Suche einschränken:
Zur Kasse

289 Ergebnisse - Zeige 121 von 140.

Titans are in Town: A Novella and Accompanying Essays

Sunic, Tomislav / MacDonald, Kevin B.
Titans are in Town: A Novella and Accompanying Essays
Titans are in Town consists of a novella and cultural essays by Dr. Tomislav Sunic. In the novella and his essays, Sunic discusses the state of Europeans in their postmodern wasteland. Confronted by endless interracial chaos, Europe longs for the return of Titans. Based on Friedrich Georg Jünger's seminal 1944 work Die Titanen, the dormant Titans represent the only salvation for slumbering Europeans. The Titans' unexpected return from mid-eart...

CHF 26.90

Svenska Folkets Underbara Öden: Äldre Vasatiden (Band II)

Grimberg, Carl Gustaf
Svenska Folkets Underbara Öden: Äldre Vasatiden (Band II)
I den andra delen av Carl Grimbergs vandring genom Sveriges historia får läsaren följa med till 1500-talet och Gustav Vasas färd från jagad upprorsman i Dalarnas utmarker till reformator och landsfader.Under Vasas ledning bryts unionen med Danmark för gott och Sverige blir en modern nationalstat med starkt centralstyre och arvsmonarki. Men Vasaättens tid på tronen präglas inte bara av fortskridande utan även av bondeuppror, brödrastrider och i...

CHF 50.90

The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory: The Fourth Polit...

Dugin, Alexander
The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory: The Fourth Political Theory Vol. II
The sequel to the bestseller The Fourth Political Theory, expanding further on the fourth political theory. All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy, the second is Marxism, and the third is fascism. The latter two have long since failed and passed out of the pages of history, and the first no longer operates as an ideology, but rather as somethi...

CHF 28.90

The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory

Dugin, Alexander
The Rise of the Fourth Political Theory
The sequel to the bestseller The Fourth Political Theory, expanding further on the fourth political theory. All the political systems of the modern age have been the products of three distinct ideologies: the first, and oldest, is liberal democracy, the second is Marxism, and the third is fascism. The latter two have long since failed and passed out of the pages of history, and the first no longer operates as an ideology, but rather as somethi...

CHF 49.90

Ur Ruinerna: 2000-Talets Höger Växer Fram

Andersen, Joakim / Friberg, Daniel
Ur Ruinerna: 2000-Talets Höger Växer Fram
Den liberala ordning som präglade 1900-talets senare del håller nu under trycket av sina växande motsättningar och kriser på att bryta samman. Den riskerar att dra den europeiska civilisationen och de folk som skapat denna med sig i fallet. Detta är inte tiden för liberal reformism, detta är snarare en tid som kan liknas vid en gordisk knut av kriser. Mycket av vår civilisation ligger idag i ruiner, om än inte alltid fysiska sådana. Men det fi...

CHF 31.50

A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth

Evola, Julius / Vona, Gábor
A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth
A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth consists of essays selected from throughout Evola's lifetime, but most especially from the post-war era, when youth across the Western world had thrown their societies into chaos with protests, civil unrest, and by defying conventional mores. According to Evola, the problem was not with the youth themselves, given that he viewed the inquisitive and seeking mentality associated with the young as essential toward ...

CHF 36.50

Generace Identity: Vyhlásení války

Willinger, Markus
Generace Identity: Vyhlásení války
Upírání práv evropských národu na vlastní dedictví, historii a dokonce i fyzickou existenci vlastí samotných se stalo nedílnou soucástí ideologie postmoderního Západu. Masová imigrace, selektivní štvavá propaganda a neustálý príval zpravidla zvrácené - nebo prinejmenším nesmyslné - „konzumní kultury" nasmerovaly Evropu na cestu k nebytí. Z jejích puvodních obyvatel se povetšinou stali izolovaní, vykorenení a dezorientovaní jedinci, stále více ...

CHF 18.50

Ur Ruinerna: 2000-Talets Höger Växer Fram

Andersen, Joakim / Friberg, Daniel
Ur Ruinerna: 2000-Talets Höger Växer Fram
Den liberala ordning som präglade 1900-talets senare del håller nu under trycket av sina växande motsättningar och kriser på att bryta samman. Den riskerar att dra den europeiska civilisationen och de folk som skapat denna med sig i fallet. Detta är inte tiden för liberal reformism, detta är snarare en tid som kan liknas vid en gordisk knut av kriser. Mycket av vår civilisation ligger idag i ruiner, om än inte alltid fysiska sådana. Men det fi...

CHF 23.90

Supranational Union and New Medievalism: Forging a New Sc...

Kennedy, Lance
Supranational Union and New Medievalism: Forging a New Scottish State
In this detailed study, Lance Kennedy delves into the prospect of New Medievalism and its potential for adjusting power relationships between regions, nations and the EU, and whether this might allow for the rebirth of pre-Westphalian systems of European organization. As a case study, Kennedy explores the history of Scottish politics, Scotland's complex relationship with the United Kingdom and the EU, and the rise of the Scottish National Part...

CHF 16.50

Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age

Duchesne, Ricardo
Faustian Man in a Multicultural Age
At this pivotal moment in recent Western history, Richard Duchesne tackles what may be the most crucial question for people of European descent: 'What makes us unique?'Casting aside the dominant cultural Marxist narratives and dismissing the popular media attacks on concepts of 'whiteness', Duchesne draws on a range of historical examples, sources and philosophies to examine the origins of European man, his achievements, and the nature of the ...

