionnement des agents anesthésiques. Il fournit des informations essentielles sur la pharmacologie de l'anesthésie générale. La recherche a montré que les patients de sexe féminin subissent une aggravation des effets secondaires des agents anesthésiques par rapport aux patients de sexe masculin de tous les groupes ethniques. Ce livre fournit l'explication pha...

CHF 43.90

Obioma (Igbo Edition)

Unigwe, Chika / Okoroafor, Chinyere
Obioma (Igbo Edition)
8 year-old Obioma is a football star. She uses a special stick to score goals and never loses a race in her wheelchair! But when she moves to a new city, she has to go to a new school where she has no friends, and everyone calls her ¿the girl with the wheelchair¿. Obioma misses playing football most of all, until one day a girl named Ayana asks her to race. Once they start playing football, everyone joins in and Obioma finds a new team to play...

CHF 24.90

Sagan af Stóru Útidyrunum

Leonard, Mary Finley
Sagan af Stóru Útidyrunum
Þetta var lítið hús með oddhvassu þaki og það stóð í miðjum gamaldags garði, þar sem um árabil og ár höfðu lilaxar og snjókúlur, peonies og rósir, bleikur og sweet-william og tugir annarra blóma, blómstrað hamingjusamlega á tímabili, án nokkurra vandræða fyrir neinn. Í bakgrunni óx sólblóm og hollyhocks og báðum megin við framhliðið stóðu tveir stælir litir sedrusvið eins og varðmenn. Gatan sem hlið þetta opnaðist á var vítt og skuggalegt og b...

CHF 33.90


Melville, Herman
Hvalurinn er saga ógnvekjandi brjálæðings sem stundar óheilagt stríð gegn veru eins víðfeðmum og hættulegum og óþekkjanlegum eins og hafið sjálft. En meira en bara ævintýraskáldsaga, meira en alfræðiorðabók um hvalveiðarfræði og þjóðsögur, má líta á bókina sem hluta af ævilangri hugleiðslu höfundarins um Ameríku. Moby-Dick er skrifaður með dásamlega endurlausnarhúmor og er einnig djúpstæð rannsókn á eðli, trú og eðli skynjunar.

CHF 32.50

Rigo Osisi Oroma

Nwosu, Ijeoma / Akram, Maria
Rigo Osisi Oroma
This is a beautifully illustrated children's book written in the Igbo Language. It is a fun book that contains simple phrases for anyone from any background that would like to learn words in the Igbo Language. There is a glossary page to aid pronunciation. Igbo Language is one of the Nigerian Languages spoken by indigenes who originate from the south eastern part of Nigeria in West Africa. It is a beautiful Language spoken in many dialects. Th...

CHF 15.90

My First 100 Objects in Igbo and English

Otiaba, Ngozi Theodora
My First 100 Objects in Igbo and English
This engaging bilingual book is packed with beautiful pictures of everyday objects and things, such as household items, toys, nature, dressing up items etc. With over 100 bright and colourful pictures, this book is sure to arouse your child's curiosity and interest in learning and exploring everyday words in Igbo Language. There's no better way to teach a child a new word than to show them a picture to link to the word- This is what this book ...

CHF 25.90

My First 100 Foods in Igbo and English

Otiaba, Ngozi Theodora
My First 100 Foods in Igbo and English
This delightful bilingual book is packed with appetizing foods, fruits and vegetables. With over 100 bright and colourful pictures, this book is sure to arouse your child's curiosity and interest in learning and exploring some of their native foods.Each page comes in a particular colour scheme and is dedicated to a different group of foods such as fruits, vegetables, snacks, drinks etc. The Igbo words are highlighted in a different colour from...

CHF 25.90

My First 100 Animals in Igbo Language and English

Otiaba, Ngozi Theodora
My First 100 Animals in Igbo Language and English
This engaging bilingual book is part of the First 100 Words series in Igbo language and English. It is packed with lovely animals of every sort, including land animals, water animals, birds, insects, reptiles etc. With over 100 bright and colourful pictures, this book is sure to arouse your child's curiosity and interest in learning and exploring the animals in Igbo Language. Each page comes in a particular colour scheme and is dedicated to a ...

CHF 25.90

Ihe Mwube Ulo 2 and 3

International, All Nations / Skinner, Gordon / Whitehead, Annella
Ihe Mwube Ulo 2 and 3
Foundations of Faith is a simple, concise discipleship plan that builds a firm foundation in individuals, families and congregations. It is written in readable and understandable language for everyone including those who read English as a second language. Since 1954, All Nations International has used this curriculum to train men and women in the principles of Isaiah 58. This training is now available regardless of location or knowledge and th...

CHF 21.90