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10 Ergebnisse.

All Gods Children

Mitchell, Alex
All Gods Children
A crime so atrocious gangsters, killers, and social deviants alike cringe at the thought of it.Who really is responsible for all Gods Children.When the good guys are impotent to stop the bad guys, an even worse group of people is required.Enter the Braden twins.The twins Nicky and Cole combine with Libby to fight against a pair of twins that auction infant body parts stolen from the poorest of children to the highest bidders.Amanda the nun is ...

CHF 33.50

Welcome to Shepherds Pass

Mitchell, Alex
Welcome to Shepherds Pass
Welcome to Shepherds Pass A new town. An alley with multiple dead bodies and partner that needs a babysitter more than anything else. Still Detective Lavon Tyler's biggest fear was whether he could leave behind what caused him to run to this town.

CHF 20.90

Revenge at Shepherds Pass

Mitchell, Alex
Revenge at Shepherds Pass
Revenge in Shepherds Pass Revenge, one of the oldest motives for homicide known to man sweeps through Shepherds Pass. Lavon and Abby must rush to stop the righteous anger of a killer willing to die to get her revenge. Normal people are dying. Taxpayers are being murdered and not only is there no link or reasonable link. The U. S. Marshals Service has Shepherds Pass Police on stand down. What is even worse Lavon feels he may be losing the progr...

CHF 19.90

The Mole Hunters Children

Mitchell, Alex
The Mole Hunters Children
It is never good when the police have to call the police. A military style assault on a man who for all practical purposes was an average homeowner. Now the St. Louis Area Major Case squad is catapulted into a political game of death. Sibling rivalry on a Governmental level with the Whitehouse desperate for answers.

CHF 31.90

Robinhood at Shepherds Pass

Mitchell, Alex
Robinhood at Shepherds Pass
Robinhood in Shepherds Pass A group of genius youth with a plan to cure the world's ills by funding the neediest of charities. A good plan if it not for the fact that the funds they were using were being extracted from the accounts of gangsters. Lavon and Abby must swing into action to intercede in a battle between law breakers. Abby must take the lead as one of the private investigators involved in concealing the crime is an enemy to Lavon,...

CHF 20.90

That Which Makes Us Who We Are

Mitchell, Alex
That Which Makes Us Who We Are
That Which Makes Us Who We Are The naked body of a woman lands in the indoor fountain of a major hotel lobby. Retired Police Detective Robert Bobby Bond had agreed to one last case. One last chance to ride with an old partner an retell stories of their glory days, but no such luck. The naked body of a woman lands in the indoor fountain of a major hotel lobby. A multi-state sex game The partner he thought he was going to reunite with turns out ...

CHF 29.90

Balance of Power in Shepherds Pass

Mitchell, Alex
Balance of Power in Shepherds Pass
Power. The elixir that drives many. Power the combining wealth and intelligence has crash landed in Shepherds Pass. The balance of power that has for decades kept two sides of a waring family in deadlock now seems destined to tilt. An outside gangster bent on profiting from an inevitable onslaught sends killers to stop Lavon and Abby's progress.

CHF 30.50

Man Among the Missing

Mitchell, Alex
Man Among the Missing
A man- a good man. A man- a loving single parent. A man-a friend to the neighbors. A man- by all description somewhat of a loner. Now a man among the missing. A military style gun battle and home invasion and nothing appears to be as it was once believed to be. The police race against time as they clash with a similar race by the FBI. The only thing for sure is they must find out the truth about, the man among the missing.

CHF 27.90

Treasure at Shepherds Pass

Mitchell, Alex
Treasure at Shepherds Pass
Treasure at Shepherds Pass A puzzle that has eluded the FBI for decades lands Shepherds Pass. A friend has been abducted and Abby has victimized. Levon must put together a plan to solve this mystery before time runs out. Lavon gets a lesson in human frailty as he watches Abby struggle to stay the hardheaded foul-mouthed person she prefers to project. With the help of Cleatus her newest friend she rises to assist the team.

CHF 21.50

Secrets That Bind Family

Mitchell, Alex
Secrets That Bind Family
The secrets that Bind Families The twins Nicky and Cole grow up realizing they are bound by love and trust. Their strong connection protects them later. As private investigators for some of the most convoluted of cases, they learn that there are other way brother and sister relationships are bound. Nicky and Cole discover that are those bonds in some families that there must be held secret.

CHF 37.50