CHF 28.90

Travels in Cultural Nihilism: Some Essays

Leonard, Stephen Pax
Travels in Cultural Nihilism: Some Essays
In 2015, the magnitude of the migration crisis was such that the future of Sweden, the country that had welcomed more migrants than any other country (on a per capita basis) and that is frequently described by the UN as the 'best country to live in in the world', looked less than certain. Its neighbour, Norway, began preparing for its collapse. And yet, the majority of Swedes approved apparently of the changes imposed on their model society.Th...

CHF 33.90

A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth

Evola, Julius / Vona, Gábor
A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth
A Handbook for Right-Wing Youth consists of essays selected from throughout Evola's lifetime, but most especially from the post-war era, when youth across the Western world had thrown their societies into chaos with protests, civil unrest, and by defying conventional mores. According to Evola, the problem was not with the youth themselves, given that he viewed the inquisitive and seeking mentality associated with the young as essential toward ...

CHF 21.90

A Geração Identitária: Uma Declaração de Guerra Contra a ...

Willinger, Markus
A Geração Identitária: Uma Declaração de Guerra Contra a Geração de 68
A negação do direito dos povos europeus à sua própria herança, história e até mesmo às suas pátrias físicas tornou-se parte do fundamento cultural do Ocidente moderno. A imigração em massa, uma propaganda selectiva e vilipendiante e um constante bombardeamento da perversa, ou melhor dizendo, fútil, cultura do consumismo, contribuem para a transformação da Europa em uma não-entidade. A sua população nativa consiste principalmente de indivíduos ...

CHF 16.90

Une Europe Des Nations

Willinger, Markus
Une Europe Des Nations
Un nouveau millénaire a vu le jour : celui des grands blocs politiques. Que ce soit l'Amérique contre la Chine, l'Iran chiite contre le monde sunnite ou la Russie contre l'Occident, les superpuissances s'affrontent en tentant de répandre ou protéger leur culture. Au milieu de cette lutte de titans, l'Europe actuelle est désunie. Les « bons Européens » blâment les états-nations pour cet état de fait alors que les gouvernements nationaux luttent...

CHF 18.90

Fascism Viewed from the Right

Evola, Julius
Fascism Viewed from the Right
In this book, Julius Evola analyses the Fascist movement of Italy, which he himself had experienced first-hand, often as a vocal critic, throughout its entire history from 1922 until 1945. Discussing - and dismissing - the misuse of the term 'fascism' that has gained widespread acceptance, Evola asks readers not to allow the fact of Italy's defeat in the Second World War to distract us from making an objective analysis of the ideology of Fasci...

CHF 41.90

Manifiesto por un Renacimiento Europeo

De Benoist, Alain / Champetier, Charles
Manifiesto por un Renacimiento Europeo
Este manifiesto permanece la única tentativa hasta la fecha por GRECE, la principal organización de la Nueva Derecha en Francia, para sumariar sus principios y conceptos llave. Fue escrito en 1999 por Alain de Benoist, el fundador de GRECE, y Charles Champetier en la ocasión del trigésimo cumpleaños de GRECE. Ofrece un argumento fuerte a favor del derecho a la diferencia entre culturas y civilizaciones, y el derecho de los pueblos de defenders...

CHF 11.90

Fascism Viewed from the Right

Evola, Julius
Fascism Viewed from the Right
In this book, Julius Evola analyses the Fascist movement of Italy, which he himself had experienced first-hand, often as a vocal critic, throughout its entire history from 1922 until 1945. Discussing - and dismissing - the misuse of the term 'fascism' that has gained widespread acceptance, Evola asks readers not to allow the fact of Italy's defeat in the Second World War to distract us from making an objective analysis of the ideology of Fasci...

CHF 26.90

Preusseri Och Socialism

Spengler, Oswald
Preusseri Och Socialism
Den första upplagan av Oswald Spenglers stridsskrift Preussentum und Sozialismus kom ut i Tyskland 1919. En svensk översättning, här återgiven i faksimil, gavs ut på Chelius förlag två år senare under titeln Preusseri och socialism. För de flesta läsare torde termen "preusseri" vara synonym med kadaverdisciplin och despotiskt militärstyre. Spengler använder emellertid begreppet för att beteckna vad han kallar "preussarandan" - en typiskt tysk,...

CHF 16.90

Preusseri Och Socialism

Spengler, Oswald
Preusseri Och Socialism
Den första upplagan av Oswald Spenglers stridsskrift Preussentum und Sozialismus kom ut i Tyskland 1919. En svensk översättning, här återgiven i faksimil, gavs ut på Chelius förlag två år senare under titeln Preusseri och socialism. För de flesta läsare torde termen "preusseri" vara synonym med kadaverdisciplin och despotiskt militärstyre. Spengler använder emellertid begreppet för att beteckna vad han kallar "preussarandan" - en typiskt tysk,...

CHF 42.90

Avgörande år

Spengler, Oswald
Avgörande år
I Avgörande år tecknar Oswald Spengler en skoningslöst kritisk bild av den moderna västerländska civilisationen. Västerlandet är statt i förfall och på väg att dö, förgiftat av överdriven rationalism, brist på fungerande hierarkier och en allmänt utbredd rotlöshet. Spengler gör sina iakttagelser i mellankrigstidens Tyskland, under en period präglad av politisk oro och ekonomiskt kaos. För Spengler stod det klart att världen inte skulle vara si...

CHF 47.90